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For example, from the end of the war to the present, there will be a United Nations Organization. Through the organization, it will be possible to justify the purpose of the war. If you justify the purpose of the war through the organization, then the opinion of the player from friendly enemy countries will not decrease. It will be possible to impose sanctions : 1. To trade. (If you also declared war without justification, those countries who supported this idea will impose sanctions on trade, if the majority voted "yes", then all member countries of the organization will impose a ban on trade. 2. Economic sanctions. (If the state has become economically strong, rivals ca…
Last reply by Bronze_Chirik, -
- 0 replies
Make five types of water Deep Ocean-cannot be entered with armies until deep ocean technology like 1970s Ocean cannot be enteed with armies until American Colonization technogy -1500s Seas can be entered after boots technology 3000Bcs Rivers,can be entered after boots technology Lakes can be entered with boots technology Add more major rivers too please
Last reply by rumiye, -
- 0 replies
In AOH3 you should add the option to change the leader in events. For example if im making an event which Has a civil war and after the civil war I want to change the leader, I cant right now which is annoying.
Last reply by animatedmac, -
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I think it be very cool if game have some good achievements, like in aohII where you need to form a specific country, it be cool if we have more of this
Last reply by mrsx2, -
- 0 replies
Let us search up event since it is a pain to manage events in AOC2
Last reply by negus, -
- 0 replies
Here are my ("very creative") ideas 1.fix: Connections why did mongols attack my province (that didnt border the province that they were previously in) 2. add mechanics like: auto assimilation- asimilates all provinces that have less than 50% stability (from BE2) national celebration- makes festivals in all of your provinces (from BE2) Better peace conferences, (so that AI whould make actually good looking broders) Demilitaryzation of region- in peace conferences u can select regions that will be demilitarized, which means that after peace conferences troops (of the country that lost the war) cant enter those regions, u need to have ha…
Last reply by Corgi X, -
- 4 replies
As you know, some states in the game have flat borders and these borders are made for the Modern World. The problem is, in years like 1440 we shouldn't put straight borders because there were no straight borders, but in Age of History 2 we put states with straight borders in places like the Mamluks, African countries, and that's beyond realistic. Output. I think every state should have a straight border and non-straight border version or different maps.
Last reply by Comrade_Parrot, -
- 2 replies
Dear Lukasz, hi I'm Arash, a big fan of your work and an aoh2 modder So here are my ideas for AoH III Age of History series has never been similar to paradox games. I see many people asking for some abilities like FUCKING MISSLES AND NUKES, dude for the sake of God do not do such a thing. I'd reccomend you to focus more on 1200 - 1800, these times are the most suitable for this game. -Vassal management Perhabs you can put more details on the Vassal management and their loyalty. Featuring a new menu that includes charts for vassals loyalty, strength, and and how close are they to delare indepe…
Last reply by GigaChad, -
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My idea/suggestion is about superevents. For those of you that don't know, a superevent is a type of event that plays music/some type of audio alongside it. Here is a picture of what they look like: Above is a link to a Youtube video where it can be shown what they do since my explanation isn't really the best. I feel like having the option to add superevents in would be very cool and would give modders the option to create much more dramatic events, and overall would just be extremely cool. Below I have some questions about the game, specifically some of the advanced elements of the game itself.…
Last reply by BackToTheBrickStudios, -
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Lukas te pedimos co.o comunidad de aoh2 que en aoh3 puedas implementar la capitulación: :digamos estoy invadiendo peru si le conquistó la capital y las ciudades importantes,se pueda capitular todo el país o que nos declare La Paz ya que sin la capital y las ciudades importantes no podrá haver casi nada y también unas ideas serian: mejorar la IA un multijugador Recomendaciones: Mejora aoh3 de una forma que le puedas sacar actualizaciones pero que no sean tan recurrentes para no molestarte Recuerda a tu comunidad: recuerda que nosotros somos tu comunidad,que nosotros somos los que le dan aún más vida al juego no nos olvides.
Last reply by holainvadirpolonia, -
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Pra O AOH3 Espero que adicionem a função de intervenção De Guerra, Exemplo:Rússia Ataca Ucrânia Polônia Faz Intervenção De Guerra E Feito Tratado De Paz: Enfim Espero Que o Jakowzki adicionem Isso AO Jogo O que Tornaria muito mais interessante as guerras
Last reply by chocolateplay15, -
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Pra O AOH3 Espero que adicionem a função de intervenção De Guerra, Exemplo:Rússia Ataca Ucrânia Polônia Faz Intervenção De Guerra EE Feito Tratado De Paz: Enfim Espero Que o Jakowzki adicionem Isso AO Jogo O que Tornaria muito mais interessante as guerras
Last reply by chocolateplay15, -
- 5 replies
please add multiplayer, players would do the things they want in a single tour and skip when everyone is ready
Last reply by Shiite, -
- 1 reply
everything will be obvious here, we need asking you to add a religion editor to aoh3 pls
Last reply by Shiite, -
add some kind of religion system that can also increase or decrease relations with other countirs
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 1 reply
An idea that should be implemented for AOH 3 is not to censor the symbols (We know which ones I'm talking about), the story should be seen as it was. I know it may be a controversial topic but perhaps there could be an option to show those symbols for those who want to see them and another option for those who do not want to see them. Sorry for my bad english.
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
The thing that made the game alive after all these years was modding. Because everybody was able to make their own scenarios and countries in few minutes replayability was infinite. To expand on this idea, make more in-game editors (like scenario editor, pallet color editor etc) 1. Technology editor Technology editor could make it so that players would be able to add their own technology groups, or remove existing ones based on their wants! 2. Better Country Creator Make it so we can import the flag of our custom country in-game instead of having to play-around in the game files. Another thing that would be neat would be the possibility to chan…
Last reply by SVH, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I suggest that modders who have contributed to the development of the community join the development of AOH3. This can help the game to be made faster and reach a better state. Unlike AOH2, we don't want Lukas to release the game quickly, but we demand that it be released with plenty of time and with the least amount of errors. However, we also request that Lukas provide us with regular updates or announcements regarding the game's progress and developments, either monthly or weekly. Although it may not be in 2023, I hope that the game will be released in the summer or autumn of 2024. That's how it seems to me at the moment, but we want to know first which platforms…
Last reply by BySpringBonnie76, -
- 1 reply
I would like to propose that you add an immigration option to aoh3. It would allow population to move away from their province or country if the economy of said province is too low. This could be used by low population countries to get on a fairer playing level and force the nation that is experiencing emigration to improve their economy.
Last reply by Tatar Mongol6, -
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In Age of History 1 and 2, ideologies could be changed radically and quickly. However, there was no visible change in popular influence and administration. In the new government system, if people are added to the game, there must be the ideologies of the people, if not, the ideologies of the people or race in the country. For example, we can give an example from Italy. Let's assume that there are intensely humanist and democratic people in Italy. As the player, we want to turn the state into a Roman empire. This is the time so that we can spread our ideology through propaganda and disabling other political parties (such as closing down parties, taking them into gove…
Last reply by ilkerbey, -
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Large countries can use resources to create religions. They will spread to each other through the army or naturally at the borders. Special unit missionaries can be used to speed up the spread of religion. Added "Holy City". After the holy city of a religion is occupied, the leading country of that religion (the Papal State or something like that?) can initiate a "holy war" and require all countries of that religion to join the war. Religions are divided into levels. The more followers the religion has, the higher the level and the faster it spreads. Religion also affects international relations and add the option of religious victory (I use google tra…
Last reply by Yanxue, -
- 1 reply
In order not to declare war so easily, it would be good to add as an example: justification of war or a referendum to complicate the process of seizing new territories.
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I have put together a list of small but cool ideas for new features in AOH3 here it is. Idea 1: Fog of war hard version It would be cool so if you have fog of war you can select hard and u will only be able to see your borders at start and it will be very dark then use military (possibly scouts?) to explore new territory but you will have to scout a lot because it is hard and will only show a little bit when exploring so u have to explore a lot. Idea 2: Age of Civilizations rework Age of Civilizations is a mode in AOH2 where it will spawn you as a random country and u have to discover other random countries and win the game. I say there should be a opt…
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
Instead of flat map we could have a globe map like on google earth. I know it's probably impossible but I would be cool af
Last reply by cvbnm07, -
- 0 replies
1. Multiplayer. By the name, it is clear that AOH lacks multiplayer. It's already known. 2. I would like to add the ability to build factories to AOH. There should be several types of them. 1 for the extraction/production of products that can be sold to other countries and have a profit from it. These plants can produce/extract resources, let's say metal. Let's say 1 level 1 factory produces 1kg of metal. Level 2 will already produce 2 kg and the like. They can also be used to create equipment. 2 type of factories for the production of machinery. That's what metal is for. The equipment can be different - transport, merchant ship. This technique can be used, for examp…
Last reply by AIM36GS,