2,747 topics in this forum
- 242 replies
In this topic you can write your ideas for formable Civilizations for the game. It can be real/fictional/meme/funny. Template: Name: Flag: Link to image What civilizations can create it: Provinces that must be controlled to from a civilization:
Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
- 288 replies
Your ideas can become part of the game, in this topic we will write ideas for new buildings in Age of History 3. The buildings will be grouped into four categories: 1. Administration 2. Military 3. Economy 4. Unique capital buildings - These powerful buildings provide bonuses for the local province or for all provinces of your Civilization or Civilization All of the buildings can be upgraded, here is example: Library -> University -> Academy Each building costs differently and gives different bonuses. This is what your building idea post should look like, example Building Group: Adm…
Last reply by khang, -
- 60 replies
In this topic you can share your ideas about how spies should work in the game and what they can do. I'm really interested in your ideas.
Last reply by khang, -
- 94 replies
Role of the religion in the game What religion should do in the game? Every civilization and every province has a religion. If a province has a different religion than civilization, the province's income will be reduced by X% Civilization can convert religion in province. Relations between civilizations having different religions are worse. Religion should have unique bonuses? I'm looking for your ideas!
Last reply by khang, -
- 94 replies
Here in this topic you can write your ideas for a peace treaty. It might work like that: The war leader must have 100% war points and can make any demands. There will be a limit to how many provinces can be annexed in a peace treaty. It will depend on the size of the civilization compared to the civilization it is fighting against If a civilization's war exhaustion is high, the ticking war score will increase faster. The ticking war score will only increase for the currently winning side of the war.
Last reply by khang, -
- 79 replies
What do you think about the new technology tree in the game? What needs to be changed, moved or added? Here is a complete overview of the technology tree:
Last reply by elnegroimperial, -
- 105 replies
In this topic, share your ideas for Campaign scenarios. These scenarios focus on a small part of the map, with the rest designated as wasteland. For example, a scenario of the Reconquista in 1054, where gameplay takes place only on the Iberian Peninsula. What are your ideas for small historical scenarios?
Last reply by Frisk Bloodbun, -
- 35 replies
Maybe this topic will help Mr. Łukasz
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 227 replies
In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. AoH3 will have different types of land units. First of all, the AoH 3 will have new battle system: Representation of the battlefield in the game. Land units will be grouped into 3 types. Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield. Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded. Units will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep. Here is the current list of units with upgrades: First line: Warrior -> Light Footmen -> Heavy Infant…
Last reply by RostislavMerte, -
Combat update
by Boy- 0 replies
Combat system is great for medieval+Napoleonic times but it's really weird in WW1 + lacks Frontline warfare and just sieging the provinces doesn't make any sense. I know that this will take a long time but pretty sure many will agree with this
Last reply by Boy, -
- 0 replies
Currently if we rename countries or provinces, the custom name we set is gone after a reload. If renaming is an option then it should get saved. Not everywhere, just on the current scenario we are playing.
Last reply by favedor, -
- 0 replies
-Create new countries from the "release vassal" screen -Ability to create flags for them, just like in Aoc2 if not with more details (like putting your own flag on them in a custom position) -A checkbox whether the new country should be tied to the save or save it like a normal country that can be used anywhere in the future
Last reply by favedor, -
- 2 replies
I think it would be a good idea to bring back the mechanic of liberating vassal countries that are not in the scenario like in AOH2. I tried to liberate New Spain when I colonized the American continent but apparently there was no function to liberate countries that you have not conquered.
Last reply by Seb_, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Do @Łukasz Jakowski Na początku chciałbym zaznaczyć, że jeżeli chodzi o AOH3 odwalił Pan kawał dobrej roboty. W grę gara mi się bardzo przyjemnie, jest ona bardzo płynna i przyjemna dla oka, a po beta testach aktualizacji AI częściej ulepsza akademie wojskowe, oraz akademie dla generałów co naprawdę bardzo fajnie utrudniło rozgrywkę. Obecnie jeżeli chodzi o AI, to według mnie powinno stawiać za priorytet przydzielenie generała do armii (szczególnie w czasie wojny), no i może powinno stawiać więcej budynków ekonomicznych. Osobiście bardzo mocno liczę na to, że w najbliższym czasie doda Pan możliwość ustawienia limitu jeśli chodzi o wielkość armii. …
Last reply by marszalek, -
- 0 replies
I recently formed the HRE as Austria. Though the experience was fun, I do have a couple of suggestions for how the HRE mechanics can be improved. Have electors actually cast votes like in AOH II: In AOH III, the nation that has the most prestige is automatically elected as emperor once the current emperor dies. This is an unfortunate downgrade compared to AOH II in my opinion. If the electors can actually cast votes this would not only make becoming emperor far more interesting since you could win the favor of the electors instead of just being the most powerful nation, it would also make it harder to remain emperor. If you anger all of the electors, they could dec…
Last reply by Gosling, -
- 2 replies
I know this could be difficult to code, but heres my idea: 1- you get all aoh2 civs files (, civdata, civs, flags and flagsH),and open program (SPREADSHEET), compact all folders into zip or 7z (except flags and flagsH), and the program will create a spreadsheet (like excels) 1- you insert the spreadsheet into program (AOH CONV), and also insert folders for flags and flagsH (need to be compacted in zip or 7z) 2- it converts data to aoh3, creating an folder on the program folder called (CONVERTDATA), which contains all files in their respective folders 2.5- (OPTIONAL) automatically resizes flagsH to flags XH (you can just manually do tha…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 2 replies
I've got a few suggestions for the Peace Treaties. 1: Demand Land for Allies Similar to of demanding lands or territories for yourself, this will allow the player to hand out territory for their allies without the "Sell Provinces" option. This could also, improve relations between allies. 2: Share Technology Say you somehow defeated a technologically advanced nation. Example, you were a North American tribe, and having won against the English, outnumbering their small detachment in the Americas, and maybe even forcing them to surrender. This button will allow you to share technology between the English or any aforementioned technologically advanc…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 4 replies
Lukasz please make multiplayer Lukasz please make multiplayer Lukasz please make multiplayer Lukasz please make multiplayer Lukasz please make multiplayer Lukasz please make multiplayer
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 5 replies
Can u? @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 2 replies
self-explainatory. instead of making aoh3 mods seemingly post in off-topic, we could have our own forum dedicated to mods.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
firstly i'd like to preface that i believe the main focus of the game development right now should be bug fixing, not adding new features and creating more bugs on top of the old ones, this is by no means meant to be hateful or criticize lukasz, these are just suggestions (please dont ban me) 1 - the military system the military system is a massive upgrade from aoh2 (anything is to be honest, the bar wasn't very high lmao 💀) because it's actually no longer just about numbers, with many new units introduced, and tactics and generals, it's pretty amazing, but it needs some minor tweaking for starters, the generals need to be more influential, l…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
A windowed fullscreen mode would be comfortable for when I am switching between youtube videos that I have on my other monitor. It's a bit inconvenient to completely minimize AoC for that. My hyperactive self can't wait the few seconds of loading either, but the game doesn't load if i minimize it completely 😂
Last reply by AddPlck, -
Given multiplayer managed to work and you originally said it was quite unlikely for a multiplayer at first, could it be possible to fix the ai to actually use a navy possibly (and maybe trade)
Last reply by Mr. Rufus, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Also do you have any plans to add the old features from the previous game such as ultimatums, also fixing the current alliance system would be nice and making it so your vassals can't join other civs alliances
Last reply by Anon6969, -
- 1 reply
I am not a professional animator I just make this for fun;)
Last reply by Mr. Rufus,