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have not seen enough navy and air force units when they have seen so far, for example, naval battles with ships can also have a great impact on wars with aircraft
Last reply by Suhao, -
It can kindoff work like how plague Inc did it where most popular or uploaded Mods are able to be browsed a brief desciptiom & title tjen in App u select mods and click on one to download if u have Internet access to access that and it Downloads then, it can work by either making the Player be able to download mods from steam Workshop and it automatically converts their Features to mobile or it can be seprete as in mods can get uplloaded onto the app and the app in itself has a unique mod downloader where ppl upload browse & download mods from there like plague Inc on mobile had @Łukasz Jakowski this is so mods can be easily acessed & downloaden th…
Last reply by Taquito_Dictador, -
- 1 reply
Please add it thx, so ppl like queen Victoria & stuff yk can be present
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 0 replies
I think that the humiliation option, in addition to legacy points, should also take away diplomatic points from the losing side - you are humiliated, so you should have lower diplomatic powers
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 4 replies
In age of History 2 the leaders of the game are literally immortal, I would love a leader editor mode that would add their death date so it's not so surreal
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
@Lukasz Jakowski Considere agregar una función que permita a los jugadores cambiar la bandera de su nación a voluntad, sin alterar su ideología. Esto podría incluir una opción para crear banderas personalizadas dentro del juego o importarlas desde archivos. Esto aumentaría el realismo, ya que las banderas suelen cambiar con el tiempo. Por ejemplo, a partir de México en 1936, los jugadores podrían actualizar su bandera para reflejar los cambios históricos, lo que implicaría costos políticos y monetarios. Esto reflejaría mejor la evolución de los símbolos nacionales a lo largo de la historia y daría mayor realismo al juego.
Last reply by Braiman, -
- 1 reply
Coup d'état system: if your country is very unstable, there will be a chance that the current leader will suffer a coup and perhaps an eventual change of government. Elections: would be the system of succession in presidential and parliamentary systems, in which an election would be made every period of time and thus changing the leader Dynasty system: this would be the form of succession in monarchical governments, in which the same family governs the country, and before the king dies he would appoint a successor to take over the government, the dynasties can change if a coup occurs. Civil war system: this would be the case if your nation is very unstable,…
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
- 0 replies
I still think that for a game covering all periods there should be a mechanic of elections in democratic countries, my suggestion on how to do it is as simple as possible Every 4 years in democratic countries the leader will be replaced by a random president This is already enough to add interest to the game, because now every 4 years with a new leader there are new bonuses, which will add more interactivity and will not burden the game
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
Please make a system so that countries cannot create enclaves during negotiations
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 follower
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I Believe the current gameplay for aoh3 isn't optimal, it's too easy, and its very limited to the period, i think the Overall user experience in the future updates should shift DRASTICALLY, the goal of gameplay should shift from world conquest or world domination (you can still do those but its REALLY HARD) to more of leading a country throughout history, with the players empire suffering ups and downs and never staying at the top or the bottom, there should also be some technological development curve that certain continents follow where the AI will try and reach guns for example by the 1500's with it being hard for the player to catch up if someone else reaches it first…
Last reply by usernamelplol, -
no but hear me out, historically (AND I KNOW LUKASZ SAID THAT IF SOMEONE WANTS HISTORY THEY SHOULDN'T EXPECT IT IN AOH3, JUST LISTEN TO MEE) the concept of cores represented a right to rule over land (atleast by many european customs and some outside customs aswell but rarely), the kingdom of hungary ruled over parts of modern day romania, serbia, croatia and slovenia, and it had cores in them, but those provinces were NOT hungarian majority despite being cored as such, meaning cores really just represent a civilizations right to rule over a province, so it makes zero sense that the peoples of said provinces (Who were often not even part of their ruling ethnic group) are …
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
Hello Lukas, in previous videos we have seen that civil wars are possible when taxation is increased to the highest level. Is there any way this could be triggered with a console command as well?
Last reply by Tdrr, -
- 2 replies
Stop removing great features from the game that makes your game unique. AoH2 were popular because of detailed diplomacy system, detailed peace deals, many scenarios and mobile port. AoH2 had a many problems because of these features but it would be easily fixable if you would spend some time. But what did you instead? You abandoned the community to make a AoH3. Now what we have in AoH3? Many new features, like laws, resources, advisors, generals and improved leaders. What about AoH2 problems? They're fixed, but in what stupid way, by removing features that lead to problems. Instead of trying to balance it, you just removed it with the game's charm. Now it's just…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
You can specially tax some provinces with the options available in the game. For example, if you want to highly tax the countries you occupied, you could just select their provinces then increase taxes.
Last reply by ISyncradar, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
a battle strategy mode where we move the troop boxes and can catch them with their guard down by encircling or hiding troops, thoughts? this could be done by giving bonuses to unit damage based on stuff like the enemy number, how many sides they're surrounding you from, and which side they're attacking you from (With front giving the least bonuses), maybe you would require a skilled general to pull off some stuff, but it's an easy addition by pretty much animating boxes moving, giving them health, and bonuses/debuffs to damage, the hard (ish) part would probably be the terrain, maybe based on the terrain type you would get a canvas with more mountains etc tha…
Last reply by user73739, -
- 0 replies
Hi since the offical pricing is out is there any chance of preordering the game on steam & mobile now or anytime soon, thx? • (Also hope u didnt forget to add the Mormon religion for a huge Chuck of Western usa) • (Also a in general oil/olive oil resource as thats a very important resource historically, Maybe u can call it oil, & change the current oil u have to Gas or natural Gas or natural oil, while u add the oil used in food as simply oil or u can keep thr current oil & add oil as a resource under the name of olive oil) @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by usernamelplol, -
- 0 replies
Currently you can only trigger it by event or by console command. But it would be funnier if you could access it in the sandbox menu.
Last reply by Casual, -
- 2 replies
@Lukasz Jakowski En el contexto de un asedio, es posible que se produzcan diversas consecuencias, desde una conquista estándar hasta saqueos o genocidios. Mi propuesta es implementar un sistema que varíe el tiempo necesario para completar el asedio en función de la estrategia seleccionada. Por ejemplo: Conquista: 15 días Saqueo: 20 días Genocidio: 25 días Destrucción de edificios: 30 días Destrucción total: 50 días Este sistema podría considerar factores como el tamaño e importancia de las provincias, su nivel y magnitud de defensa, y el éxito o fracaso del asedio dependería del tamaño y capacidad del ejército, así como del número de bajas sufr…
Last reply by Taquito_Dictador, -
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A simple request
Last reply by Mirac44, -
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Railroads should scale in levels and the initial construction price should depend entirely on the region, like plains and tundra. Railroads should be very important, especially in the era of emerging technological advancements.Basically countries like Canada Russia and Australia should be nerfed to need them.Railroads should feel expensive but rewarding.We should be able to get armies to use railroads so we can mobilize and attack earlier than the enemy.Railroads should have local maintenance costs and be non-loss-making.For example, Yukon should produce 10 infrastructure instead of 100 infrastructure, but it should be profitable.So you won't build 2 levels of railroads…
Last reply by Mirac44, -
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Overviev I have an, I believe interesting idea, (kinda inspired by Vic3). In Age of history 2, you had a mechanic such as assimilations. I had a problem with it, when i had "unified" Germany. My idea is for making Civilisation group or somewhat of a Nationality Map mode that may affect assimilation. That is, for example, Me (Brandenburg (or some other German state)) have unified North Germany. i have to assimilate the population of Magdeburg, Ulster, Hamburg like i would assimilate Polish or French lands, even though Germans speak the same language and have similar culture it will take as much money and time to unify them under the same banner. Another example …
Last reply by Redguy325, -
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Because of the AoH2 system, of picking one province over and over and over again to invest in it so province would earn more as singular entity was very tiring in a way, discouraging people in doing any investments in the economy. Of course, there is an option of having in your Tax tab including some for that purpose, thou what it was giving compared to manual investment was very pitty at best. So, investing said amout of money not in just one state, but many, considering huge difference in province amount from AoH2 to AoH3 its like a must have
Last reply by Casual, -
- 1 reply
i think it would be nice if we controlled battles for example and where they happen via events, also UPDATE THE INFORMATIONS TAB FOR THE 1440 EVENT
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 8 replies
I've come to ask about realtime dynamic border changing feature as troops/military units win or get defeated or have a stalemate; will you add a sort of feature like that, take Dummynation, a game that has really cool and unique border features. Something like that but of course, better and without border gore (possibly xD). There would be some issues like if the cities got split, but there should be an easy way to sort out the scripting by , for example, Germany and Poland go to war, Polish troops halfly advance into germany and Germany's capital gets split once again, the part of the Polish berlin city should be renamed to the nation's name like "Polish Berlin" or if ge…
Last reply by Casual, -
- 1 reply
We all know the infamous AI bordergore treaties. Not only do they look nasty but they are also unrealistic; there's a reason borders are clean for the most part. For this, I have 2 solutions that can work in tandem with one another. 1. The AI would make treaties based on regions and not random individual provinces, especially if they are historic or are advantageous geographically. This will be explained with screenshots. 2. They would strictly prioritise old cored provinces. I think it would take some time (maybe adding this suggestion as a type of treaty/event that is automatic to curtain country's AI for specific territories/regions) but I…
Last reply by OwnM3Z0,