Leaders made by community
87 topics in this forum
Does anyone know leaders because I need help
Last reply by EgeFlex, -
- 0 replies
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n1lw_AKHRzvajes0CqmwzLEPSU5nCWIH/view?usp=drivesdk Random mod new leader pics for ww2
Last reply by That one romanian, -
- 21 replies
Hello friends After hours and days of playing AOC2, I realized that I could not stand the absence of new leaders, and unfortunately no one offered a new modern scenario for 2020, 2021 and 2022 . So I started working and got the names and photos of the current leaders from the internet and I am completing the editing of their photos. I just need someone to work with to add leaders to the game. Please contact me to cooperate in Telegram. (First person will be accepted) ID: @Lina24x Changes that will be applied : The number of leaders has greatly increased and several leaders have been selected from Africa and Oceania, unfortunately none of them have ev…
Last reply by Sevr, -
- 1 reply
Age Of History İçin Gergin Görünüşlü Adam Gergin Görünüşlü Adam.zip
Last reply by Deniz Sahin Akkaya, -
- 0 replies
I want to mess around with a op civ but the maximum leader bonus is 25%; is there any way to increase it to make population growth like 500%?
Last reply by niblo, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
This will replace U.S. President Donald Trump with Kermit the Frog. It won't add a new leader to the game. Kermit the Frog.zip
Last reply by GOAT_COMANDO69, -
- 1 reply
I made the images of 35 leaders from Asia, among them: Mohammed Bin Rachid Al Maktoun, Salman, Narendra Modi e mais. Donwload for PC: lideres asia e caucaso.zip
Last reply by Naikun, -
- 6 replies
I was trying to make a leader on AOC2 and I don't know what stats that should go into the negatives and which ones shouldn't. It's extremely confusing can you guys help me?
Last reply by Dolphin General, -
- 2 replies
After downloading and extracting the .rar file, read the "READ ME BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!!!" .txt file. Lenin.rar
Last reply by TDani12, -
sus sus.rar
Last reply by TDani12, -
- 9 replies
Sem título.png (218×173)
Last reply by Lixobounce, -
- 2 replies
Ignacy Moscicki Leader I made a polish leader so you can download (1926-1939) game.rar
Last reply by davidtjk, -
List of leaders in verison 1.0: Petro Poroshenko(Ukraine) Alexander Lukashenko(Belarus) Igor Dodon(Moldow) It`s first little verison of my More Leaders mod recent versions below More Leaders.rar
Last reply by MistakenTech067, -
Alguien sabe que fue del creador? se murió o dejo morir el juego para enfocarse en otras cosas? realmente me gusta este juego pero como que llevamos demasiado tiempo sin nada nuevo y hablando de eso en steam sale un nuevo mapa asiático, saben si ya tiene fecha de implementación? gracias de antemano
Last reply by esdrafco, -
- 1 reply
How do heck do leaders work in this game, like the birth date doesn't even matter: (you have tsar boris of bulgaria in 1200) is it there for some educational purposes (the gamebase is a bunch of 9 year olds, so...)
- 1 reply
Leader code: 1592108157945rxhdoipb Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/m7dhlk5kdz47uj7/President+of+Bulgaria.rar/file His name is Rumen Radev
Last reply by acerbggamingtv, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Nikolas Tronin, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by davidtjk, -
New Portraits
by ryu- 2 replies
This mod has a new portrait and a portrait background. For example, Stalin's portrait is this. The current version contains eight new portraits. ★Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union) ★Franklin D. Roosevelt (United States) ★Winston Churchill (United Kingdom) ★Adolf Hitler (Nazi Germany) ★Emperor Hirohito (Japanese Empire) ★chiang kai-shek (Republic Of China) ★Benito Mussolini (Kingdom Of Italy) ★Mao Zedong (People's Republic Of China) Download:leadersIMG.zip
Last reply by Lim10, -
- 1 reply
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rg4d5gej8swvr0v/First_leader_of_Poland.rar/file Leader code: 1598447619680dsiasdry
Last reply by Pirsicola Tortellini, -
- 0 replies
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rsk61z3y7r758cb/First_leader_of_Bulgaria.rar/file Leader Code: 1598445605965uyeslyfb
Last reply by FuseSelf555, -
- 2 replies
Just some random leaders: Ukraine's President - Volodymyr Zelensky Updated Grand Duchy of Lithuania Leader - Vytautas the Great Serbia's President - Aleksandar Vucic Kosovo's President - Hashim Thaçi (technically)Bosnia's President - Šefik Džaferović Saudi Arabia's King - Salman of Saudi Arabia North Macedonia's President - Stevo Pendarovski Japan's Emperor - Naruhito Australia's Prime Minister - Scott Morrison Belarus (not really) President - Alexander Lukashenko Latvia's President - Egils Levits India's President - Ram Nath Kovind Greece's Preside…
Last reply by Neon, -
- 1 reply
Hi. I send you the president of greece.
Last reply by Tashkent, -
- 7 replies
Leaders North America, Central America and Caribbean This Pack is an update of one I had already released a while ago, this one comes with new elected presidents and new photos too * Contains 23 Leaders Leader List Panama - Laurentino Cortizo Honduras - Juan Orlando Hernández El Salvador - Nayib Bukele Guatemala - Alejandro Giammattei Curacao - Lucille George-Wout Trinidad and Tobago - Paula-Mae Weekes Grenade - Cécile La Grenade Barbados - Sandra Mason Saint Lucia - Neville Cenac Dominica - Charles Savarin Guadeloupe - Ary Chalus Antigua and Barbuda - Rodney Williams Puerto…
Last reply by TheDarkEmperor, -
- 1 reply
hola a todos vengo mostrar cosas que deerian estar en el juego pero no estan 1 deverian de terminar de implementar las religuiones (que parsca una barra igual a la de la poblacion pero que diga si ay mas personas que creen en otra religuion obio que habria una barra de religuion donde puedes cambiar de religion igual a la barra de gobirnos y cada religuion tiene sus ventajas y tener opciones com emviar emisario tendria sirta efincia dependiendo de cunto dinero mandes a una provincia de un pais para convertirlo a la religuion que tienes la religuion jugariaun papel en la estabilidad de tu pais podrias convertir provincias conquista a tu relguion en la opcion de estab…
Last reply by DespotMilan,