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Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
We know that after the siege we will occupy the besieged province and all the neighboring ones. But if there is an enemy army stationed on the neighboring province, then this province should not become occupied It shouldn't be like this: This one province where the enemy army is should not be occupied
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 1 reply
будут ли претензии к территориям, например, что ДНР и ЛНР являются территориями России, но у Украины будут претензии на эти регионы, и их можно будет отдать
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 3 replies
Latest list of outcomes: Link Some event outcomes from AOH II are missing, so there is a list of the ones I think should be added (some are from AOH II, others are new) Outcomes: ● Liberate vassal ● Leave alliance ● Force surrender (if the add_truce doesn't do that) ● Force white peace ● Form civilization (insert a new civ on the map) ● Join/leave alliance organization ● province_population_id (so it's possible to modify the population of a specific province) ● Update province population percentage ● Update relation between two civilizations ● Trigger a disease in a specific province or in the civilization
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 1 reply
I suggest the developer consider adding modifiers for individual civilizations and provinces. A certain effect is imposed on the entire civilization or on an individual province/provinces, which can be changed/lost and acquired only under certain conditions. Modifiers can be By date: 1)Permanent 2) Temporary By nature: 1)Positive 2)Negative According to the conditions: 1)Depends on the mission 2)Depends on the event 3)Depends on time 4)Depends on the building 5) Depends on the province... Examples 1. If a civilization owns the province of Singapore, it receives the modifier “Crossing the Strait Fee”, +N% tax income to c…
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 4 replies
Hello, While watching, I did notice there were little-to-no incentives for resources. Yes, I know resources provide an economic-boost. But, that's all to it.. Thus, I made this topic. Resources should also be utilized to construct buildings or infrastructure. Additionally, resources could also be used to manufacture weapons. This could also be an incentive for trade. Where nations trade to benefit one another. That be all. 👃
Last reply by Popooy, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
In the latest video about steam workshop mods the scenario 725 heptarchy, despite the scenario having the island of great britain being the only one having civilizations, the minimap still shows the entire map even though most of it is empty neutral provinces. It should be like aoc2 where the minimap only shows the areas with civilizations and a small surrounding
Last reply by Noobs Dudes, -
- 7 replies
Guys, I came up with an idea of how to organize banks in the game They do not have a territory and from this they receive income from buildings Example the capital bank will have a bank headquarters building, it generates income, and for this income we can build buildings in countries The countries in which we built the building can tax them (we give away part of the income). The country can regulate the tax (up to 75 percent) and even ban our activities and nationalize the building) But the most interesting thing is that banks can offer loans to countries (with interest) Banks will have recruits themselves due to the fact that they will …
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
- 1 reply
We desperately need a place to report piracy websites for lukasz to take action against, the moment the game goes up on steam it'll be flooded all over piracy websites, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD give us a place where we can report these websites without others seeing our posts (so they don't get the game for free from there) WE NEED THIS, IT'S VERY EASY @Łukasz Jakowski if you won't be able to deal with the large amount of piracy websites atleast create this feature in the forums until you hire people/get people from the community to remove them on your behalf, otherwise you'll make very little considering the exchange rate between euro's and dollars
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 2 replies
The videos show that some countries are vassals of one one country throughout the entire game. It's a bit strange. I would introduce something like this, that if a country is a vassal for 100 years continuously, after that time it declares independence (even if it has very good relations with its lord) It looks stupid when Transioxana is a vassal of Timurid for 500 years continuously
Last reply by Yahya, -
- 2 replies
Lukasz, what do you think about add the PC map on the settings of the android version?
Last reply by Yahya, -
- 0 replies
Could you add a system that adds landless wandering armies that spawn in random areas, that can be hired by a civilization with money or a resource, there could also be a rarity were some wandering armies can automatically attack a nations armies if they are near them like bandits.
Last reply by mordred, -
- 1 reply
I saw in Bwa's video that Mali was passing through areas without civilization occupying, lands that were not "colonized" It's cool to be able to pass through these areas, but my idea is that when passing through there, there could be a chance of the troops decreasing, insinuating that they died in the crossing, or even becoming slower (since these lands are not controlled, there would be no infrastructure and security) This way, the AI and the player would only pass through there when it was really necessary, as it would normally be better to take the "longer", but safer and faster route
Last reply by Joaoj, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
9:50 If the AI attacked with its armies, it could have won the war. The AI is not focused on sieges, it only attacks the player's units and it can't do it correctly. There are 10 days left for the game to be released. If the AI is fixed, many people will like it. I wish you good work.
Last reply by Ragronr, -
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- 0 replies
Hi @Łukasz JakowskiI think that occupying all provinces adjacent to the one that was sieged is a bit much, I know it's to counteract with how many provinces are going to be but I think for the early game at least that should be a unlockable upgrade down the road. Speaking of it is the mobile version which is gonna have less provinces going to have this type of siege system?
Last reply by Anon6969, -
- 1 reply
at the very start of each scenario while we're choosing our civilization i think we should 10000% get the ability to choose whether technology will be research based or era based how it'll work? very simple. in AOH3 there are multiple ages, the age of information, age of feudalism etc etc, well the technologies will be divided based on that, certain technologies like colonization will be researchable starting in the Age of discovery, this will make it so certain civilizations can still unlock tech trees before everyone else if they're more technologically advanced already while still stopping gunmen and nukes from being used in the 1700's like we saw in the 14…
Last reply by DRM, -
- 0 replies
You know. In AoH2 we can play on 2 countries, but there it isn't comfortable. Make move in one country and second move to another it's not good I think. How about you make a switcher. I mean: If player want he make necessary quantity moves in one contry and then, if player want, he make a necessary quantity moves on another country. What do uou think about it?
Last reply by Nikkkkkkkkkkkoooo, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
it could be nice
Last reply by Smeysya, -
- 0 replies
It would be good to see the total deaths in the world during your game.
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 0 replies
This was my original post, expressing disappointment with the war mechanics of AoH3. It was posted yesterday, and got a couple of replies today, and now all of a sudden I find that it has gotten deleted. What exactly is wrong with this post that would cause it to get deleted?
Last reply by Goldensyrup, -
I have another idea. You can add that the type of fight as in crusader kings 3 In some territories, countries will have unique interactions and relationships This is how the Tatar-Mongol yoke can be realized, All Russian states are vassals of the horde The struggle will have phases Here is an example in this Russian struggle of three phases: 1 domination, 2 reconciliation, 3 thirst for freedom. The struggle can be completed by the country and it can end by itself Russian Russian states will treat the horde badly, but the horde will receive more money and soldiers from the Russians. As an example, the relationship between t…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
Yay ig lol
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
Add civil wars whether in a future Update or dlc thx
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
Or is there chance for it coming out later on in a future update or dlc? @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by xox, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
In Age of History 3 videos, images or PNGs of cities are shown, which have different shapes, but will they change depending on the era? I also suggest that when the capital is upgraded, it could have an image change, and at the same time, the infrastructure, which I believe exists, could be improved, and the shape of the city and buildings would change as well.
Last reply by DRM,