2,759 topics in this forum
- 106 replies
In this topic, share your ideas for Campaign scenarios. These scenarios focus on a small part of the map, with the rest designated as wasteland. For example, a scenario of the Reconquista in 1054, where gameplay takes place only on the Iberian Peninsula. What are your ideas for small historical scenarios?
Last reply by chefegg, -
- 242 replies
In this topic you can write your ideas for formable Civilizations for the game. It can be real/fictional/meme/funny. Template: Name: Flag: Link to image What civilizations can create it: Provinces that must be controlled to from a civilization:
Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
- 288 replies
Your ideas can become part of the game, in this topic we will write ideas for new buildings in Age of History 3. The buildings will be grouped into four categories: 1. Administration 2. Military 3. Economy 4. Unique capital buildings - These powerful buildings provide bonuses for the local province or for all provinces of your Civilization or Civilization All of the buildings can be upgraded, here is example: Library -> University -> Academy Each building costs differently and gives different bonuses. This is what your building idea post should look like, example Building Group: Adm…
Last reply by khang, -
- 60 replies
In this topic you can share your ideas about how spies should work in the game and what they can do. I'm really interested in your ideas.
Last reply by khang, -
- 94 replies
Role of the religion in the game What religion should do in the game? Every civilization and every province has a religion. If a province has a different religion than civilization, the province's income will be reduced by X% Civilization can convert religion in province. Relations between civilizations having different religions are worse. Religion should have unique bonuses? I'm looking for your ideas!
Last reply by khang, -
- 94 replies
Here in this topic you can write your ideas for a peace treaty. It might work like that: The war leader must have 100% war points and can make any demands. There will be a limit to how many provinces can be annexed in a peace treaty. It will depend on the size of the civilization compared to the civilization it is fighting against If a civilization's war exhaustion is high, the ticking war score will increase faster. The ticking war score will only increase for the currently winning side of the war.
Last reply by khang, -
- 79 replies
What do you think about the new technology tree in the game? What needs to be changed, moved or added? Here is a complete overview of the technology tree:
Last reply by elnegroimperial, -
- 35 replies
Maybe this topic will help Mr. Łukasz
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 227 replies
In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. AoH3 will have different types of land units. First of all, the AoH 3 will have new battle system: Representation of the battlefield in the game. Land units will be grouped into 3 types. Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield. Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded. Units will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep. Here is the current list of units with upgrades: First line: Warrior -> Light Footmen -> Heavy Infant…
Last reply by RostislavMerte, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Seriously please @Łukasz Jakowskiwithout it there isn't any long term enjoyment in the game.
Last reply by Anon6969, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Addon Redux is, as we all know, goated. Possibly even with the sauce. It adds a shit ton of new civs to the game, new govs, et cetera. It's definitely ideal for those who love making new scenarios. When will someone step up and bring it from 2 to 3? I would, but I am both very very dumb and somewhat somewhat busy these days. If someone can port it over, you will have y eternal gratitude. Possibly even a high five. Best regards and lots of love, A big Age of Civilizations fan.
Last reply by __goose__, -
- 2 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski naprawdę o nich zapomniałeś, bo programuję wydarzenia dotyczące dekolonizacji, ale nie ma takiego kodu o uwalnianiu marionetek, bo nie ma ich w FAQ
Last reply by Mihael1, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
firstly i'd like to preface that i believe the main focus of the game development right now should be bug fixing, not adding new features and creating more bugs on top of the old ones, this is by no means meant to be hateful or criticize lukasz, these are just suggestions (please dont ban me) 1 - the military system the military system is a massive upgrade from aoh2 (anything is to be honest, the bar wasn't very high lmao 💀) because it's actually no longer just about numbers, with many new units introduced, and tactics and generals, it's pretty amazing, but it needs some minor tweaking for starters, the generals need to be more influential, l…
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Add ideology: - Principality - Dominion - toilet - Thatcherism - Lukastherism - Primitive - cave man - Royal authoritarian - Joe mamaeism - Stalinist - Exiled government - Duo monarchy - Mao Zedong thought What do you think should be added to aoh3? Why i posted this....
Last reply by ryaugymd, -
- 0 replies
I have been following the Aoh 3 game closely since it was first announced. Since the game was released, I had the opportunity to experience it by purchasing it on Mobile and PC platforms, but it was a complete disappointment. The game does not have any depth compared to other Strategy games like Aoh2. Some of the nice features that made Aoh2 fun are no longer available. Please include the Diplomatic actions in the Aoh2 game completely in the game. Also, each of the armies should have certain buffs and debuffs, in addition to the health, attack and defense bars, it should be known in which geography they receive buffs or debuffs and which unit has a defense or attack advan…
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 0 replies
At the moment there are only 2 wonders in Sub Saharan Africa: The Great mosque of Djenné and Sankore Madrasah. I'm of the opinion that this makes the gameplay in Africa less interesting and want to therefore propose some extra wonders. These are my suggestions together with the name of the in game province where they would be located: The Rock-Hewn Curches of Lalibela Weldiya Great Zimbabwe Masvingo Pyramids of Meroë Shendi African Renaissance Monument (Tallest statue in Africa) Dakar Basilica of Our Lady of Peace (Biggest church in Africa) Yamoussoukro Grand Inga Dam (Does not yet exist IRL but would be the biggest power station …
Last reply by Gosling, -
- 0 replies
As soon as the player gains experience, coalitions cease to be a problem for him personally, they can be safely bypassed, not allowed, avoided, broken up. However, this is not the case for Artificial Intelligence. Even on legendary difficulty and with an aggressiveness of 1000%, there is always such a situation that while I am systematically fattening up my civilization, bots, as soon as they get close to becoming a hegemon, catch the coalition and die without a chance. My suggestion is to improve the legendary difficulty, namely, disable the coalition for bots, leaving it enabled for the player. This will allow the game to generate really dangerous and powerful civilizat…
Last reply by Kabanator, -
- 17 replies
Good morning, afternoon or evening ladies and gentlemen. I bring a new idea and this time about diplomacy. As always, I will try not to extend too much. I will only talk about the new options, those that bring some change or raise some doubt as to how it would work properly and the deleted options. Let's get started. Declare War: This is something that requires no introduction, its name alone indicates what it does. What I will explain below is a mechanic of how War Declaration could work. Before starting with one of the biggest changes in War Declaration, I want to clarify that this section will work as a sub-idea within the main one and it's …
Last reply by malek, -
- 4 replies
Berlin was historically split so adding the east as a separate province we get more accuracy!
Last reply by Thee OG Emerald EYE, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Czy mógłby Pan dodać limit co do wielkości jednej armii? Uważam, że kierowanie nawet kilkunastoma armiami dawałoby większą frajdę na scenariuszach ww1, ww2, 2022 itd. Bardzo liczę na to, że pojawi się to w najbliższym czasie. @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Praefectus Italicum, -
- 4 replies
Hello @Łukasz Jakowski, the following features should be really easy to implement, I am genuinely surprised they are not part of the game yet. Direct way to change core populations: There should be a slider in the core editor that allows the player to directly change the % of population that identify as the core nation. There is no reason for a core "Republic of the Rio Grande" in Mexico to have 50% core population, and I cannot seem to find a way to change it to less without making an event. Event outcome that improves relations: Like the last suggestion, there should be a way to improve relations through events, very simple to add and yet will have a huge impa…
Last reply by Praefectus Italicum, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by aoc2 visitor, -
- 1 reply
Hi I am providing a list of some ideas that I would like to be implemented into the game Being able to change your puppet´s administrative subdivision (Annexed - State - Territory - Region - Independent Municipality/District) (So you don´t have to worry about certain provinces the ai will automaticly manage the region but you can also control it.) Create cities / towns mid game or expand already existing towns Seasons - Each season would have some pros and cons like the troops would move slower in the winter and in the summer you would need more water / food supplies etc. Bridges - You will need to build bridges to cross rivers Hospitals -…
Last reply by general nepolean, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Make HRE-alliance model into a federation, the HRE model would be more than just an alliance, states or civilizations that are drawn into the HRE are automatically became vassals, protectorate (defense treaty), non-aggression treaty, economic union (they would share the same gold treasury, more state=more gold), and electable universal leader (could be president, emperor, king, protector, etc), also playing as states that are within the federation would allow us to jump between civilizations and play as more than one civilization within the HRE, since this federation model would make HRE type alliance a civilization-alliance, so declaring war and signing treaty with civi…
Last reply by MHATOPZz, -
- 104 replies
I'm working on the HRE and I need your ideas, how it should work in the game. What I want to add: - Emperor gets manpower, and income based on the number of active Civilizations in the HRE - Emperor have to guarantee independence of every single Civilization in the HRE And then I would like to add some special missions(Reforms) for the HRE. If all missions(or Reforms) are completed, the HRE will be united under one Civilization. Any ideas for the missions/reforms? Some basic ideas: Emperor have to spend X Gold. Emperor needs to have unlocked X technologies, Emperor have to spend X Legac y points, …
Last reply by MHATOPZz,