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391 questions in this forum
uwutengine Uwut Engine crashing when opened
idk but i have encountered this problem where i open the uwut engine app and immediately crashes after 1-2 seconds. Even worse that i can't open it again and again, so i decided to delete it, what could be the problem of this glitch @uwut this is mobile
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If i make a new country, all older country gets +10 relation with that country without me doing that, why?
As the title suggests, a older country always has 10+ relation with a newer country when i make a scenario. It is incredibly annoying as i don't wanna reset all of the relations automatically. Please help
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Why is this a problem at all?
I understand that this visual bug is due to the presence of another province in the middle between the provincial borders, but I'm wondering how to fix it without changing the map? The last screenshot below shows that in the same case, for some unknown reason, the game managed to draw a border, but in the rest it did not.
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I'm having trouble zooming in
Hello, I am used to using my mouse wheel to zoom in on a place in the game, but it doesn't zoom anymore, I have to turn it quite a bit to zoom in and this makes me tired. It wasn't like this before, how can I fix it? I made the mouse wheel the fastest in windows and nothing changed in the game, please help.
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Haritayı yakınlaştıramıyorum
Arkadaşlar selam, Haritayı yakınlaştırırken Mouse tekerliğim baya yavaş hareket ediyor, mouseda mı bir sorun var yoksa oyunda mı? nasıl düzeltebilirim
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Problems with the leaders editor/Problemas con el editor de lideres
Hola, estuve haciendo lideres nuevos para Argentina para el escenario de la segunda guerra mundial y para el post guerra y se superponen, alguien sabe porque ocurre? archivo imágenes Hello, I was making new leaders for Argentina for the Second World War scenario and for the post-war period scenario and they overlap, does anyone know why this happens?
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I need help with the map editor! (sea provinces)
so i wanna split the top and bottom one of these in the carribean but i cant figure out how i would do it, i tried doing it once but it just turns the provinces into big squares!can anyone help out?
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Help: When i open the game and click load game the game crash
Help: when I start the game and click load game the game closes. I have tried everything: changing the settings, reinstalling the game, even changing it to full screen but when changing to full screen the game turns completely black 😞 Ayuda: al iniciar el juego y clicar cargar partida se me cierra el juego he intentado de todo: cambiar la configuración, reinstalar el juego, hasta cambiarlo a pantalla completa pero al cambiar a pantalla completa se me pone el juego totalmente negro 😞
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99 economy aoc2
how to fix 99 economy aoc2
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Age of History 2 is not working
I recently bought Age Of History 2 on steam i played it yesterday and everythins is OK but today when I went into the game nothing works for me. I can’t go, I can’t call the army and game screen starts crushing, what can i do to improve this problem?
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Where to modify the format of numerical values
When the population and economy on the PC end exceed the numerical range of int, they will be displayed as negative numbers. Where to change int to long type
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¿Cómo se hace para cambiar la ideología al formar una civilización?
por ejemplo yo soy Rusia y cuando formo a la unión soviética su ideología debe ser comunista no democrática. Por qué yo cuando creo una civilización formable en todas sale un país democrático.
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How do I reduce the opinion penalty of Genocide in Bloody Europe?
I don't know anything about coding. All I have done is sort of "modded" aoc2 before (mainly maps, icons, events, loc etc) but I wished to change the values in the genocide stuff somehow and would be infinitely grateful to anyone who could help.
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Is it possible to duplicate already existing scenarios?
I already downloaded and played multiple scenarios from the Forums without any issues, but I genuinely cannot figure out how to copy pre-existing scenarios like Modern World,1440,1200 etc. Every time I copy one of the folders(like modernworld for an example), rename it to something like modernworld123 and paste it into the scenarios folder it just appears as ERROR in my game with 0 civs. Is there any way to fix this? I wanted to make a couple of Alternate Modern World scenarios but I do not want to start from scratch or lose my original Modern World file. Any ideas?
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Проблема с Картой
Ребят помогите пожалуйста! я перекинул карту из одного мода в другой [в аддон+} потом отредачил конфиг карт, чтоб моя мапа загружалась, ну бэкграунды закинул и тд. зашел в игру все было спокойно с моей картой, потом выхожу из игры опять захожу а она вылетает! {перед выходом из игры я не менял карты на другие, оставил мою}
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i can't make a scenario
every timee when i click "create scenario" is kicks me to the menu. What should i do?
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How to change the click sound?
How can I change the click sound of aoh2, when I try to change the clicks the game doesn't detect it. Please help.
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Is zopiclone 10mg strong?
zopiclone 10 mg is an incredibly powerful sedative and misusing it can be incredibly dangerous. It can cause physical and psychological dependence and pose potentially fatal health risks. If you have been prescribed zopiclone, only take it as directed by your doctor.
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How I can open files of AOC2, which haven't extension?
There are any way or program for it?
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game closes after ending turn / juego se cierra después de terminar el turno
i have a problem and i want to know if someone has the same problem, basically when I hit end turn, the AI reaches 1% progress and after that the game freezes and closes automatically, is there any way to solve it? tengo un problema y quiero saber si a alguien más le ha pasado, cuando en la partida le doy a terminar turno la IA llega al 1% de progreso y automáticamente se congela el juego y se cierra totalmente, hay alguna forma de solucionarlo?
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I Can't link to Android uwut engine
Where can I find the link for the new update for uwut engine plz help me
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Can someone plsss make this image into a map
I made this map for mapping and I wanted to make it a actual map so I could play on it... It has 2 versions, provinces and states Thank you
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How to extract scenarios from the age of Android civilization
안드로이드 문명 시대의 시나리오를 추출하는 방법
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Leader and countries
When i try to acquire new country to the current leader, or add new leader - when its time to set country, instead of country selection it’s gets back to the main menu screenshots from two years old post made by @BySpringBonnie76, problem is definitely same, but there was no suggestions on how to fix it. p.s. I have some experience in modding and basic understanding of how things work, and almost two month of active modding before today’s issue everything worked just fine
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