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- 0 replies
@Łukasz Jakowskithese are short questions you can just answer with yes or no. Maybe these questions can give you ideas as well -Will there be more alliance types? Like an economic alliance and a defensive alliance (BRICS and NATO as examples). -Will there be other troop types? Army, cavalry, navy, air... -Will HRE function finally have a use and not just of aesthetics? And the most important question of all... will we be able to transfer events from aoh2 to aoh3? Of course there will be problems with provinces but we can easily fix those in the event editor by adding the new civs in the conditions, decisions, etc..
Last reply by Wooodex, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
In Age of History II rebels were quite an aftertought so what if the system was improved? So I decided to come up with an idea for a revolt system. Stage 0: Problematic factor At this stage the game basically decides what is the reason people want to revolt. There could be stuff like people of a certain nationality being opressed by the government, terrible life conditions, low happiness or low war support (whilst there is a war, obviously). Stage 1: Protests and Riots At this stage the civilization's leader is informed about the issue through protests in certain cities depending on where said problems occur. If the problems aren't being adressed,…
Last reply by BySpringBonnie76, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
In AoH2 we had suggested civilizations for whenever we'd create a scenario. So I have some ideas for this and some similar features. First, make a way to properly edit the suggested civilizations and other suggested things, not just being able to generate them based on all the scenarios on that map, but being able to go by yourself and add suggested civilizations on a province. Second, what about suggested borders? In the second game I found it quite hard to recreate borders in South America or Asia because of how large these countries were and how tiny were the provinces, and assuming that there's going to be even more, this might help solve this issue.
Last reply by setapdede, -
Natural resources
by Guest- 0 replies
Just a system that has natural resources that would be extractable depending on what territory your country is located They would be useful to build stuff such as buildings or focus on the army. And you could also donate them to countries in need as a way to help them or improve relations. And you could also steal the resources located in the provinces when you annex those provinces.
Improved Economical System
by Guest- 1 reply
This economy system would be more sensible that could have a bigger impact in the economy in general and the economical sectors. Things like these could happen if your nation isn't investing enough in vital areas, or if it's investing too much on a single one that isn't too important. Depending on the size and influence of the country, an economical crash would bring the economy of its allies and non-isolationist countries together.
Last reply by Reza Shah, -
- 2 replies
It would be cool and very important because we have many occupations right now like South East Ukraine, Gaza Strip etc.
Improved Diplomacy System
by Guest- 4 replies
A system that will mensure how much diplomatic power a country has, this would help to prevent and stop wars and would help in improving relations with other nations. An example is the US, being very influential and being a western capitalist country. This will help the US grow relations with other conservative countries and have their own interests in preventing or causing wars in the globe. And there's North Korea, which is the opposite of the US. They're a communist dictatorial country, so the relations between them and the US would be automatically low. On the other hand, the relations between another conservative/liberal power woul…
Last reply by BySpringBonnie76, -
- 2 replies
The investment system of Age of History 2 was really bad. If you have a large country, it becomes really difficult to invest in every region. It would be really good if this could be done automatically instead of manually, or a simpler system could be introduced.
Last reply by Reza Shah,