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Hey guys here i will talk about some ideas i think it will make the game better : 1/ adding a supply situation to the armies every army will have a stock of supplies enough for two months , if the two months pass you will have to resupply your army by sending them food from your kingdom resources or let them take it by force from your enemies land , if you don't resupply them in the first week they will take a hit in their moral , in the second week they will leave your army or worse they will rebel with their general , of course the supply situation only apply when you leave your land to the enemy land , and if you cross to your vassals land they will have to…
Last reply by BurgerMan, -
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- 22 replies
Last year i made a post on my old account @dodoaltac about a historical AI mod that i wanted to do using events and missions, well today im proud to announce that IT'S IN THE WORKS Originally the mod was gonna start in the year 1200 AD, but since that's not an available start date in the current scenario's, the mod will likely start off from 1070 or the 1300's scenario, but the most probable path is the 1300's scenario with an extension that starts at 1070 once everything is done Here's the phases that the mod will likely go through 1300's start date to 1440 AD - this will be the first phase of the mod, in which i'll start messing around with…
Last reply by DRM, -
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- 3 replies
i saw the new video and, when you decleared war on Serbia, you could see their army. i suggest you make it that it would show 15k-25k instead of showing 20k (their army), so you dont know how powerfull they are.
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 1 reply
Hi when u Open menus it makes a special Sound effect countries get also different colored menus based on their religion/culture for exmaple: Further more islamic countries get green Buttons and ui While Christian yellow Jewish blue Buddhist differenr shade of yellow Hindu Orange Shinto red Athiesm black Jain white Stuff like that @Łukasz Jakowski Its like how ck2 adds flavour unlikes ck3 for example
Last reply by Suhao, -
- 0 replies
In the recent video about the nukes, when looking at the war statistics, the death toll did not include the 500k deaths from the nuclear bombings.
Last reply by Wronislaw, -
- 21 replies
Mod features: • adding canals • 1 or 2 new terrian types • better espoinage system • simple yet effective naval units • adding a few key new generals • adding a simple focus tree like system • Major events from events from about 1100 - 1400 • fixing & improving everything from 1900 - now aswell • atleast 5 new start dates (622, 1102, 1200, 1279, 1346) • Focus on 3 different eras, (620-730, 1100-1500 & 1900-now) • New provinces (such as vatican, splitting Berlin, jeruslaem & more) • fixing Bugs, missing civilizations, even…
Last reply by RennyTheSimpatic, -
- 0 replies
Hello Lukasz, I just came to ask if building Nukes will require a Silo? He asked this to make it harder to get this type of weaponry in the game since the AI throws 6k Nukes per minute at their enemies.
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
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As you can see, a lot of the border looks strange and does not correspond to many historical maps, which does not look good. It is worth noting that in the AoH2 there were no such problems and all the borders fit perfectly with the maps. I suggested options for how these borders should be made so that they look historical for their era, I of course understand that the game was created for the Middle Ages, but in any case it would be nice to make provinces for modern centuries
Last reply by Dule22, -
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When the Arabic language was added by a friend in age of History 2 , it appeared in reverse. When you work on the Arabic language file, write the sentences and words in reverse. The second thing is, can you add a feature to add own civilization through files on the mobile? The third thing is that you did not show us the special shapes when adding own civilization through the game, or is that not possible?
Last reply by imrane13dz, -
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- 6 replies
Hello my people, lords, vassals, counts, and kings. This will be my last idea until AOH3 releases. I wanna say. THANK YOU! For all the support through these whopping seven months. This platform has been one of the best things I've ever experienced, it helped me not go insane. And I even gained a friend @Naval. Now as my last idea I'm going back to my roots, with my very first idea. Shared Territory: In aoh2 the only bit of shared territory was Oregon in the Victorian scenario, and it was just neutral territory. But I see an opportunity that hasn't been tapped. It will have the occupied territory over lay but instead of the lighter color of an occupying country i…
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
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Could it be possible to add the event trigger "If the ruler is (insert ruler name)" I feel like it could be more realistic as adding an event like the five year plans when Joseph Stalin is the ruler would make sense rather than if Vladimir Putin is randomly in a WWII scenario. Thats all, literally.
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
- 1 reply
As we know in aoc2 it is very annoying and hard to force vassals to join their lord's faction A good and useful idea when trying to make vassals join the player's alliance is if there is an option to make vassals/colonies/puppet automatically join the alliance of their lord. And if the vassal manages to become independent, they would be more likely to stay in the alliance if relations with former lord are high, if relations are very low or neutral, the vassal is less likely to stay in the alliance and will decide to immediately leave it +if a civilization is part of an alliance that loses a war and gets puppeted by an enemy alliance, then the civilization l…
Last reply by Yahya, -
- 1 reply
Some army units are too heavy/unfit to go to sea Knowing the army types and whether an army can go to sea or not would also be very useful in modding
Last reply by Yahya, -
- 1 follower
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Zoom-Out Vassal Name Unification: When zooming out on the map, the names of vassal states would be replaced by the name of their overlord or suzerain. This would give the appearance of a unified empire or kingdom. The lord's name would cover all territories under the lord’s control, including any vassal territories. This visual simplification would make larger kingdoms or empires look more cohesive when zoomed out, even though they still have separate vassals in terms of gameplay. Additional Features: Optional Toggle: Players could toggle this feature on or off in the game settings, so they can choose whether to see individual vassal na…
Last reply by Yahya, -
They should be constructable only in specific provinces (like real life)
Last reply by Yahya, -
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Lukaz jakowski,Could you tell us how to customize the events of Age Of history 3?
Last reply by chocolateplay15, -
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I'm not claiming anything, but what if you combine provinces into regions (as they do in AoH2) and make bots try to annex lands based on them? It doesn't have to match the regions exactly, but it should at least try. That way, the borders that change over time might look more reasonable.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
Ideologies that can be created and only apply to 1 country What do u think @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
Editor Mr. Łukasz, please give an option to import images for country flags and leaders in AOH3 mobile version using the file manager(s), because it'll very annoying to import images in the mobile version if it stay the same as AOH2. Also add custom ideology or even custom religion maker or editor in the editor of AOH3. Console commands Give the option to use the virtual keyboard in the mobile version please, the built-in keyboard in AOH2 sucks and it'll be way better if we just use the virtual keyboard in the mobile version. 😭 (I don't know I've you've answered these questions in previous topics)
Last reply by Barnes, -
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Last reply by xox, -
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Unit Bonuses What i would love to see in the game are dynamic unit bonuses, bonuses like +2 attack or defense in forest province or even sea province i dont think this idea is all that unique and someone else might have already posted something similar but i believe adding this gives more thought into were you put your army and the best strategic decision to minimize loses. Leader bonuses Also im not sure if this is in the game or not but leader traits/bonuses i think leaders should get both good and bad bonuses things that kinda make you want to assassinate your leader to get a new one along with the option to give or change certain traits leaders hav…
Last reply by EdgeLord, -
- 14 replies
Just wondering, how many soldiers in a 1 soldier unit only, how many Tanks in 1 tank only unit how many planes in 1 unit of them alone , 1000 or what? @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by EdgeLord, -
- 2 replies
for the current leader of the bulgarian royal family in 2020s he should have this image (taken 2017) but for when he was the tsar he should have this other image and in the 2000s this image (taken 2005) soo this is important as the tsar of bulgaria was the king of bulgaria from 1943-1946 and then prime minister of bulgaria in 2001 to 2005 this is not a problem only for leaders that leave for a long time then return like him if Queen Elizabeth II was added in the 2000s This would be her image but for the 50s to 70s this would be her Image for the 2020s this would be her image and 1945 for good measure she would have this image so people get older and their images change an…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
this concept is really simple and already uses the built in feature of the intervene in war mechanic pretty much if (for example) a christian civilization in iberia went to war against a muslim nation, all the surrounding christian nations near the HRE from both directions (meaning poland hungary in the east and france and england in the west if we're talking the 1440 scenario) will intervene in the war and it will officially become a holy war, the goal of the holy war will be to conquer the muslim civilization and release all the cores in it as christian vassal states (Kinda like the crusader states) thoughts?
Last reply by DRM, -
- 3 replies
will it be possible to change the flag using an event?
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski,