PC version of AoC2
118 topics in this forum
If you know any exploits of AOC2, please post them down below
Last reply by CassalettIV, -
- 3 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski *poke*
Last reply by kokakolabrooooo, -
- 0 replies
Can anybody tell me please how the editor for port positions works?
Last reply by ___, -
- 1 reply
Is AoC2 updated on gog?
Last reply by Leeb, -
- 0 replies
➡ Age of Civilizations Discord Server: ➡ Channels to talk and discuss about the game ➡ Channel dedicated to Scenarios ➡ New Emojis Join us now! https://discord.gg/xkC95VD
Last reply by LordKnight, -
- 0 replies
I made a discord server to discuss, chat and share screenshots from the game. join it by the link below: https://discord.gg/xkC95VD
Last reply by LordKnight, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by SirDiogo07, -
- 4 replies
Mexico legit took all of mainland China, nice
Last reply by SilverKing, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I just opened up steam a while ago and I saw that there was an update queued for aoc2. I was wondering if anyone knows if this was just a small patch for like security and bug fixes or stuff. Or if this was a major patch that we, or at least I, didn't know about.
Last reply by TheZum, -
- 0 replies
No lihuania and poland
Last reply by Deimantas, -
- 2 replies
I wanted delete three civilizations from formable but i can't
Last reply by Hussarski Mapper, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have a problem with my files on AOC II. I downloaded a modern world "Recreation". I was told to put the "Goverments.json" file and replace it with the already existent one. It turned out to recruit a troop then I needed 10 Movement points, And that was TERRIBLE at 1440 scenario's like I wanted to play on with it. The rest didn't work so I decided to delete it. Then I wanted to change the Goverments file back to normal. When I did so, It transformed into a notepad file since I edited it there. Is there a way I can fix this so it goes back to normal AOC II? And no, I dont have recovery files.
Last reply by Thomas-TheGreat, -
- 2 replies
I Like This Game But I don't Have It Someone give me this game ? my steam name is "Türk Zombi TRADEIT.GG"
Last reply by Hydra, -
Last reply by kodomono, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by gagabribrielel, -
- 4 replies
Is there a mod that allows me to control the civilizations while in spectator mode? (something like Spectator+Sandbox) For example: to make a civilization declare war on another one change money balance of a civilization make civilizations sign a defensive pact or something similar remove civilizations making their land neutral
Last reply by ITurkishmapping, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I have 172 hours aoc2 and I'm bored because the update doesn't come Hey lukasz please bring new updates to this game My advice to update because I really started to squeeze: Treasury Update Border Walls Update Agriculture Update Day and Night cycle in the game... Please update lukasz ❤️ (Turkish Fan)
Last reply by Nymea, -
- 1 reply
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new ga…
Last reply by SpinoPL, -
- 1 reply
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? Don…
Last reply by Psh_Olm, -
- 1 reply
I've been trying again and again to get it AoC2 to work since June. It randomly quit working, I've reinstalled it so many times now. Along with other random things hoping something will work.
Last reply by IlanFX, -
- 1 reply
Hello developers and players! My problem is that i don't have any timelines to choose. I load the game and click on new game, and what i see is two countries in Iberian peninsula and that is there is nothin else. What to do,? My steam account name is Russian Hacker: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198410773225/ file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/userdata/450507497/760/remote/603850/screenshots/20190926190700_1.jpg that is link on picture with Iberian peninsula
Last reply by WorkPlease, -
- 0 replies
I have a problem. When I turn AOC 2 and choose a country, e.g. Poland, instead of the current President - Andrzej Duda, games shows me Joseph Piłsudski, so with Italy instead of the current ruler, he shows me Mussolini, and with countries such as Russia, Germany, etc. doesn't show rulers, please help!
Last reply by Somebody, -
- 1 reply
Hello together, i love this game, but i have got some ideas to make it a little bit more deep Game. 1. Supporting rebels: It must be possible if we no have any rebeles, that we can build a new faction. (Maybe from Ideologies or Cores) 2. Government-typ from vassals, If i create an Country as vassal it must be possible to chance it like i would like to do. Or if i can Chance in after creating a vassal. (If i choose or Create one i ony have democracy) 3. Investing in a province: We need to put more Mony inside. 20% is to less if i have enought Money. Maybe we can change it to max 100%. Becorse we have realy often to click in t…
Last reply by WorkPlease, -
- 1 reply
No, I'm serious, is there a zoom limit or i could just spend my entire life searching for an end?
Last reply by Future mapper, -
- 0 replies
my save ıs not working game open but ı click continuite game and save not dowloand please help
Last reply by samet ünver,