Android version of AoC2
144 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Busco mapas en español para android , y me gustarían mapas basados entre el 5000bc y el 1bc . Mapas de historias alternativas , Mapas de Videojuegos . Fallout ,Skirym ,... . Basados en el futuro
Last reply by eltetechori, -
- 0 replies
SPANISH: Hola, en este post quería preguntar si alguien conoce o sabe de alguna forma la manera de instalar correctamente escenarios (incluido mapas y demás) en Age of Civilizations II, puesto que entré a los archivos y no existen las carpetas del juego, tienes que utilizar aplicaciones externas para poder visualizar los archivos de origen del juego y no he podido nunca instalar los escenarios, he probado con aplicaciones como MT Manager y --- Editor pero siempre piden que se reinstale y hace que pierda el progreso de las demás partidas guardadas, ¿e sla única manera de instalar escenarios y otros archivos? ¿no existen otros métodos para instalarlos? La verdad es que este…
Last reply by eltetechori, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone! the AOH 2 players are going to delighted by the site i am about to share. This offers you the the best and latest app. You can find the most latest modified version of the game. All of the updates of the official game are added on regular basis. If you want to use the modified versions of the game then you can easily find that on this site. You can easily download the apps in very short time and you don't have to go through any long procedures. This is a free android apps store where you can easily download your desired apps. It is offering you the latest version of Age of history 2 and you can enjoy multiple hacks and mods for the game. If the use…
Last reply by MatteoAndroid, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone know how to public scenario like sending it here to forum etc.? Czy wie ktoś jak się publikuje scenariusze np. przez jego udostępnianie tutaj na forum itd.?
Last reply by Wilno, -
Last reply by ggjr, -
- 0 replies
Thuật ngữ Affiliate Marketing (tiếp thị liên kết) xây dựng thương hiệu từ vài chục năm trước nhưng chỉ đến năm 1996 mới gây được tiếng vang khi Amazon, Ebay đưa vào áp dụng trong chiến lược kết nối đa chiều, kiếm tiền cho cả những đối tượng ko sắm, không bán trên toàn cầu. lúc sơ khai, tiếp thị liên kết chú trọng vào việc quảng cáo sản phẩm nên hình thức Pay Per nhấn ( PPC- thanh toán người truyền bá phê chuẩn số lần click chuột của người xem) được ưa chuộng. công cụ của Alibaba có mặt trên thị trường muộn hơn nhưng Jack Ma đã nhận thấy hình thức CPA (Cost Per Action – trả tiền theo từng hành động cụ thể, chủ yếu là đăng ký thành viên mới và tìm hàng) là phù hợp và minh b…
Last reply by nguyentam0310, -
- 1 reply
Please Sub My Channel we need your help🙏🏻🙏🏻
Last reply by Stefqn3, -
- 1 reply
Friends you know that those who are fans of the game made by lukasz jakowski divided into two, those who want to constantly update AoC2 and those who want a new game, this game is AoC 3, I have never heard of those who want another new style of isometric game, but I am a fan of AoC 3, I expect suggestions from you friends. which features should come think strong please write but don't go into details too much
Last reply by Cayo, -
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Please Sub My Channel
Last reply by Dean, -
- 0 replies
Played turn:3197 Problem: Though I didn't press save button, Save sequence runs arbitrarily :(
Last reply by prosten, -
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Last reply by Muhamsenakurd, -
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So there's two version of AOC , the AOC 2 and the Europe only AOC 2. In my Google play there's only the Europe version I think because my phone bad, in AOC 2 europe game that I play there's a bug and if I download the mod version it actually can full world and working, so is Lukasz leave the Europe version for low phone and don't update it or what. That's kind of frustrating at least if he fix the bug My device is redmi 7a if you asking
Last reply by Mugam167, -
- 1 reply
Is it possible to upgrade all the provinces of a country, not to upgrade them one by one?
Last reply by CassalettIV, -
- 5 replies
how to fix this vertical resolution back to normal (horizontal)
Last reply by Brunocrl, -
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Last reply by Миха, -
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Szukam scenariuszy do grania
Last reply by Kolorek111458, -
Last reply by Tariq Ibn Ziyaf, -
- 3 replies
Missing scenario: Ancient Greece Napoleonic Wars 1792 Victorian Era After digging the game file, i found that is actually there but the name are string of number and random letter. How i restore it?
Last reply by davidtjk, -
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نريد طريقة لتعديل الخرائط على أجهزة Android
Last reply by عربي انا, -
- 1 reply
U only need from 3 to inf playera or good bots to do that. 1. One country must attack or trade 2nd player all his provinces. 2. If u get on screen of faul there option one more turn please then u can observate like u are in spectator but in your country control 3. If somebody in war boosts the rebels like 2nd player than if this rebel apear then if rebel wins then the rebels change to country like 2nd player and that's how the 2nd player can return Like this experiment?
Last reply by Latusay, -
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Last reply by hertu22, -
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Cześć Chciałbym zapytać, czy ma ktoś fajny scenariusz z wydarzeniami jak tak prosiłbym o wysłanie 🙂
Last reply by hertu22, -
- 1 reply
Here's the rtf version of it:AoC_Interview_Eisen.rtf The game changed his life. He dropped out of college and created the Age of Civilizations II himself It is possible that you have not heard about the turn-based strategy of Age of Civilizations, which appeared on mobiles. Łukasz Jakowski's game turned out to be a great success, which changed the life of the creator. He dropped everything and left for the Bieszczady Mountains created Age of Civilizations II. As the creator himself writes, his game has a simple rule: easy to learn, hard to master. The player's task is to unite or subjugate the world with the help of army and diplomacy. The era after t…
Last reply by seleko, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone. Today I tried to explain how to install map backgrounds, which will add a different atmosphere to your game for mobile (android) users. I hope I could help. (Background link in the video in the description of the video)
Last reply by seleko, -
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if u want to hang out, discuss about the game etc join the link below;
Last reply by LordKnight,