Club2014 manager
Here you can download Club2014 manager.
Everyone here must have this file.
If someone joins or downloads this file and sends me a .json file, we'll take care of it.
It's easy to make the .json files here because you just need to copy one of these .json files, rename it, add to the .txt file, and edit it like this:
"%json name%": "Data",
"Data_Profile": [
name: "%profile name%",
WIDTH : %profile image width number%,
HEIGHT : %profile image height number%
profile_image: "%imageprofilename.png/jpg/svg/gif%("%age of history2 binar name%")",
reputation: %number of reputation%,
about_me: "%about me%"
1 topic in this forum
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Link to Club2014 File Manager!:) :manager
Last reply by Iwo2014,