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- 2 replies
It has been over 6 months from when we last saw the Colonization mechanic in action, and I was wondering whether there was changes in respect to making it more difficult.
Last reply by Joaoj, -
- 1 reply
The flag and united Austria-Hungary in you're most recent video is inaccurate, Austria Hungary never had that flag, that flag is it's naval flag and is often mixed up with the real flag. The real Austria Hungary flag would be the Habsburg flag. And Hungary would be semi-independent. Hope you see this!
Last reply by Casual, -
Like with custom portraits & advanatges too so u can add anyone basically and call him anything with a New specfic role please this would add alot of possible things such as heads of ministires and other stuff @Łukasz Jakowski Also add war flags or seprate flags for the units displayed on map
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
There are specific trade zones The more influence we have in these regions, the more money (tax) we get (these are specific states) Example: Venice trade route English Channel trade route Aegean trade route
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
It would be cool if it was like that, I think it would look much better
Last reply by Hisdoner, -
Like ability to create more ppl apart from advsiors that u can set their names, role & advangtages that they can give @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
Add them Lukas @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
Self explantory
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
Please add dynasties. The game gonna be cooler
Last reply by Kitler_Cool79, -
- 0 replies
Aoh2 have trade feature but it didn't not actually "trade" I was expecting aoh3 gonna have trade feature with different nation but it didn't have it I have a idea for trade system you can trade different empire or kingdom though sea and land but fun fact you need salesman who can trade with different empire and you can make your own trade route and those ships can be looted ( and if those pirates annoying you then send your navy and kill them or excutive or maybe make them slave ) or sink you can make your own trade route by like making a doodle lines ( like silk road )and also to reduce the trade cost like shipbuilding It can help your empire economic but …
Last reply by general nepolean, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, Despite me having high school, I'll be the most active to the community. So lets go back to the point. I suggest a brief idea to add for formable nation, it's Formable Subject. It means that some formable nations requires subjects to be formed. How it should work Formable subjects will be formed only accoding to the lord. It means that it can't be formed independently (e.g. I want to form French Empire, but it need to form Rhine Confederation, Duchy of Warsaw, etc...). This will work like this; Formable subject will be create exatly as it should be. However, it need to add a second tab for countries that should possess it. How Civi…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 5 replies
One thing I really hate about aoh2 that it's battle system suck really it's really annoying 😑 Here is some idea for new battle system Enter the Battle- When you send your troops into enemy land a pop up going to show ( or something else I don't know) you can enter the Battlefield which you can lead your army into different directions like right, left ,back , straight a etc and your army can get tired and you have to set camps in night ( and if your enemy have small amount of troops they can also raid at night ) you can send your king in battle but if your king die in battle your game is over if your losing the battle your army going to run away and you ca…
Last reply by general nepolean, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hey Lukasz, I don't know if you're going to see this, but I'd love to see a map editor for mobile (like the PC version). This is because many people have a computer that's not as fitting for the game, like me. We'd really like a mobile version of the map editor (the one used to edit provinces), as it would be really interesting to make provinces in the mobile version.
Last reply by DegureP, -
Hi Lukas i was thinking about a idea that a event can happen randomly unite with nearby civilizations, hence being the opposite of explode This also made me think that maybe a random event can be that a specfic nation may seek to also form a formable civilziation whether due to the above happening or due to the nation going and trying to take whatever land as nessercy wirh any means possiblee inorder to become any of its formable civilziations @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 5 replies
If we add more conditions for the formation of countries, this will allow us to display an alternative history and some possible precedents in the real one much wider and more accurately. 1) Condition - vassalage to another country. If Congo is a German vassal, then Congo can become German Congo/Reichskommissariat Central Africa. Or if Byzantium is a vassal of Russia, then Byzantium can form Tsargrad. Or Jerusalem/Israel in vassalage to France could become Outremer. 2) Condition - religion. With different religions, India can be both Bharat and Hindustan... 3) Сondition - ideology. This is so that the formations of the USA, the Third Reich, the USSR, the …
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 8 replies
Is there any sort of espionage mechanic in the game?
Last reply by Ragronr, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski ideia form aoh3 is multiplayer It's fun to play with your friend and multiplayer for aoh3 would be interesting
Last reply by Sacro Império Brasileiro, -
- 2 replies
Overview: Military units could be affected by the terrain and also weather. Weather would change throughout the day cycle, with four seasons each year, having increased chances of specific weathers appearing: Winter: Weather Types: Snow, Blizzards, Fog, Rain. Military impact: Movement Penalties: Terrain covered with snow, blizzards, fog, rain significantly reduces the movement speeds of the units especially regular infantry and organised cavalry. Attrition and Fatigue: Terrain covered with snow, blizzards or rain increase attrition of the units significantly. Combat Ineffectiveness: Units partaking combat in terrains …
Last reply by Yahya, -
- 0 replies
Construction efficiency, Construction speed, Military construction efficiency and speed, Technology Unlocking speed.
Last reply by Dipto479, -
by andry202222- 2 replies
Mister @Łukasz Jakowski if dlcs are to be made are they perhaps going to have new features or new content for scenarios or nations such as for example events for 1836 or events for 1914 and so on?
Last reply by andry202222, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
First of all, I want to say that I am grateful that the game is where it is at and that I do recognise and appreciate the work Lukasz does, what he accomplished was nothing short of amazing. This post is to just highlight a very minor issue: the border with Alsace-Lorraine. Source: As you can see the border is fine except for the very south of it, it potrudes too much to the left. Here is a rough fix. WW1 is a popular scenario, especially when if we are considering France and Germany and I don't want Lukasz to make the same error as with the Austro-Hungarian/Russia border in AoH2.
Last reply by andry202222, -
- 0 replies
It's clear that having a large part of an army revolt is not a good game design decision, but I like the concept of exceeding the regiments limit making them less effective to manage.
Last reply by Marerjh, -
- 1 reply
Hello, community! Today, I’d like to share an idea I came up with. The concept is to have a simple system of political parties, where the interval between elections could be set in the game editor. Each party would provide specific buffs: for example, the Conservative Party could offer bonuses to the military and population growth, while the Socialist Party might enhance diplomacy and research, among others. These are just examples, and the details can be adjusted to fit the game’s mechanics more effectively.
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
- 0 replies
Mechanic for Changing Ideology Popularity: There will be an option to support ideologies that interest us. If we have low popularity and decide to change ideology, there will be a high risk of provoking a civil war due to this shift in the country's stance. Advisors: There will be advisors with different political positions. If we accumulate a certain number of advisors representing a specific ideology, this ideology will gradually begin to increase in influence. Formation: To form a nation with a different ideology by force, it will be necessary to first change the country's ideology to match the new one. For example: If…
Last reply by KaiserGermany, -
- 1 reply
the suggestion is really simple there should be 1 or 2 base historical events for every campaign, maybe at the start, it doesn't really matter, but let's use the reconquista campaign as an example Castile should appear in leonese territory in 1065 as an event, and this should pop up to everyone in the peninsula, other suggested events for this campaign would be: the union of castile and leon Under the Crown of Castile Leon in 1072 the conquest of toledo by said union (or castile) in 1085 these scenarios would be simple to add but would make campaigns much more fun since there isn't a real reason to play in one region ex…
Last reply by KaiserGermany,