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- 16 replies
The Idea Is Really simple, civs wont have individual cores anymore, instead, you will have a shared core like system called Peoples.. Pretty Much, each civilization has it's assigned ethnic peoples that it shares with all civlizations with the same ethnic peoples, meaning there is no reason to assimilate them just like in real life, example below of germanic region and all the civs inside it sharing the same peoples, meaning saxony wont have to assimilate bavaria for example this essentially means, no more annoying core placement, and no more having to worry about cores sticking around 3234234234 years after a civilization is gone, an…
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 0 replies
It would be good if in age of history 3 one of the many causes of revelations and the one that would be most likely to occur if the right events occur is living standards, in which if the population lives badly and having a good life is a challenge, that's where living standards come in, where in the lowest the country will live in constant revelations and anger of the population, and in the highest the country will grow more both economically and in population. Levels could range from 1 to level 10. Low levels would be 4 through 1 The intermediate on the 5th And high levels 6 to 10 This implementation would be good so that the populati…
Last reply by euro, -
- 7 replies
I have one suggestion that I think everyone will like, and will replace the mechanics in Aoh3 that I did not like. When Lukasz added the mechanics that if the country is a vassal, then in the upper left corner there will be a flag of the vassal owner, in my opinion it looks bad, so I want to offer Lukasz a new mechanic that is similar to the mechanics from Hoi4. First, you need to remove this mechanic with the flag of the vassal owner in the upper left corner, as well as all the countries that have colonial flags. You need to create a new folder in the game folder called "vassalsflags", it will contain the flags of the colonial countries, but not with a regular tag, but w…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello, On 9th of June, I posted the infamous Centralization and Decentralization topic. But for some time, I thought how decentralized organizations such as federation and unions should be separate from alliances for further reasons: Firstly, these two don't have the same level of autonomy it brings. Members of an alliance have their own army, while constituents of a decentralized government have a common army (except confederation and HRE). Secondly, making decentralized government factions won't make sense, for example, Russia and the USA aren't alliances but federal countries. Finally, members of an alliance can differ from their governments, …
Last reply by RostislavMerte, -
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- 0 replies
I have some suggestions for the game. Hope Lukasz add at least one of them. Here they are (And sorry cuz I'm not so good in English) : - Change the combat system to something like HOI4 after a certain year (maybe the 18th century?) like micro managing, frontline, ... - Change the icons in the modern time (gold into paper money, knight icon in manpower into modern soldiers, ...) - Ability to change alliance name and flag - Make a country capitulate (fully occupied) if its war score is -100% - Different level of autonomy (protectorate, puppet, tributary, colony, ...) with different rights - Change your country flag by uploading a file or its UR…
Last reply by Suhao, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi, I would like to see in your game built-in screenshots and an editor for them, and as I understand, like in the second part there will be a console, I would like it to be possible to turn it off and in the screenshots it would be visible that it is turned off
Last reply by SamDerminji, -
- 6 replies
It would be very cool playing with these provinces and with reclamations
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 3 replies
I Dont Want The Lords Flag in The Canton, Never Wanted that There Should Be Autonomy Levels So If Its a Colony or Puppet We Can ajust our Flags to fit and Depending on The Overlord, The Flag of The Vassal Changes, Some Nations Dont Get Their Flags Changed While Being a Puppet others Get New Flags Others Have Their Lords flag and The Rest do The Current thing, This Will Decrease Civilization Tags While Not Changing Much Else you May Be Like "How Will We Get The Raj?" Puppet India As Britain! RK Ukraine? Puppet Ukraine as Fascist Germany! And Add Vassal Names Like if Indonesia IS A Puppet of Y nation it Will Be "(Y's Adjective) East Indies! Congress Poland, Puppet Poland as…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce you to how government change should work. If I suppose, the current way to change the government is to click on another one in the government tab. It's too simple and it didn't put forward the potential of such an interesting mechanic. However, this should not consign to oblivion the improvement of governments between these two games. Group ID Firstly, the existence of a group ID will bring the consistency of the government, making countries with its governments belonging from the same group ID more likely to have good relations, which leads to a more coherent diplomacy between playe…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
Fuel System
by Truco- 0 replies
For dates after 1840-1860, it would be interesting to install a fuel system. We could use oil to supply, giving importance to this resource. First, you would build a refinery. Then, you would earn a monthly or daily amount of fuel. You could trade it. You could fuel any type of vehicle, such as tanks. @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Truco, -
- 60 replies
During the Hisrtory of the world, there have been many states that were occupired from the same nation. Some of these states have co-existed in the same timeline. This is also the case, in the present day, e.g. Cyprus and Greece, North Korea and South Korea etc. Instead of having populations that correspond to a specific state we should have populations that correspond to a nation. For example, instead of there being a Cypriot and a Greek nation, there should be a "Hellenic Culture" or "Korean Culture" you call it. You can do this by specifying a Culture to a State, like the Ottoman Empire is part of the Turkic "Culture" or "Turkish Nation". That's because as a Greek myse…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Cores must be an important element of diplomacy. Owning a core means that you consider conquering it, because such a province doesn't require the creation of a new one and will immediately provide full income. Imagine a situation when AI controls provinces with your cores on them. You might not even care about these provinces, but AI will still consider them when building up an opinion about you. To exclude these situations, it should be possible to lose cores. There might be different ways: Willing abandonment. You can freely abandon your cores, which results in a bonus to relations with the target civilization (+1 per abandoned core). Losing cores as part …
Last reply by Dipto479, -
- 37 replies
Here are pretty much all the suggestions made so far for age of history 3 on this forum Here is everything missing from aoh2 which if added to aoh3 would make it the perfect game: 1. 3d units & ability to switch from 3d view to 2d for weak devices 2. investment system 3. Religion & all that comes with them such as sects/denominations (protrstant, reform, mormon, sikh for example in eu4 u have main religon for exmaple Islam then sects like sunni then what we can call deniminations/madhabs in eu4 likenhanafi, shafi, hanbali and ck3 & ck2 even has 1 step furthe…
Last reply by Truco, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Dzień Dobry. Chciałbym aby do gry Age of History 3 wprowadzono kategorię ,,Język'' podobną do narodowości i religii które znajdują się już w grze, Bo przecież nie każda osoba identyfikująca się jako Polak mówi w języku polskim, natomiast Austriacy nie są Niemcami bo mówią w języku niemieckim. Chciałbym również żeby asymilacja funkcjonowała wolniej, co przełożyłoby się na większy realizm w grze. Zwiększyć prędkość asymilacji można bybyło poprzez budowanie szkół, uniwersytetów, akademii, kościołów, w tych ostatnich mogłaby powstać opcja wybudowania katolickiego, protestanckiego kościołu lub prawosławnej cerkwi. Po zniszczeniu miejsca modlitwy, w prowincji w której zbur…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 2 replies
Hi Lukasz, how’s your journey ? Wanted to ask if AOC3 gonna have something like a history book of the world, where you can see all events, deads, wars that happened to your country, or the entire world. We could sort the informations by themes, etc.. I think it would a very interesting thing to see our journeys through this book. Quote Edit Options
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
Hello Jakowski, I see that you’re likely bored on the forum, searching for a new topic. Note: I haven’t checked if someone has already suggested this idea; if they have, my apologies. One crucial aspect of politics is coup d’état—they have shaped the futures of several countries. Coups often coincide with the assassination of leaders and are closely tied to left-wing or right-wing politics. Let’s delve into the different forms of coups: Political Coups: These coups are specific to republics. If a poorly performing right-wing leader faces a left-wing counterpart, the latter can simply stage a coup and propose new laws. Such political maneu…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
Hello, some mechanics or concepts that I would like to see in Age of History III are the percentages of the population affiliated with a particular ideology, such as communism, democracy, anarchism, and others. Of course, to increase the population of a particular ideology, investments should be made in that ideology (if it's not the form of government) to establish it on a national level. On the other hand, the quality of life of the population and national prestige could have a positive growth, leading to a 25-30% popularity increase of the ideology in that country and a 5-2% increase in neighboring countries. In the event of election…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hello, This topic is the resumption of one of my previous topic Subjects. Last time, Łukasz Jakowski seemed interested in it, so I reworked it, and I kept only these following subjects; Vassal, Colony, Personal Union and Autonomy. Vassal: Civilization Status Vassals have a mutual obligation to a lord or monarch, in the context of the feudal system in medieval Europe. The obligations of a vassal often included military support by knights in exchange for certain privileges, usually including land held as a tenant or fief. Vassal would have the default setting: { VASSAL_INCOME_TO_LORD: [0.0, 0.1, 0.25], VASSAL_MANPOWER_TO_LORD: [0.0, 0.25, …
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
It would work one way I'm going to hold an event against communism in a certain country, so I wanted to put some music on it. In this case, if I clicked on the option "expel such ideology" a song would start automatically. In the example of Brazil, the song "Galinha Verde" would be played if they did not accept Fascism/Integralism. remembering this would only make sense in mods because these songs contain copyrights I'm just asking to let us do this it would help a lot in Mods @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 5 replies
I discovered an interesting bug while playing Age of History 2. When I clicked randomly, I found a new bug that makes the land look like it's displaying a flag. Surprisingly, it looks nice and gave me an idea for a new feature. Could you add an option to switch between region view and flag view for different lands? This could be a great visual feature for the game.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
So Lukasz what if you were to open up a Patreon so that people who want the game to come out faster or just want to support you can actually do that @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
please add this Original Post @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
The Idea Here Is If When You Play as A Specific Nation They Have Their own Themes that Can Be Linked With Different Nations like These Make a Seperate File Within The Songs Folder And Throw These Songs there or make a folder IDC just add these please (Most of These Are In Public Domain Make Sure To Check Their Copyright Though) Add The Songs To Specific Nations On Specific Scenarios (Note That Many Would Not Be Created if A Event Did not Happen Some So Make Sure To have Events That Add These Songs To The List) USA,Thirteen Colonies,Union (Standard) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 USSR and Soviet Russia (Communist) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Brazil (Standard) 1 2 3 China,Taiw…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
Event Trees Arent Focus Trees They Can Be Used as Such Event Trees Are Like Focus Trees But WIth Events and Missions like Nation X Wants To Unite With Nation Y Normally X Would Have To Fight But Here They Can Have a Chain of Events that Merges them into a Single State And Event Trees Can Update MANY Things With Events And It Aint A Copy Its just a Tree with Some Buttons That Trigger Stuff
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan,