2,758 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
•336 Alexander the Great's Campaign •117 BC, (Roman Empire) •238, (China's Three Kingdoms) •395 (Division of Rome) •601, (Eastern Roman Empire and Sasanian Empire) •930, (China's Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms) •1096, (First Crusade) •1204, (Fourth Crusade) •1295, (Mongol Empire) •1310, (Pax Mongolica) •1440 •1600, (Spanish Empire) •1836, (Victorian era) •World War I •World War II •Modern world Thank you
Last reply by ManosXP, -
- 0 replies
It would be cool if you could introduce laws and carry out coups d'état in the game
Last reply by spamton, -
- 0 replies
okay, you are tsarist russia and you maked puppet poland and wow its now congress poland or idk in game files its pol-rus not pol
Last reply by Hoveras, -
- 2 replies
There could have denominations inside religions like Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Lutheran inside Christianity or Sunni, Shia and Ibadi inside Islam or even Mahayana, Theravada and Vajrayana inside Buddhism. With each one having special mechanics.
Last reply by Imro692, -
- 1 reply
Creation of divisions that can act independently in some areas, for example if you play as Romania and conquer an African country you can create a corps or division that you can name yourself and put its logo for example Romanian Egyptian Division to which you can give a specific goal such as looting a certain territory or conquering some states without the specific participation of you as a player
Last reply by Imro692, -
- 2 replies
I know it is possible to create cities directly onto the map, but i would love if you could during a game build a city in some province (for example in h´the saharan provinces), you could also create cities in other countries as a form of investment or destabilization
Last reply by Imro692, -
Some more stuff
by Guest- 6 replies
(These suggestions are from a comment in my YT channel) 1-this is aoc2, not paradox, while Hoi4 alt history scenarios will be good (because good alt history deserves to be on all platforms) so unpopular opinion, i know, but we should keep units simple, and if lukasz adds focus trees should keep it very simple 2-most mechanics in bloody europe 1.3, namely genocide,nukes, and military experience points, the nukes being different here as in that you can design them 3-inclusion of leader dates (fictional death dates if the leaders are still alive) so we can change leaders over time (similar to the leadership change in megamod, so yeah, chan…
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 15 replies
I think in Age of History 2, countries have leaders, but these leaders don't have any specific characteristics. I believe that having leaders with changing attributes over the years could add depth to the game. Additionally, it would be nice if their armies had leaders, similar to the system in Crusader Kings 3.
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 2 replies
create official aoh3 scenario/map creator and gather scenarios from modding community and choose best one Your work on creating scenarios will be decreased
Last reply by davidtjk, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Does this game require multiplayer?
Last reply by china peple, -
- 0 replies
please add copying of events, as well as the possibility of their execution for several countries
Last reply by Milord_IV, -
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Ok I think everyone knows that in AOh2 the only way to intervene in a war is by declaring war on another country which makes it a bit unrealistic, my suggestion is to add a system so that if the nation has certain prestige points it can interfere in other conflicts from other civilizations, which would be excellent especially in modern scenarios
Last reply by chocolateplay15, -
Last reply by HUSKYFRESK0,
- 0 replies
Last reply by china peple, -
Empty land
by Mov- 0 replies
The empty land should be more populous, in aoh2 it's barely worth to colonize empty land due to low population.
Last reply by Mov, -
beta Beta, when?
by Evis7- 1 reply
Hello Lukasz I have a question that doesn't leave my head, There will be a beta version of aoh3, I sincerely believe that when the game is partially finished, you could place a beta so that the players have more hype when waiting for the full game, I await your response @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Mov, -
- 0 replies
In Historical Age 2, some Turkish district names were written as provinces (For example: Manisa Akhisar. But this is true for the Ottoman Empire). Additionally, there are some errors in the pronunciation of letters in Turkish names. This diagram contains more accurate province borders and names for Age of History 3. I did not open this topic only for Turkey, other friends can also upload the borders and names of their own countries, as in the example below. Of course, if other members approve, the process will be faster and of higher quality. (I hope not every nation draws maps other than the official map like 82 Mosul, 83 Kirkuk 😊 (please). There is no la…
Last reply by MeteHun, -
- 2 replies
That you can start the game as a rebel, for example, at the beginning of the game, mark one territory of another country and start as a rebel who will seize power in a country or the principle of civil war or a coup, where in some cases countries that are enemies of that country where you carry out a coup, they finance that war with gifts in the form of gold
Last reply by hahaha093, -
- 0 replies
Historical Eras and Campaigns: Explore new historical eras for gameplay, such as the Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, or Information Age. Design detailed campaigns with historically accurate events and challenges. Customizable Civilizations: Introduce a more robust civilization creation system, allowing players to customize their civilizations in terms of government types, economic systems, and cultural attributes. Provide a deeper diplomacy system that reflects the complexity of international relations. Technological Progression: Implement a dynamic technology tre…
Last reply by hiren, -
- 0 replies
add a focus tree
Last reply by ruben dias, -
- 0 replies
Agregar unos 6 o 7 mapas, ejem: -reconquista -1600 -2023 (2024) -1200 -guerra civil rusa -guerra civil española -primera guerra mundial ... Agregar nuevas mecánicas: -Poder quitar o agregar territorio a nuestro vasallo -poder eliminar nuestro vasallo y remplazarlo por otro -poder llevar cierta cantidad de población a un lugar (colonizar básicamente, y con esto podríamos regular el deseo de independencia) -poder crear bombas atómicas -poder eliminar la población de un país (limpieza étnica) Otras ideas... Ejercito: -Que el ejército pueda ser fuerte no sólo por números, si …
Last reply by Ivn8, -
About the colonies in Age Of History 3,
Last reply by BRDouglas, -
- 0 replies
The following types of add-ons may come to Age of History 3: religions, religious minorities and places of worship belonging to religions should be added, such as churches and mosques nuclear and atomic bombs should be added Some unions or organizations such as NATO Shanghai Union BRICS or European Union should be added Some combat vehicles such as tanks, aircraft, ships and helicopters should be added ethnic minorities should be called american french or japanese instead of calling them america france japan And finally, online should be added to the game. I hope you will add all these things I want to Age of History 3. Have a nice day!
Last reply by Murat1480, -
- 2 replies
System kapitulacji atakowanego państwa. Moim pomysłem jest dodanie do nowego AOH3 systemu dzięki któremu gdy zaatakujemy państwo i okupujemy stolicę bądź znaczną część terytorium tego państwa wówczas ono kapituluje i automatycznie gracz będzie okupował wszystkie prowincje tego kraju.
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
- 1 reply
It would be great to bring the idea of political movements/parties to life.Having not only a positive and negative impact on the country, like the elementary "+2% to the amount of tax", but also unique mechanics, ways of behavior for AI. It would be great to realize the struggle of political forces, so that it would not be so easy for the player to radically change the political life of the country overnight. For example, in the late Middle Ages, it was possible to strengthen various political forces with the help of assemblies of different estates (an example from real life is the Cortes in Spain or the States General of France). It will also be possible to add different…
Last reply by AmericanLiberia,