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391 questions in this forum
big icons
I am on pc and before the icons did not have this size
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Any tips on making custom civs with custom tags
I've been experimenting on making civs in the civilization creater then adding into the game with a new tag like say dalm for Dalmatia. Every thing is working fine but some civs just don't appear at all or appear to be able to be added to scenarios but I can't have them as a formable nation or a union. I can't seamingly find a way to make a civ like this without something like this happening 9/10 so any advice would help a lot
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How to play on MacOS
I bought AoC2 on a windows pc then switched to a mac. When i open AoC2 on steam I don't see the play button.
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Wczytywanie Gry
Gdy włączam grę i chcę wczytać zapis ale gdy klikam w wczytaj gra automatycznie się wyłącza
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How to use this tool
There's already a short guide but it doesn't really help much, does anyone know how to use it?
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loading the game always from the same place
Witam, To już moja trzecia rozgrywka (na Androidzie) i znów pojawił mi się ten sam problem: zapisałem grę (jak co kilka rund) ale gdy ją wczytuję to za każdym razem zaczynam od tego samego momentu, gdy gram dalej i robię postępy w grze to one się już nie zapisują do tego save'a, a gdy wczytam tę grę na nowo to znów zaczynam od poprzedniego miejsca, w którym się to wszystko zacięło (tylko data w grze się zmienia). Poprzednio w takiej sytuacji usunąłem grę i zainstalowałem na nowo tracąc wcześniej zapisane gry, ale widać to nie pomaga na dłużej Czy ktoś jest w stanie pomóc? Ewentualnie czy to problem z save'em i czy można go sobie skopiować gdzieś na bok…
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Game Crashes at 99% after PC restarts
So, I was making a mod for if Germany won WW2, and everything was going really smooth until I restart my pc. I start up the game, it crashes at 99%. I check the debug log and it says [0910/] Settings version is not 1. I have not found anything about it on the internet and I really need to know how to fix it without destroying all my progress.
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How to Select Leaders in Scenario Map?
How to Select Leaders in Scenario Map?
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Game wont save
Hi, the game stopped saving after I made a lot of progress. I press save it highlights the civilization and freezes for a sec then if I shut down the app and get back on it takes me back to the same old save I had before the new save. I cannot beat the game or save the progress I'm making this way. Any idea how I can fix this without losing all my progress?
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Leaders Bugs!!!
I made Woodrow Wilson and make ww1 map but ww1 leaders is Frankifranklin D Roosevelt. (Sorry,for my bad english.I am Thai.)
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please help
i need help pleease becouse when ia start a game go to new scenario end i start it and then crash and pleease help me i want to play it
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nie mogę wczytać rozgrywki bo mnie wywala👎
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Potrzebna mi pomoc
ostatnio gdy weszedłem na aoc2 i wczytałem zapisaną grę zauważyłem, że gdy klikam dyplomacja to gra mi się baguje proszę o pomoc
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He won't let me continue the game
When they give me the victory by having the highest score I give that I want to continue playing, but after a few shifts they don't let me play anymore and the game is over. I want to continue, how do I modify it and be able to play everything that game wants?
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No me deja continuar la partida
Cuando me dan la victoria al tener el mayor puntuaje yo doy que quiero continuar jugando, pero al cabo de algunos turnos ya no me deja jugar mas y se acaba la partida. Yo quiero continuar, como hago para modificarlo y poder jugar todo lo que quiera esa partida?
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How add scenarios into the game
I'm having trouble with adding downloading scenarios from this forum and Want to add them the game but i cannot play the scenarios they are still in the either in the zip folder
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AoC2 Don't Launch
Hello guys, i need your help. When i launch AoC2 on Steam, AoC2 can't launch. But on non-steam version AoC2 work. You can help me?
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Sound problems
It sounds good but with explosions of interference. I have an iPhone 8 Plus 256 GB.
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preguntas :v
primero:de Que sirve la opcion vasallon :v segundo:de Que sirve la opcion de velocidad de juego osea Que cambia :v? tercero:de Que sirve la AI Agresividad cuarto:por Que el creador no actualiza el juego le da paja oh Que pedo :v Quinto:estoy haciendo un mapa de aoc2 donde debo de ponerlo para Que la gente lo descargue?
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Trouble with adding provinces to the world map
awhile ago I kept trying to add provinces to the default map, I all was going smooth until I went above 2300. After I went above 2300 or more the game just wouldn't start and kept crashing. I have had many provinces on custom maps I've made so I don't think its a problem with how I'm making them. All help is appreciated.
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Oyun aciliyor siyah bir ekran gelip tekrar kapaniyor
arkadaslar baslikda belirtim gibi Oyun aciliyor siyah bir ekran gelip tekrar kapaniyor yardim pls
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Bir Kaç Yıl sonra yenilgi sorunu
Merhaba Arkadaşlar Ben Bu oyunu oynarken birkaç yıl sonra (30-50) yenilgi diye birşey çıkıp tüm emeğim gidiyor neyapabilirim yardımcı olurmusunuz Lütfen ?
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Why the Ottoman Empire is always renewing
I'm entering the game and I'm picking a random country.Then the Ottoman Empire was renewed after a while.That makes me nervous.I want this to be a cure.I'm Turkish.
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how in the editor to allow the state to form another country
I do not understand where it is possible to give the state the opportunity to form another statehood (for example, Prussia to the German Empire)
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Flag change
Is it possible to change flag when i am already started game? I am just started played as Spain and now I made a Liberian Empire is it possible to change my contry flag?
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