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Age of Histroy 3 may come the Aoh2 mode, just like Age of Empires 1 was added to Aoe2, just like in Age of Histroy 2, just like in the original Age of Histroy 2, you can bring maps, some features, music, and some options in aoh2, you turned off Age of histroy 1 for a while, and you will also turn off aoh2 after Age of histroy 3, but some of your followers may want to play Age of histroy 2 again, you can add this mode to age of histroy 3, you added the map of aoh1 to Age of histroy 2, but it's not as a content, it would be great if you add this feature.
Last reply by Murat 148, -
- 3 replies
In the video published today I noticed that Austria invaded Denmark, Lithuania invaded Bulgaria, Oman invaded central arabia, etc... This kind of random invasions made by AI should be stopped. One way that I think that could stop it is making formable civilizations the main objective of AI instead of conquering the whole world as it was in AOH2.
Last reply by Marerjh, -
- 0 replies
Instead of being set automatically, non-aggression pacts can be set to any date in the future. The longer it is, the lesser chances of getting accepted, while the shorter it is, the more chances of being accepteed.
Last reply by ISyncradar, -
- 1 reply
Bro we need onlıne or coop We no need hamachı ve need onlıne
Last reply by Guguge, -
- 0 replies
1.vassal gives up the Occupied territory to the lord.(lord occupied the territory not annex) 2.players can give land to vassal or ally in peace talks. 3.vassal give up war score to lord. 4.hoi4 type peace talks if Multiple nations demand one territory. 5.player-led peace talks in sandbox.
Last reply by Dipto479, -
- 2 replies
As far as I saw in the video, the Great and Powerful civilizations remained passive and did not make their power felt France and England, passive The Ottoman Empire was divided But these 3 states should be very powerful and unstoppable In the scenarios I want, I want all civilizations to remain as strong as they are and I want us to have a more realistic struggle
Last reply by Marerjh, -
No offense, but Bohemia looks sick because of the capture of Brandenburg after some peace treaty. My solution to this AI mapping design problem: * Add an algorithm to make the vassalization of a part of the country that is separate from the provinces of the winner of the peace treaty instead of annexation. * If provinces of war's looser separated by sea-like provinces with the requirement of special technology to cross that separation, the same algorithm is used if tech to cross the sea-like provinces is unknown for winner-civ. * Increase chances of liberating provinces that are disconnected from suzerain only after peace treaties. That algorithm can be d…
Last reply by neverger84, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by Popooy, -
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The idea is to not have country names and flags be associated with ideologies. For example, when the nazis took control of germany, they changed it back to the imperial flag. Although it was brief, the governments using the flag were completely apart. Despite that, the game limits you to one flag per nation & ideology. Instead of using many of the same flag for different countries, why not have one flag file for multiple civilizations?
Last reply by Lta, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
Will there be an Embargo feature in the game?
Last reply by Comrade_Parrot, -
- 64 replies
Here's the definitive Culture List. I will edit the list on this topic. Any suggestions ?
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
please add at least LAN Multiplayer, i want to destroy my friend in this game
Last reply by Naval, -
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Here's my ideas for events in AoH3 that could greatly help future AoH3 modders -Be able to select more than one country to receive a certain event (or all of the countries) -Be able to have no specific country to receive a certain event, so that any country that best suits the conditions to trigger the event receives it -Being able to do other more dynamic stuff with provinces in outcomes and conditions, for example:[country] will spawn in atleast [X] provinces that have less than 30% happiness. -Being able to make decisions "Hidden" in events, but have them show up if [thing] happens before/after. Or have the AI Chance% in the decision to change if [t…
Last reply by LCM, -
- 0 replies
Hi I have an idea about Autonomy. The more interrogated the subject is the more similar color they are going to have with the overlord and the less interrogated subject have less similar colour with the overlord.
Last reply by Dipto479, -
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Knowing that the game is not finished yet, I want to propose the idea of adding an easy-to-implement election system for democratic forms of government President/Prime Minister will change randomly every 4 years There is a 25% chance that he will be elected for a second term A reform could be added where the period between elections could be regulated: 1) 1 year (for countries like Switzerland) 2) 4 years (for most of countries) 3) 6 years (for countries like Russia, Austria, Venezuela) 4) Until the ruler dies (for dictatorship) I'm open to discussion, democracy is the mechanic that I would like to…
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
- 2 replies
i know im very late, since the last one of these was posted in January, but i thought, maybe we could get an air thingy for Age of History 3? like, you could research planes, and it unlocks the sky regions for you, that could work like in HoI4. it'd also be funny to research it in the middle ages and terrorize other nations with your airforce
Last reply by maxia, -
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- 1 reply
The attributes of leaders are a mechanic that could work very well in the game, as they would make civil wars and changes in presidents and rulers more frequent. In other words, the attributes of leaders will be crucial for their popularity (if democratic), their loyalty (if non-democratic or a dictatorship), and their political stance. For example, if a leader is a protectionist, you cannot reform the country into a free market or a state without intervention, because the leader supports state intervention. An example is what happens in Venezuela: Leader: Maduro Loyalty: (Paranoid -2 Criminal -1 I…
Last reply by DRM, -
- 2 replies
There are very few BC scenarios in the game and almost no scenarios about Egyptians, Babylonians and Lydians. If a scenario about 650 BC is added, it can add a different atmosphere to the game.
Last reply by DRM, -
- 4 replies
Hi there should be atleast for 3 religions twmples should change names: For Christian countries rename it to church, muslims mosque, jews syrnagogue As for holy wars: call it a crusade for Christian nations and a jihad if playing as a Muslim country Thats all thx @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by usernamelplol, -
- 1 reply
Was wondering if it could be possible to add the possibility in events to appear on the bottom right corner of the screen ( would have to be done in the editor so that players can choose wich one ) where it could tell significant events for exemple the auschluss, the unification of Germany or the American war of independence, this way the player doesn’t have to look around the map to see the events unfolding, feel like it would be liked by the community and it doesn’t add too much as the game is almost ready
Last reply by DRM, -
- 0 replies
I would like if a country could declare neutrality like Switzerland. You know,like I couldn't declare war on nobody and nobody can declare war on me for a period of time. And in that period of time,you could develop and trade goods with other countries and make the economy better. And maybe you could do like a vote for neutrality,the citizens of the country decides first and the the neighbours will. "Correct me if I'm wrong" (✷‿✷)
Last reply by xeindoru, -
- 1 reply
Hello guys! I thought about having a focus tree like in HOI4. The focus trees should be able to be modded.
Last reply by Casual, -
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- 20 replies
Hello. I love creating scenarios🙂. In fact, my 300 hours on the Steam version of Age of History 2 are spent creating and editing my own scenarios. I've watched all the videos about the new editor and would like to express my wishes for some improvements that I think are missing. Religion. I saw that the religion of a civilization cannot be changed in the editor. Instead, it is determined during the creation of the civilization. This worries me, because I am sure that there will be situations when the religion of a civilization does not correspond to the historical date (see the conversion of Rome, Kievan Rus, Khazar Judaism, European states during the Reformati…
Last reply by Marerjh, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
It might make sense to sell resources or make trade deals. The game shouldn't just be about war and maybe a navy could be added.
Last reply by OwnM3Z0,