Update Progress
I can post my progress on certain updates for my scenarios. DO NOT chat here.
4 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
1.3 UPDATE, CIVIL WAR IN RUSSIA: The update is out! Update Includes: ⬛ Events for Russian Civil War (it's been along time coming) ⬛ Event chain for the Johnson Reed Act (USA) ⬛ New Civilizations (Bolshevik Russia, White Forces, and Spanish Guinea) ⬛ War between Poland and The Bolsheviks and The Peace of Riga Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/m3yg0mxhicop4s1/1920_1.3.zip/file
Last reply by Glisterr, -
- 0 replies
1.2 UPDATE!!! Hooray! It is finally here! It includes: ⬛ Tons of new events such as, The Spanish Civil War, The Great Emu War, and Blitzkrieg ⬛ New ideologies, Socialism, Social Democracy, Federal Republic and The Constitutional Monarchy ⬛ For some countries, different flags for the new ideologies ⬛ Technology levels for most countries, some of them are not realistic, and are only there to balance the game to make it more realistic ⬛ Added Manchuria as only a Chinese Vassal to simulate Japanese influence ⬛ Much more! ⬛ Removed kebab 1.2 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/65t01ep1hzmq5o3/1920_1.2.zip/file
Last reply by Glisterr, -
- 3 replies
The Update Is Out!!! I have finally finished the update on this scenario, and it is done earlier than expected. New Features: ⬛ Events for Irish rebels in UK, if you do not release the Irish Free State expect a crushing happiness loss. ⬛ Events for the rise of Mussolini in Italy, if you do not make Mussolini Prime Minister you risk a Fascist Civil War. ⬛ Events for Nazi Germany leading up to WW2 such as the Pact of Steel, Invasion of Austria (Now Redone) and the Invasion of Czechoslovakia ⬛ Nepal and Bhutan now added ⬛ Four new Custom Civilizations, Trucial States, British Oman, British South Arabia & The National Fascist Party (Ital…
Last reply by Glisterr, -
- 0 replies
Hello everybody! Now is a good time for me to post an update progress. I will warn there is a very small chance that you will not see an update this week, as I have something personal going on really soon. But the likelihood of that happening is very small. So yeah, this update will be REALLY soon. What I have done so far: ⬛ Added more events for Nazi Germany right before the start of WW2 ⬛ Added Mussolini takes power event in Italy, if you deny making him Prime Minister, your happiness is significantly lowered risking fascist civil war. ⬛ Saar-Basin has a choice to join Germany or France, there is a bug though where it seems to become apart of…
Last reply by Glisterr,