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sou só eu ou mais alguém acha que seria uma boa inspiração para ele simular as mecânicas do jogo Paradox, especialmente Victória 3 para a economia e Hearts of Iron 4 para as guerras, e uma mistura de ambos para a cultura? Poderia haver alguma versão hipersimplificada dos skylines das cidades para o planejamento urbano, além de serem ícones no mapa. Sempre gostei desse jogo porque é simples, não acho que seja necessário mais do que mecânicas como essas, revoltas complexas e mísseis balísticos ou lealdade às tropas ou outras ideias que li parecem meio absurdas
Last reply by Felipe the great, -
A disclaim before start: english is not my first language, if you see mistakes is my fault obviously. In the previous game the wars has not a system of causes. With one maybe certain countries could obtain reasons to reclaim certain provinces and depend the country you can just anex these provinces and not an entire country like before, if a country capitulates when his capital is taken could make the wars a bit interesting because we (the players) and the AI has to point an objective and the button of "change capital" obtain an use to extend the wartime if the province is about to be taken. Also, soldiers just vaporize when they clash with another group of enemy soldie…
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
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Every country should have its own culture culture change option If those people don't like the culture they will rebel. If they love culture, they won't do anything
Last reply by Tawisna, -
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Countries should know that they are from the same lineage Example German countries should know that they are German countries and have better relations. Example: Germany-Austria Example 2: Turkey Azerbaijan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Kazakhistan kyrgyzstan Hungary - Turkic Countries Countries know that they come from the same lineage It should be easier to form an alliance with them, they should have less opportunity to declare war on us.
Last reply by Tawisna, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I thought of a scenario where the Turkish citizens and civilians fight for their country as a whole. Whilst Greece, Italy, and France in the Anatolian region. This goes past in 1919 when Mustafa Kemal Ataürk fought with the Ottoman Emperor and went through 5-6 nations that tried to occupy the Turkish mainland. He formed the Kuvay-i Millye which were made up of people who lived in Turkish villages at the time. This would be a good scenario as it isn't in the current AOHll game, also Turkey just celebrated their 100. anniversary of the formation of the modern Turkey. This would mean a lot to the Turkish players who are a large percentage of the player community. Please take…
Last reply by Ermenice, -
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First of all, the biggest problem that prevents the development of this game is that the game can be played in all periods of history, not at a single time like other games, and that technology changes every year. For this reason, it will be very difficult to adapt a world where everything, from combat vehicles to buildings, changes and develops over time. For this reason, my suggestion is that it is a mechanic that operates with the logic of the history line, which will be based on the technology that has developed until today. (Historical Technology Mechanics) **What does this mechanic do? What can it be used for?** With this mechanic, army logic …
Last reply by TheRoyalll, -
- 6 replies
For example if you are russia and you dont want to waste money on the siberian provinces, you should be able to just do investments on the chosen province.
Last reply by Shiite, -
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It would be great if rather than having the game randomly choose a leader like on AoH2 when going to custom scenarios you can instead choose one for them, like a menu screen with all possible leaders and their ideology, would be an epic way for customization. I also think it would be amazing if during the game we could change the leaders of our nation ourselves, of course not an inmidiate process but rather a slow one like propaganda for a party or ideology, it would just be amazing to have. And finally, aditional to having generic ideologies for each country aditionally add some custom ideologies, like for example chavism on Venezuela, Panafricanism for African…
Last reply by SuperGion915, -
- 1 reply
1) Detailed borrowing, sending ambassadors, bilateral negotiations and agreements 2) Detailed attack plans should be made when attacking important cities (for example, when attacking Istanbul, we should examine every side of Istanbul and see which side is less defended and attack from there). 3) When the public is happy or angry, the news should be sent to the government as an "event". 4) If authority cannot be achieved, early elections should be held instead of rebellion and the government should be changed through elections. 5) When we played games in ancient times, the king or ruler should be allowed to appoint "princes" …
Last reply by Starooskolskiy, -
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I think it would be much more interesting if it had a different system, a system that motivated us to make strategies to kill more enemy soldiers and not just stay in the mountains or build bases to lose fewer troops in the war like in the current game.
Last reply by Skull, -
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Since AOH3 Will be a RTS Game, time will be a factor to take care of. Having railways could speed up soldiers, which is very convenient on a war. In AOH2, fully Ocupying a province and Moving your Units took the same time, only 1 turn, this obviously makes no sense. But being a RTS we have the possibility to change this to make It more realistic. Example: You are France during WW1, if you have an army at Aquitaine, but Germany is fighting over Paris, you can send that army to Paris, (maybe using railways) the troops would actually get there before Germany could take the city, this changes Strategy and would heavily improve wars.
Last reply by Mov, -
- 3 replies
The personal union is two / multiple state that are independant from each other but have the same monarch / president (hello Simon Bolivar) as the head of state. // HOW WOULD IT WORK // In the diplomatic section, choose the master and vassal antions then you can add personal union between nations. The nations that are in personnal union have the military access to each other. If war is declared on the vassal, the master will be automaticaly called to war. The vassal in personnal union will get the master's color.
Last reply by Mov, -
- 1 reply
It's quite annoying that you cannot fully annex the nation that you conquered even when you do not have any allies in the war, It would be verry helpfull if that changed also in the peace deals border gore should be fixed and puppets should not be able to take land (would be good if puppets couldn't declare war on people as well)
Last reply by Mov, -
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First off, there would be a great variety of resource tipes, such as ores (tin, gold, bronze, diamonds...), wood, salt, food, agriculture..., u could extract those thins, and there would be a map showing how many of this product we have in that province (example in the image for gold), so u can extract those resources using money and manpower, then you can sell them, use them to build things, or manunfacture 'em, like using tin and copper to make bronze, making vehichles.... (each type of resource would be unlocked by researching or by the years, so in the fucture u could make chips and those things)
Last reply by pedroRSmapper, -
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It would be interesting if there was a slave system, where you could invade countries or colonize territories to enslave and steal their resources, where you could dictate where they would work and how they would work. As for the system of laws, you could change anti-drug laws and social issues such as health and education, and you could privatize or nationalize your services. With this, you would create the ideology of your country.
Last reply by Edney Edmundo, -
- 4 replies
When stability or happiness is low, make it so that a civil war happens. For example, Spain has a 20% happiness, if it is not raised, a Communist Spain will annex some provinces and declare war on Spain.
Last reply by pepper revived, -
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Weapon bunus in wars by technology
Last reply by Azarbod, -
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Add politic ideologys like: economic ones: - constitutional monarchy - capitalism - parlamentar monarchy - socialism - nazism and others - anarchism - nationalism - liberalism - conservatism
Last reply by korowwe, -
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This is the second part This first part Suggestions Adding the possibility of publishing religion and new provinces Editing the map and excerpts without complications Create a ruler for each ideology Add various state positions with their pictures Changing the leaders of countries according to the year of their rule, whether manually or via artificial intelligence (it is unbelievable that the President of the United States in the year 2100 is Joe Biden, who is currently 81 years old 😅) Make wars continue for a long period (for example, months to occupy only one territory), depending on…
Last reply by Imro692, -
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Make the game files accessible on iOS
Last reply by anonymous8, -
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transfer the aoh2 scenarios and maps to aoh3
Last reply by Yanxue, -
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Primeiramente, boa leitura para o criador do jogo ou para quem está apenas lendo as ideias, venho como representante do Brasil, Para começar, vou dividir minhas opiniões/ideias em tópicos Para começar, vou dividir minhas opiniões/ideias em tópicos e irei classificá-los em 1, 2 ou 3 e assim por diante, Boa leitura Primeiro tema: das fronteiras... 1° Primeiramente estou ciente da dificuldade de fazer esse tipo de adição no jogo com tantas províncias e possíveis fronteiras aleatórias que fazem a fronteira ficar ruim, mas eu gostaria muito se houvesse a possibilidade das províncias serem melhores organizado, por exemplo. Primeiramente estou cien…
Last reply by Iago, -
- 1 follower
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Let's start with how colonisation should look like: In scenario editor you can choose when AI can start colonisating. It will be able only when civ see the land without owner. In new game you shouldn't use your troops but you should have something named "coloners". Coloners would be needed to colonasing. How they should work: They would have there levels (from 1 to 3). Better levels cost more money but is colonising faster. They would have time (random generated). Level 1 would making colones longer and 3 faster. If you have some lands you should get something in diplomatic window named "Make a colony" Colonies flags would be the same as your flag (automatic fla…
Last reply by Historyk, -
- 1 reply
I think that there should be like a social rank for each civilization, like the nobility, clergy, peasantry, this social rank system could make conflicts like the Barons War and Peasants Revolt in England or the French Revolution make sense if some of the ranks of people are being oppressed. I also think that there could be like a period of Renaissance for civilizations, for example the Renaissance period of art in the Italian states or the Elizabethan era of writing and theater which could lead to more prestige and higher advancement. I don't think some people will agree on this last idea but I want there to be an option for the event system where you could be able to mo…
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
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Frankly, I wish to start this topic by saying that the current vassal system we have in AoHII is very much dry, unrealistic, and underused (something that can be applied to many other features, but that is for another time). And so, this is my personal vision of how a vassal system could work in AoHIII: (Please do note that this is a half-finished idea of mine, you can help by making some sense out of it for me) Firstly, subject nations should be split into multiple types, some examples would be vassal states, autonomous states, tributary states, satellite states, dominions, colonial states, protectorates, neo-colonial states, etc. The divisions between the types o…
Last reply by LLaarryy,