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391 questions in this forum
religions mod?
I know about the religions folder in the game, now, I am interested if there is (because I could not find one) a mod that adds this feature or if there is someone with experience interested in creating something like that.
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Głupia inteligencja AI
Elko, jest jakiś sposób na polepszenie inteligencji AI? Np. zawsze bot ma problemy z desantowaniem się na wyspy (rzadko nawet wysyła jednostki na lądowanie) albo ciągłe plądrowanie prowincji aż do 1% zadowolenia co jest bardzo denerwujące.
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Mam pewien problem gdy klikam wczytaj grę gra nagle się wyłącza instalowałem 2 raz i nic bardzo proszę o pomoc!
Gra normalnie mi działała 3 dni zapisałem grę, moje państwo było już mocarstwem i pewnego dnia klikam wczytaj grę i gra się wyłącza próbowałem włączyć grę jakieś 30 razy zainstalowałem grę 2 raz i nic proszę o pomoc!
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Any Mods with balanced treaties?
Ai nation's always go to occupy all holdings before peacing out and at times completely annex the nation, are there any mods pc/mobile that have a balanced ai that won't just try annexing nation's or balanced treaty scores when capitulating a country to prevent big nation's at start because they just decided to invade
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does anyone know how to change leader using events?
QI wanted to know how to change the leader using events the age of civilization 2 tno mod uses this too I want to use this in my mod
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My game is slow when i create a civ
Every time i go to the "create civilization" bar, it slows down alomst crashing my game or randomly goes to main menu. How do i fix this?
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Influencing ideologies
Is it possible to influence and ideology to make nations become your ideology like you can in HOI4? If it is let me know.
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Oyuna müzik nasıl koyabilirim
oyuna müzik koyamıyorum biri yardım edebilirmi
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Oyun yükle diyince oyundan atıyor
Oyunu 4-5 gün önce indirdim buugüne kadar mis gibi oynadım. Şimdi ise sabah kalktım pc başına geçtim açtım oyunu sıkıntısız bi şekilde açıldı ama sonra oyun yükle ye bastım oyundan attı pc nin fişi çektim kap aç yaptım 10-15 kere denedim aynı hata oluyor kaydettiğim oyunlara erişemiyorum. Bunun çözümü var mı?
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AOC2 Oyun Yükle Tuşuna Basıldığında Oyundan Atıyor
Ya lanet olasıca şu oyunun bugu bitmiyor oyuna giriyorum oyun yükle kısmına girdiğimde oyundan atıyor kayıtlı oyunuma giremiyorum saves dosyasındakileri sildim ve tekrar yeni bi oyun oluştudum yine aynı sorunu yaşıyorum bu sorunun kalıcı bir çözümü varmı yoksa çıldırıcam.
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Completly game breaking bug
So if i get too far into a war it dosen't let me do anything cant move troops cant open civ menu cant do anything with anything and i just lose the game because the enemy just takes everything its like disabling ai in hoi4 exept its me and i cant do anything about it
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помагите пж
помагите не могу в блади европе читы висти в аддон могу а блади европа нет хелпаните если люди
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I want to completely change the color in the game from yellow to white
I want to completely change the color in the game from yellow to white
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can I ask how to make event UI bigger
Something like this?
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How do I get modern world back?
I tried making a new scenario, and I realized I could just go to map editor -> modern world and I'd get all the borders. I don't know why, but I thought it was a way to get all the borders but I'd still be able to use modern world. So I edited it to my scenario and now I can't play modern world, only my scenario. Any way to get modern world back?
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how to name a province after creating it from Map editor
check the title
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How to change the form of government to your vassal?
How to change the form of government to your vassal?
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plz anyone help me everytime press load the crash
when i press load in the menu the game crash
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I want to trigger the event when its turn 500.How can I do that?
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How would I add information (like the wikipedia link) to my own civilizations?
The title explains it.
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How to share a scenario on android.
How to share a scenario on android. And on what application.
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