Map Editor
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115 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Hey guys! This is probably the most detailed AocII map of a country that exists on this forum, with many provinces being walkable distances across (5-15km) I decided to make this map to have some unusual fun within the history which touched my own life and lifes of millions of other people negatively. I plan to have the game go not by weeks or days, but by hours, as wars tend to go in real life. I recommend you use Uwut engine for your installation especially with this map, as its pockets-retreat system really enhances the experience. At the moment of the first screenshot, 201 provinces are done, almost exclusively in the Kherson region. Слава Україн…
Last reply by Chairman Baad, -
- 0 replies
These maps were developed by Andro.Draw. Continents: Remia (West) Latonie (Northeast) Rakgar (Southeast)
Last reply by New_Panarey, -
- 16 replies
AOH2 Province Exporter I made this program because i had to make it lol and i made it in JavaScript. This program exports provinces you have made with the Map Editor, so instead of using the Map Editor to export provinces and having to rename the provinces (which isn't the case for Map Editor 2.0) or deleting and remaking the province files with the Map Editor, which is very time consuming. You could use this to export the provinces that are displayed in the Map Editor The way it works is by using the Map Editor data / mapAoC2_v2.txt file and exporting it to generate provinces. The Instructions of how to use it is in the program. GitHub Download/R…
Last reply by AddPlck, -
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Yes, I was inspired by this, because it takes too much time to connect provinces one by one, so I made a tool like this, he can automatically connect plots for you, and I have embedded it in my self-made mod (unpublished), and there is also a class file written in Java language, note, this file is compiled with Jdk8, please be sure to use jdk8 and above Download: Google Drive
Last reply by AddPlck, -
- 6 replies
Great Syria Map (1000+ Provinces) (Under Construction) AoC2ModdingTR Hello, everyone. We started working on a new map. We're designing a big map of Syria so you can play scenarios like the Syrian Civil War, modern-day Syria more realistically. We think the map will have about 1,000+ States when it's finished. At this time the canton of Jazeera was completed. The canton of Sedadi is almost finished. A total of 166 states were completed. I can't give you any information about when the mode will be released. But I would say it will take a long time depending on the schools. AoC2ModdingTR KeremShortest24
Last reply by Zaman, -
- 16 replies
Current Status: Not working on this project!!! Working on GTA:SA map cuz a lot of people asked me to do it and here we go! :)
Last reply by kyper4629, -
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- 62 replies
Current Status: Not working on it updates Full version is released just making it drive link Galaxy Mode Link: NO LINK I was working lately on Galaxy map you I'm going to upload it soon and you can play it and update further!
Last reply by eNeXPii, -
- 11 replies
A only europe map with 4269 provinces would be great for ancient scenarios
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Would anyone be interested in these? I made two, a monarchy vs democratic world and a communist vs monarchy world, both with zero historical aspect, just made because I was bored and I wanted to make something with some imagination. If y'all are, I'll drop em soon, just want to know if anyone would want to play them.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 4 replies
Zanoni's Ultimate Background Collection! Hello, everyone. Do you like map backgrounds? Well, I have great news for you! For the last week, I have been gathering several backgrounds which I could find in the forums. Now, I've concluded my list and I'm here to share them with you! I don't claim ownership to any of the backgrounds listed as I didn't produce any of them. If you're the creator of any background listed, and wish it to be removed, please enter in contact. Link to the collection: (Hearts of Iron 4 background for demonstration purposes only.)
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 2 replies
This is mys maps for Age of History II; Medieval Style: Universalis Style: Enjoy!
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 23 replies
I present to your attention the map generator based on the picture (made by russian community). The picture should have provinces drawn each with its own color, except white, without holes and not interrupted, an example is attached. Instruction: open img2ame, write the file name of the image lying in the folder with the program, then pull the resulting ame file to totext, the province files appear in the provs folder. Then proceed with them according to the standard instructions, as if they were created by usual editor. DOWNLOAD Image example: Maps made using the generator in the game: Our VK group Good Luck :…
Last reply by KaneTheBoom, -
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- 5 replies
I am curious to know if anyone has considered or attempted to create a generative AI that can automatically generate provinces for the Age of History 2 map editor. The goal of this AI is to make the process of creating new maps and scenarios faster and easier, and to allow users to create more realistic and detailed content. The AI will use a combination of image processing and machine learning techniques to analyze a given map image and identify potential province boundaries. It will then generate province files in the Age of History 2 format, which can be imported into the map editor. In addition to province generation, the AI will also have a built-in sc…
Last reply by Belgen, -
I tried it once before, but the gif didn't work. It just looks like a normal picture.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
Can someone help me with installing a map? its an elden ring map from nexusmods but i just dont know how to install it and the instructions are nowhere near clear
Last reply by fluffpony235, -
- 8 replies
If you have province files (not processed by the game, but with just coordinates), then this script will help you if you need to edit the map. You can run script by yourself just copy it and download python
Last reply by Hendrix02, -
Hello everyone! I have written a simple script that will help a lot of modders to transfer their own maps to the new map editor. All you need is to install the latest version of Python to run the script. Put the program file in the same folder as the text file "mapAoC2_v2.txt" (if you don't know where it is yet look here "Map Editor 2.0\editor_data\Provinces"). Just run a programm and it will give you a complete JSON file in the same folder. If your text file is called differently, the program will ask you to specify the name of this file without the extension/postscript ".txt" Then simply replace the JSON file with the path MapEditor_2\MapName\da…
Last reply by Mirolit, -
- 5 replies
Unofficial Update for Map Editor 2.0 - Map Editor 2.1 Map Editor 2.1 includes a feature where you can press the R key to create new province files. This is useful for people who use the "J" key to remove provinces. Note: If the deleted province shows up after pressing the R key, create another province and that province will be deleted. Download More features will be added! Map Editor 2.0:
Last reply by Maksiu, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
anyone knows how to edit existing maps from the game? for example edit or add provinces this mod:
Last reply by navalcrimson25, -
- 1 reply
Новий Мод?
Last reply by Mihael1, -
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Can any legendary developer make a map for (Game of Thrones) because I did not find anyone who made this mod for mobile
Last reply by MOHMMAD STARK, -
澳洲UC学位证书定做堪培拉大学毕业证<Q微707091118>定制UC文凭毕业证成绩单>办理国外大学留服认证,官网可查存档学历存档教育部认证University of Canberra美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证材料有缺失; 8、急需国外学历认证书; 9、其他问题。 我们公司都能竭诚为您解决实际问题! —————————————————————…
Last reply by xingqinghuo39, -
澳洲Adelaide学位证书定做阿德莱德大学毕业证<Q微707091118>定制Adelaide文凭毕业证成绩单>办理国外大学留服认证,官网可查存档学历存档教育部认证University of Adelaide美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证材料有缺失; 8、急需国外学历认证书; 9、其他问题。 我们公司都能竭诚为您解决实际问题! ————————…
Last reply by xingqinghuo39, -
澳洲Deakin学位证书定做迪肯大学毕业证<Q微707091118>定制Deakin文凭毕业证成绩单>办理国外大学留服认证,官网可查存档学历存档教育部认证Deakin University美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证材料有缺失; 8、急需国外学历认证书; 9、其他问题。 我们公司都能竭诚为您解决实际问题! ———————————————————…
Last reply by xingqinghuo39, -
- 0 replies
澳洲RMIT学位证书定做皇家墨尔本理工学院毕业证<Q微707091118>办理RMIT毕业证修改成绩单可查存档留信认证RMIT University美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证材料有缺失; 8、急需国外学历认证书; 9、其他问题。 我们公司都能竭诚为您解决实际问题! ———————————————————————————- 合理推荐业务: 1…
Last reply by xingqinghuo39,