78 topics in this forum
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Delikatnie mnie to kuje w oczy jak jest umiejscowiona prowincja puławy i nałęczów. Prowincja Nałęczów całkowicie pochłonęła powiat puławski a puławy są całkowicie w złym miejscu. Czy jest szansa na małą poprawę tych prowincji w najbliższym czasie? Zależy mi na tym bo jestem z tych terenów
Last reply by pikuś, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by lucien, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I downloaded javascript and it still didn't work
Last reply by mycat, -
- 1 reply
Guys how to change the name of a country depending on ideology, i tried the things i saw here but it kept showing up as Rho_m
Last reply by mycat, -
The same problem appeared to me that appeared to me in Era of the Conquerors mode, which is when I switch from (Scale1) to (Scale3), the download reaches 97, then it kicks me out of the game, and when I log in again, the download stops at 49, and after a long time it tells me (out of RAM). Does anyone know the solution, please let me know
Last reply by MOHMMAD STARK, -
- 1 reply
All of my scenarios have been replaced with scenarios saying "test 1" and "test 2" the scenarios are in Iberia and its only 2 provinces can anybody help me with this?
Last reply by Historyk, -
- 1 reply
I have a question because when I want to install the mod for aoc2, steam shows that something is not working and I have a problem
Last reply by Napoléon Ball, -
- 1 reply
hello i was playing age of history 2 lite yesterday really fun game and since i downloaded it my tablet became really laggy and next morning [yesterday] i was playing the game on my tablet it was all going normal until i clicked the button 'next' the screen just froze and then i was turning it on and off but when i turn it back on it would just load the same screen of the game when it froze then i turned it off waited for a few minutes so the whole system can slowly turn off and after it the tablet wasnt turning back on the audio works i was able to call siri and to like take a screenshot and it was charging but only the screen isnt turning on what do i do?
Last reply by pano, -
- 0 replies
Hola buenas tengo un problema y es que al momento de ponerle el nombre y la ubicación de la ciudad que quiero crear, cuando le doy en guardar la ciudad no se guarda ni siquiera sale en la lista de ciudades creadas me pueden ayudar o decirme cómo hacerlo de forma externa o algo.
Last reply by Nicolás T, -
- 0 replies
i have tried forming moldova (playing as transitriia) on the bloody europe 2 mod i conquered all of moldova i wanted to form it but it says moldovo still exists (it does not) please help me
Last reply by sussybaka, -
- 0 replies
I'm making a new map and when I press the province update button nothing happens. pls help
Last reply by Isvan628, -
- 1 reply
ho creato con successo una mod con --- Editor Pro ma c'è un problema con la mappa. pur avendo sostituito tutti i file di sfondo ho questo problema con la mappa. Qualcuno può aiutarmi? Sarei grato
Last reply by Napoléon Ball, -
Hello everyone, I once again logged into the game (I play from android) and noticed this picture: the "diplomacy" and "next move" button does not work. I have restarted the game many times and the phone, but the buttons still don't work, what should I do?
Last reply by Pororo, -
- 1 reply
Witam Chce zrobić scenariusz ze własną cywilizacją, i chce zrobić tak że jak się będzie się zmieniało rząd to będzie inna flaga. Oraz też czy da się zrobić dal różnych rządów różnych liderów. (dla demokracji ,inny dla komunizmu inny itd) Z góry dziękuje za odpowiedzi
Last reply by Lord T-Rexus, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys! I have a problem. When I want to open save game start creating new world for me from 1440 year. Why? I had a very good country and I lost it
Last reply by TeczaXGamer, -
- 1 reply
I open steam, go on library, then i click open. It says sincronization with steam cloud, then it close the page and it don't open the game.
Last reply by Tortello, -
- 0 replies
How to set government in formable nations??
Last reply by kadi, -
- 0 replies
Bhutan is also been called ‘Druk Yul” – The Land of The Thunder Dragon by its people since the 17th century. Bhutan has a population of around 797,000 (2016 data). Due to its location on the rooftop of the world, not many tourists have had the opportunity to explore Bhutan, which keeps the land remains as a new and mysterious tourist destination. Where is Bhutan The Kingdom of Bhutan is a South Asia country, which lies in the eastern Himalayas, bordered by Tibet (China) in the north and India in the south. The capital is Thimphu, which is located in the western central part of the country. Map of Bhutan The topography of the country can be divided int…
Last reply by ZoeCC, -
- 4 replies
When im trying to load saved game it crashes. i tried uninstal and install this game some times but its still not working.
Last reply by Ferhat5534, -
- 0 replies
Although Amdo area in Tibet is a place that Tibetan Buddhism flourishes. Due to the special area, the Bon customs in their lives are still strong and unique. Bon religion once had a high status and political fields of Tubo Dynasty. From Nie Chi Zanpu to Latto Rinian Zan, all the 26 generations used the Bon religion to protect the state. However, due to the special area of Amdo Tibetan area and the influence of Central Plains culture, the ideological function of Bon religion is mainly manifested in the field of life, which is a major feature of the development and retention of religious culture in Amdo area; The concept of the oneness of cultural gods and human…
Last reply by ZoeCC, -
- 0 replies
Ok so i looked was gonna start a new game in the modern world, when the modern world scenario disappeared, what do i do?
Last reply by Silver_Does_StrategyGames, -
- 3 replies
When I selected Italy in my Modern Day scenario, I pressed play and it just showed me where Italy's capital was and the game never started please someone help!
Last reply by Atlantid, -
- 5 replies
The flag editor is bugged and shows other colors from the ones i choose for my flag. please lukasz fix this
Last reply by Reza Shah, -
- 1 reply
asking because i don't want to run out of space.
Last reply by Lixobounce, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Zawsze gdy Uruchamiam grę i jest 99% procent ładowania gry, grę wyrzuca co zrobić pomocy?😔
Last reply by Poland_in_1939,