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62 topics in this forum
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Hi y'all! I always thought play the same country for thousands of turns is really rude. So, I usually put the turn limit as 600-700, due to over these turn you're overpowered. But I recently thought: what if I use this bug as challange? Basically, the founding idea is your "civilization soul" will die after determined turn and it will go to another civ. How do that? I drawn up some rules: 1. Choose a scenario to play. I suggest you some fun scenario like 1440, modern world, 1200. I tested (and enjoyed A LOT!) in 1180 scenario made by amazing modder @PLe2. 2. Set the turn limit. To decide turn limit, I prefered to use Number Generat, setting 5 as minimum and 500 …
Last reply by GheovgosGJ, -
Some little things for change the game
by Guest SuperGion915- 1 reply
- 2.3k views Contains: - New flags for Guatemala, Tlaxcala, Mexico and Colima - New Civilization (Chiapas) - the names are only available in english - New type of Goverment (Synarquism)
Last reply by sinthi, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
5 months ago we were promised a workshop was going to be released. So much time has gone past and nothing has been said about it. Łukasz Jakowski can you please give an update to this???
Last reply by Leeb, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by mateyro999, -
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? Don…
Last reply by Ànex i Rux, -
Age of Civilizations 2 — a great game that has a huge potential and a motley, large community. How many people have become her loyal fans, who are still waiting for updates on the game, which was released on November 22, 2018 quite raw and with a lot of bugs. Major updates or even simple bugfixes we have not seen, and the developer continues to ignore the messages of players and does not plan to develop his masterpiece. Łukasz, why did you start making a new game without finishing the old one? You have not yet completed your first, grandiose and large-scale project, updates for which are waiting for all the fans, but at the same time already strive to make a new game? Don…
Last reply by enexpi, -
Добавить онлайн по Сети
Last reply by Exdemple, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by markovicaleksa007, -
- 0 replies
вышлите скрин как сделать чтобы в России началась революция (событие)
Last reply by alimzhan007, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
This UI mod will replace all the dots whit more representetive icons: Present Cities Future Cities
Last reply by Hurtlyz, -
- 0 replies
Is there any mod out there to make this possible? And just to make it clear what I want is for my allies or vassals to stop rejecting the damn peace treaties I try to make every time even if I give them land, I know it obviously can be avoided by going to war alone but allies and vassals can be useful if you're weak or you're getting too big, plus the fact that you have to do all wars alone just because of this issue kinda ruins some of the fun for me. In conclusion I want to know if there's any mod out there that makes allies/vassals accept peace deals no matter what even if the score isn't 100% before sometimes its harder than it looks to get that 100% score. …
Last reply by Zkrtel, -
- 2 replies
tłuamczenie.rar[for google translate ;P] New countries, flags and their names. And also a better crack, because now I could check the game, and earlier as I explained it I could not XD. Polonizer AoC2 - Ubys.
Last reply by Ubys,