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Будет ли идеология анархизм ?
Last reply by Machno, -
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have army boundaries according to the skills of generals example: General 1: Combat experience:400 Attack bonus:5 Defense Bonus: 7 Maximum Army assignment limit:30 General 2: Combat experience:700 Attack bonus:8 Defense Bonus 4 Maximum Army assignment limit:48
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
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1. Fragmentation After Defeat Mechanic: If you lose a major war, your nation could fragment into smaller states or regions. Example: If you're playing as the Second Bulgarian Empire and lose a devastating war, parts of your nation could break off into independent entities like the Tsardom of Vidin, Dobruja, or even revert to Byzantine or Ottoman control. Triggers: Large war losses (both military and territory). Loss of key cities or capitals. Outcome: Your country could splinter into independent states, each with their own goals, leaving you to manage a much smaller, weaker version of your former empire. …
Last reply by SamDerminji, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
I think the title speaks for itself, anyway, I want to clarify what I mean by "Non-sovereign Civilization." A non-sovereign civilization would be a country that is in a situation where it has 0 provinces (This does not include occupied provinces), however, its entity continues to exist through the Cores of its former provinces. Having 0 provinces in AOH2 represented a total defeat and there was nothing else to do but become a spectator or change civ, leaving your old civilization in oblivion, but this does not necessarily have to be the case in AOH3. (I want to make it clear that this idea can be executed in multiple ways within the game. What I will talk abou…
Last reply by eNeXPii, -
- 1 reply
Hi just wondering if its possible to add them as a Mission for base game ww2 germany so after every conquest it can happen that the Player can create them & Release them as puppets
Last reply by KaiserGermany, -
Im wondering if theres anything like cool unqiue and all that or mechnics apart from everything that has been shown like what plans do u have for the game pre Release and Post Release in the future Any surprising cool unique or feautures yet to be shown or to be annonced? Such as future dlcs ideas Among other things? @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by usernamelplol, -
- 4 replies
I not sure if @Łukasz Jakowski has changed his mind and decided to add ships, but here's my idea. Age of History 3 is already a bigger, more ambitious game, and not including ships - whether warships, transport vessels, cargo ships, or blockade runners - would cut out a significant portion of the game's content, features, realism, and fun. It's easy to add ships; they would be like land units but at sea, with some unique characteristics. How can you have a cavalry army fight a knight army in the middle of the ocean? Yes, it's odd and humorous, but it's not too much to ask for ships. Just allow us to build them in ports - transport ships, warships, suppo…
Last reply by Taquito_Dictador, -
- 1 follower
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I propose to Lukasz Jakowski to add terrain, city types and province population triggers. City Types : Make event only concern a certain types of city, in a country, or in the world. All major and capital cities will build defense building, to bo only occupable by directly siege it. This will make wars more challenging if it must siege a major city to occupied it, than only the capital to occupy it. Province Population : Make some revolt event for x country: This is useful for event related to the province population. If a province is under the required population number, than it isn't concerned. Ex: growth rate decrease by 15% in…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 1 reply
I think it will be cool to add an option like join/leave HRE As well as the possibility of the country joining to HRE under a peace treaty @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Guguge, -
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Hello Lukazs, I have seen the recent video and I would like to suggest that we can only intervene in wars when: We are World Powers, Regional Powers or when we have a high friendly relationship with one of the two sides. What do you think about this?
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
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So, countries are divided into multiple military districts(zones), which are handled by generals, each zone provides 1 supply hub in major cities of the said zones, the generals are lower ranked and usually take orders by the player and the military advisor. Smaller countries to 20 provinces will have 2 zones, countries with 21 - 40 provinces will have 3 military zones, countries with 41-70 will have 4 and any more will have 5 military zones, but the player can create them manually too. The reason I had this idea is because I remembered Russia has multiple military districts, and the southern one is managed by Gerasimov. @Outlawexperience @Łuka…
Last reply by Brianman, -
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Last reply by ISyncradar, -
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volunteer unit in foreign conflict (like hoi4), also manpower and Economic aid. @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Dipto479, -
- 73 replies
In this topic, we write the names of cities that should change their name depending on who controls the province. Example: Germany: Gdańsk=Danzig Wrocław=Breslau Byzantine Empire Istanbul=Constantinople Vatican Rome=Vatican A list of all cities in the game is attached. cities.json
Last reply by SamDerminji, -
- 3 replies
As technology develops and eras change, some ideologies/regimes should acquire noticeable debuffs, since they have already exhausted their progressive sides and now, on the contrary, are stopping development. That is, if outdated ideologies are preserved, the lag of such a country in economic and scientific development will accumulate over time. This will avoid the widespread spread of absolute monarchies, nomadic hordes or tribal federations in the 20-21st century A similar idea to this is presented in the following sentence:
Last reply by Frisk Bloodbun, -
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You could add an option to be the one who decides the negotiations, for example, there are several wars in a game and in the wars a winner comes out instead of the one who decides being the winning country, it is the player who controls the game. It would seem like an interesting mechanic because I sincerely want to control a game that way, I hope that if you add it it would be an original mechanic.
Last reply by ElTobaQC, -
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- 2 replies
I noticed in the videos that after selecting a country and pressing the play button, it seems like nothing happens, which can be a bit underwhelming. It would enhance the experience if there were a sound effect, similar to what we hear in HOI4, to signal that the game is starting or transitioning into play.
Last reply by Kiwi, -
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1. can a ruler rule two countries at the same time 2. Will there be any female rulers like Elizabeth I for example?
Last reply by Mr. Rufus, -
crisis I would like to see crises in the game, all sorts of gameplay-complicating things
by Денис Живков- 1 follower
- 23 replies
I've asked this question before, but now it's more interesting to me than ever. Since any of my questions on the forum have six ideas inside it and no one answers to the point, I will ask it in TOPIC. Will there be anything that will threaten the player in the game itself, other than coalitions? Maybe there will be a unique state. There, for example, in 1789 there will be a superevent for the revolution and France will be given mega bonuses and the king will be overthrown, and a new political regime with a bunch of military bonuses and a handsome Napoleon in power will come in his place. I would like to see crises in the game, all sorts of gameplay-compl…
Last reply by paul2kdj, -
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So i believe that the province "Miastko" (at least it looks like it) should be changed to "Bytów"". Bytów is in the terrain of this province and it is bigger than miastko, it also has a bigger population currently and has a Powiat in poland that includes the Miastko County, so i believe that Bytów should be the name for this province.
Last reply by RuskiBonzo103, -
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Checmixal weopons can be simpy chemical bombs realstic for ww1 scenrio As for biologixal weopons rhey could work but ik they were first used by mongols Maybe the ui can have a dispalyed amount of chemcixal & biolgoical weopons displayed amount a Player has next to the nuke counter @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by usernamelplol, -
- 1 reply
it's pretty simple: i think you should make it so that puppet states are taken in as part of the land for the formable provinces needed since they pretty much are, this feature should be implemented but balanced when a future centralization/autonomy system is added, but until then it makes no sense to keep puppets as unowned land for formables, they arent annexed when forming the civilization or anything btw
Last reply by HaSa, -
The best way to avoid piracy is multiplayer, people will have the only solution to buy the game.
Last reply by Wilhelm the 2nd duh, -
- 3 replies
Events are important tools in modding in both Age of History II and Age of History III, so I'd like to offer a few ideas for implementing events in a future game, namely: Music during events or superevent. They are native to Hearts of Iron IV, but are also implemented in some modifications of AoH2. Their addition will allow modders to provide atmosphere to their mods. Change of rulers by decision of the event. As the rulers started to play a bigger role than in the second part, this addition will become extremely important. It will avoid adding duplicate countries for other rulers. World events. Events can come not only to one country, but to all civi…
Last reply by Wilhelm the 2nd duh, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Dear Łukasz, I love how the game turned out and I m impress how you manage to make each province have historical accurate names. You even made titles of leaders change according to ideology of country. But there is one thing that's I think should be improved to make game more realistic. There's a need to modify the current sea warfare and invasion mechanics because troops fight on see the same way as on land and that is unrealistic and just bad looking, imagine a medieval army fighting in the middle of the ocean. I believe a game as Age of History 3 deserves better mechanics. And here is the solution: Addition of ships. Ships will be produced like troops but only in …
Last reply by Wilhelm the 2nd duh,