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Hola Mi querido Lukas Soy latino pero espero, me Puedas tomar en cuenta. XD Veras pensé en un tema De guerra fría como paso en la vida real Y solo que ocurrió cuando las dos Mayores potencias del mundo tengan distintos gobiernos. Osea que Si la primera Potencia mundial es capitalista y la segunda Potencia mundial es comunista, puedes empezar a influir sobre los demas paises dependiendo de la región en la que estén si La Potencia se encuentra en américa influya mas en America y si se encuentra en Europa o asia Que influya más en aquellos Países de ese continente, claro que Este tema de guerra fría no se activará si las dos potencias son de una misma Ideología. Ad…
Last reply by El waza, -
- 0 replies
Unlike AOH2, in this there may be a percentage of probability that every time you change your ideology without elections your country will go into civil war, in which de country will be divided and another countries will also be able to send support as in Hoi4. Civil wars would have a high economic and industrial cost, and it would take a long time to rebuild your nation. This event will happen in the Spanish Civil War of 1936 and in other maps.
Last reply by PedroCubo, -
- 0 replies
A option of Nuclear acopalyse before playing would be displayed in the menu, if you activate it you would have a realistic nuclear mutual destruction in case you launch nuclear bombs against another nuclear power. These effects would be global: Lost of provinces, they become desert or directly create a new state in the caos Lost of modern technologies High rate of deaths, lose of happiness and economic problems Lack of communication with the rest of countries, you need to restablece comunication technologies or discover the countries again. Posible death of your leader, secretaries and most part of army Nuclear winter, depending of th…
Last reply by Magnum, -
- 2 replies
Silos anda Bombers - I have a suggestion to make this much more fun and real. I suggest that the bombs do not explode when a click is made, if not, that a bomber be set in motion to drop that weapon, of course, if it does not have technology that unlocks the silos, in the case of the silos, the bombs They will take time to arrive depending on the distance. Iron dome and Anti-nuke defense- All nations that unlock a technology such as: "Advanced Missile Defense", obtain an iron dome that can avoid a nuke in a certain probability, so the nuke will not be a weapon that would define war with a button, and it can be avoided, That's why I suggest two ways to avoid…
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
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-Seeing the AOH3 alpha trailer, we could see multiple events that effects the country, and by that i think that every country has its own events that could be triggerd . -i think that a HISTORICAL AI system would be great for the game, so it can be more diversified ! -i know that it might be complex and difficult for lukasz but weve pushed him to develop aoh3 and we can push him even more to make it perfect!
Last reply by Aliaxxot, -
If you want some ideas i can recommend Transcaucasia HRE British, French, Spanish and more colonial empires And maybe some fictional ones like West African Federation or others?
Last reply by BaldingFox77558, -
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Hello! You said that in the modern scenarios of the game there will be a military base instead of a castle. I think military bases should be located in every state of the country. Because in modern scenarios, when you invade 1 state, I think it would be better to invade the states one by one, thanks to the military base in each land, rather than occupying all 5 states at once. If you find it logical, I would be happy if you add this feature.
Last reply by Yalçın Rüzgar, -
- 1 reply
I believe that it is necessary to improve the rebellion system, this is what I propose: New assimilation system Zones will not convert to your nation immediately and it will take several turns until there is a certain minority of your nation in that place, all of this will depend on the differences between the countries, the distance or how popular it is. With this, it will not be the same to assimilate being Spain in Mexico as the British Empire in India or Russia in Siberia (In populated zones the assimilation would be difficult with the natives, India for example or easier like Australia and UK). Inestability Great instability, whether at the nation…
Last reply by aa30388, -
- 2 replies
I have an idea so that when the provinces have to be assimilated, they can be grouped into subnational entitiesso when it has to be assimilated it is done faster and much easier with just one click or touch
Last reply by BIGCHUNGUS, -
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If there is an ethnic population in the new game, we could relate custom flags and countries for each ethnic group. So when we create a flag or a country, there would be an option in the editor (of course) to relate the flag (or country) with the ethnic group, with the ideology, and with the main continent ( it could be extent to other continents too). We can put several ethnic groups for federation-like countries. It would be sometimes useful if you want to find a country there, and to create a country, and there is no marked french empire for the ethnic people but french instead. I could be like this : Country ---------> Flag ---------…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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I think it would be nice if something could be added to the game where we can stage a coup, don't you think it would be possible to change the government?
Last reply by fatihkiziltug, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I have an idea for a new governments system in Age Of History 3, especially for Democratic Governments Right now, from what we have seen in the AoH3 alpha is that you can change Governments easily just by paying some money. This mechanic that is already present in the previous game, doesn't make sense for a democratic civilization to turn into an absolute Monarchy without any consequences. So, there are my ideas for possible ways of changing governments/ leaders of government: -Elections: Democracies and Constitutional Monarchies could have an election system that happens every 3/4/5 years depending on what time is already set for each election: for example: USA…
Last reply by Outlawexperience, -
- 1 reply
So Yea I Know What People Might Say, That It Will Be Copying Hearts Of Iron 4, But i Think This Can Still Work Out, How It Will Work Is Basicly Its Going To Be The Hearts Of Iron 4 Focus Tree But With Some Little Diffrences Or Tweaks So Its Not Exactly The Same, Since i Feel Like This Game Has a Lot Of Inspuration For HOI4, Victoria, And CK, And Has Many Features From Those Games Imported Onto AoH3 As Far As i Can See, So i Dont Think It Will Be An Issue Adding This Aswell
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
As you know, religion has been one of the key factors behind the actions of basically all nations until the very recent secularization all around the world and especially during the medieval times religions and their various tenets and features were fundamental for the development of humanity as we know it, therefore I propose that religious systems must be properly implemented to the game and should have different mechanics depending on the belief and the time. I want to focus primarily on Islam and Christianity for this message, but if people like the ideas I am about to propose, I think ideas for other religions could also be developed. Islam As you know, the…
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 1 reply
So Basicly We Have Events In AoH2, But There Isn't Any Built In Events Already Into The Game From The Start, Which In My Opinion Is Quite The Bummer, Since I Feel Like Events Have Sooo Much Potential And Are So Fun, And Yes i Know Theres This Quest Or Challenge Thingy Which Lukasz Jakowski Is Adding To AoH3, But i Feel Like There Still Should Be Already Built In Events To The Game, And Not Just a Few, i Mean LOTS Of Events For Each Scenario/Year So That The Game Is More Fun, Basicly How It Will Work Is That The Event Can Be Triggered By Some Date Or Just By Something Happening And Once It Happens There Will Be a High Res Image With a Long Description And 1 or More Options…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
Please add multiplayer Lukasz
Last reply by Magnum, -
Has information about the navy and multiplayer systems been given for Age of History 3? Please don't make the navy system like in the 2nd game.
Last reply by Yequass, -
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The idea of an atomic bomb is really nice, but it must be very, very difficult to achieve. You shouldn't lose the fun of the game. And dropping atomic bombs has to have consequences. For example, in the form of falling relations with the entire state. But there must be serious consequences. Otherwise the game will really go to shit.
Last reply by Yequass, -
- 2 replies
Now that AOH3 has been announced, here are some suggestions Add a more enhanced governments system by adding basic parliament features (but like the one in HOI4) Add Political Parties and elections to countries that are Democratic You can remove the leader if they get to chaotic add succession line for authoritarian or monarchist countries Replace "Birth" for leaders and replace it with the span you want them to rule
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 5 replies
Changing eras, different technologies, forms of state, historical and cultural circumstances, etc. hint at the need to introduce different types of vassals. Possible template examples: 1) “Vassal” is a dependent monarchical state that transfers part of the income to the monarchical overlord and enters into his wars. It has restrictions in diplomacy. 2) "Protector" - a dependent state of any type, receiving protection from the overlord in exchange for a reward. 3) "Dominion" - does not owe anything to the overlord, except for payment of part of the income. 4) “Tributary” is an improved version of dominion for tribal forms of government, if any. Also provides recruits. 5) "…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
Лидеры повстанцев
Last reply by MAXон, -
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I see that ships won't be in the game, but I think there are some workarounds that can be done. In AoH2, soldiers on water simulated ships, doing fighting there. What about making it so, that in AoH3 when armies submerge in water, they automatically change armies icon to that of a fleet and do everything the armies did, but on water? This way it won't harm the immersion, would be (as I think, not being a developer) kinda easy to make, will give way to more mechanics, such as sea invasions, and will answer community needs.
Last reply by hardlysane, -
- 2 replies
The trading system plays a very important role in some countries becoming superpowers today. Trading in the game can be so important. For example, countries with few lemons are dependent on foreign sources for lemons, while those with more lemons can sell them and generate a certain income. If there is no lemon purchase in the country, stability may decrease depending on the criticality of the product. We can also embargo some countries and cause them to suffer losses on certain products.
Last reply by hardlysane, -
- 2 replies
Ideologies in AoC2 didn't really do much, they only really affected your economy. So, here's some ideas on how to make them better! Enhanced Ideology Effects They did pretty much nothing in the AoH2 besides affect your economy. So, there should still obviously be economic effects, but more as well! Army/War Effects For Example, Fascist or Communist nations could get a higher Manpower gain boost than other ideologies. Not only that, but there should be different war types. So, if a democratic nation declares a offensive war for expansion, then there should be negative modifiers. However, if they do it to liberate other regions/counties, th…
Last reply by RMaRe, -
This is my idea for Age of History 3: Channels As you know, there are canals in the world connecting the seas (Suez, Panama, etc.) I suggest adding them to the game. If someone controls the province around the canal, they can demand money for passage. If you don’t pay, you cannot sail through the canal. Only civilian ships can pass through the canal (I think it’s good to go with trade) I also offer the opportunity to turn off the channel in the scenario editor (because some kind of Suez cannot exist in the Middle Ages) Troops can pass through the canal but are slower
Last reply by RMaRe,