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Wars Archive
by Mov- 0 replies
This is, essentially, a new option which shows, in cronological order, all the finished and ongoing wars. Concept:
Last reply by Mov, -
- 0 replies
That would be cool
Last reply by KermelSausage, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I propose possibility of vassal flags like in Scenario+. Like,if you puppet a country,it will change the flag accordingly.
Last reply by KermelSausage, -
- 0 replies
Let’s assume that AoH3 will have a similar selection of scenarios as AoH2. Having that in mind, here are some ideas to make all the start dates feel different: - 962-1806 - HRE mechanics, similar to EU4. Or EU3, you decide. The default 1440 scenario should also have a lot of events/event chains, seeing as it’s the scenario most people play. - 1815-1914 - A greater focus on maintaining and growing an economy, industrialization, development of political ideas, nationalism and nationalist rebels, AI focus on maintaining a balance of power and colonialism instead of going ham with conquests. Greater penalties for taking land for both AI and player, maybe a me…
Last reply by xHarm, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
We need more control over the vassals. Gor example: "move vassal army" if the vassal army on this province that we clicked. Change vassals goverment type option
Last reply by uwut, -
- 1 follower
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Here are my ideas for the Ideology system in AOH3! Idea 1: More ideologies Just make more like splitting monarchy into constitutional and absolute monarchy or splitting democracy into democracy and authoritarian democracy. It would be below the custom civilization creator in the menu. Idea 2: Custom Ideology Creator It would be cool to make your own ideology with ease! Idea 2.325: Already Existing Civilizations Being able to change the ideology flags for already existing civilizations would be cool but probably not needed because of the custom civilization creator. Idea 2.650: Custom Civilization Ideology Flags Being able to change …
Last reply by Nitra, -
Complete evolution of the trading system and the "Load flag, leader" option (just like on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook etc. when you set your own profile picture and the File Explorer opens)
Last reply by Wiktorek, -
- 0 replies
Instead of clicking on every province, assimilation should be more automatic just like development, more money into assimilation = faster assimilation. Also in some countries like Yugoslavia minorities like Croats should be counted as other nationality but be same as your nation (pay taxes and be be able to become a soldier) - aka giving rights to other nationalities. (Something similar to Imperator Rome) Sorry for bad English
Last reply by Pepqew, -
- 0 replies
For example. make ai not annex provinces that don't directly border them, and also make them relase some nations sometimes , and also try to not separate the conquered nation like creating a million scattered pieces.
Last reply by Aaaanonim, -
- 0 replies
Well if he really is gonna drop a Aoh3 Well then I have some ideas you guys might like 1: more trade Options. So you know how We can make farms And stuff right? Well I want to do id that I'd be able to collect carrots carrots and stuff also collect wood be able to make mines And then sell all of that And put up a prize now If you trade with someone your relations will improve And I like that idea also when you have a large army and are doing a conquest you need to build supply camps but There should be a option to turn or off this and also it will Increase your income 2: Be able to aid your allies or anyone By aid I mean sen…
Last reply by Sun22, -
- 0 replies
Is it possible for the game to add dynamic province names based on the owner of that province? For example, German Alsace-Lorraine should have the city names in German, not in French. The same goes for the colony city names (if France colonised the US they would have French city names).
Last reply by deleteduser-0, -
- 1 reply
the game is supposed to be about 1440 to begin with, but if you don't change that and make the game scenario about WW2 or modern society, there will be less to add and it will be boring.
Last reply by Aaaanonim, -
- 1 follower
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The nationalist movement that emerged with the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolutions spread to various parts of Europe and beyond in different years through communication, telecommunication, and books. It would be great to incorporate this into the game. For example, the desire for unification among German and Italian city-states after these events, or the increasing desire of nations within the Ottoman Empire and other empires to establish separate states, should be depicted. However, we would need certain parameters for this. For instance, there should be espionage activities to fuel or hinder nationalist sentiments. Moreover, if this…
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 0 replies
the ability to create and edit flags and names of alliances, the ability to create not only military alliances but also economic ones (and alliances that exist in our world today), enter an internal chat into alliances to communicate only with the people of this alliance, establish the leader of the alliance, only the leader will be able to decide when and with whom to start a war (in the past parts of the game, the members of your alliance declared war on other countries without your permission, this led to unnecessary wars)
Last reply by Jack_Lore2354, -
- 0 replies
I think there should be politics pie chart where the player can change the ideology and leader based off of decisions they made in the game.It would be great for scenarios such as the Modern Day and it would add some realism to the game
Last reply by MilosXD, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Fransız Devrimi ve Sanayi Devrimleriyle birlikte ortaya çıkan milliyetçilik hareketi, iletişim, telekomünikasyon ve kitaplar aracılığıyla farklı yıllar Avrupa'nın çeşitli bölgelerine ve dağılımlarına yayıldı. Bunu oyunun dahil edilmesi harika olurdu. Örneğin bu olaylardan sonra Alman ve İtalyan şehir devletlerinin birleşme isteği ya da Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve diğer imparatorluklar Güçlerinin ulusların ayrı devletler kurma isteklerinin yeniden başlaması anlatılmalıdır. Ancak bunun için bazı etkiler azaltılacak. Mesela milliyetçiler körükleyecek veya engelleyecek casusluk faaliyetleri yürütmelidir. artı bu fikir Fransa'dan geleceksa öncelikle Avrup…
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 0 replies
the ability to create and edit flags and names of alliances, the ability to create not only military alliances but also economic ones (and alliances that exist in our world today), enter an internal chat into alliances to communicate only with the people of this alliance, establish the leader of the alliance, only the leader will be able to decide when and with whom to start a war (in the past parts of the game, the members of your alliance declared war on other countries without your permission, this led to unnecessary wars)
Last reply by Jack_Lore2354, -
- 0 replies
I feel like assimilation should be made significantly more difficult and there should be a mechanic to tolerate cultures that aren't your own, allowing partial recruitment potential and reduced revolt risk (among other things). This would more accurately portray the reality of multiethnic states such as Austra-Hungary
Last reply by Beter Griffin, -
- 0 replies
The relationships between countries in war can be broadly classified into three categories: Allies Allies are countries that are in a relationship of mutual support and cooperation. Allies are less likely to declare war on each other, and in the event of war, they are expected to support each other. Enemies Enemies are countries that are in a relationship of hostility. Enemies are more likely to declare war on each other, and in the event of war, they are expected to fight each other. Neutrals Neutrals are countries that are not in a hostile relationship with any specific country. Neutrals are expected to not intervene in the wars…
Last reply by Kozima, -
- 0 replies
Earthquakes Make earthquake frequency and magnitude vary based on geography and history In the current version of Age of History 3, earthquake frequency and magnitude are constant. However, in reality, earthquake frequency and magnitude vary based on geography and history. Therefore, by making earthquake frequency and magnitude vary based on geography and history, a more realistic earthquake system can be realized. More detailed representation of earthquake damage In the current version of Age of History 3, earthquake damage is limited to the destruction of buildings and units. However, in reality, earthquake damage can have a significant impac…
Last reply by Kozima, -
- 0 replies
Current system In Age of History 3, players can control individual units on the battlefield. This can be a tedious and time-consuming process, especially when managing large armies. Proposed changes The following changes would improve the control of fronts in Age of History 3: Add a hotkey to select all units on a front. This would make it easier to quickly select and move all units in a particular area. Allow players to assign generals or commanders to control fronts. This would add a layer of strategic depth to the game, as players would need to consider the strengths and weaknesses of different commanders when assigning them to fronts. …
Last reply by Kozima, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Here are a list of ideas that I want in AOH3 Idea 1: Better Scenario Editor, Civilization Creator, and Related I went into full detail about this in another post of mine, check it out! Idea 2: Workshop Being able to import custom stuff would be cool. Idea 3: Multiplayer Yes. Idea 4: Optional Turn Based Mode I like the turn based system of AOH2 and I wanna see it in AOH3 so please? Idea 5: Mod Launcher Being able to easily set up mods and play them without interfering with other mods and vanilla files would be cool. Idea 6: Less Buggy, Please? AOH2 is super buggy, the trade system is broken and many other things a…
Last reply by Fireboy, -
- 0 replies
We need a space station. Maybe so you can colonize
Last reply by Fireboy, -
- 0 replies
So that you can automatically invest in your territories and build farms in all of them instead to doing it for each tile
Last reply by Wygui, -
- 0 replies
Grupo de Construção:Economia/Militar/Administração(Isso também se encaixa em outros grupos) Nome: Abrigos (Haverá três tipos) Custo: Haverá três tipos: • Abrigos de Emergência – 3K Golds, podendo chegar a 5K Golds em Tempos de Guerra, Epidemia e afins; • Abrigos hospitalares – 8 mil ouros • Abrigos/Bunkers Subterrâneos – 20 mil Ouros Tempo de construção: Haverá três tipos: • Abrigos de Emergência – 7 Dias; • Abrigos Hospitalares – 2 Meses; • Abrigos/Abrigos Subterrâneos – 3 Anos. Custo de manutenção: Haverá três tipos: • Abrigos de Emergência – 50 O…
Last reply by Aike,