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Good to see you all. It's a pleasure to introduce the brief concerns about the army. Manpower transfer The subject will be able to mobilize its people to find an army, but at the same time, the subject must separate a part of its army to be attributed to the lord, according to the option. The separated division will appear with the lord flag. The main aim of it is to limit the subject's military power, to avoid a possible rebellion. This option will make some subject types such as some personal union, colonies and more. At least to weaken it. There will be 5 options instead of only 3 (can be also fit with tribute): No (0%) Low (25%) …
Last reply by Eredinhunt, -
- 16 replies
Hello, In AOH2, centralization is missing, which is important for the organisation of civilization. Since early ages, tribal civilizations are decentralized, in which they have a "useless" capital city, some are even confederations of tribal people, states or city states. It was a better organisation for them than a centralized one. Such a mechanic could not be ignored, and will bring a new way to govern a country. Today, 25 out of all countries in the world are federal countries. Examples : USA Russia Brazil Firstly, we need to create a new set of laws (could be called constitution), that would define the or…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 39 replies
with text file event's there is no way to assign provinces, no way to dictate peace treaties, no way to do half of the stuff that the old event editor was able to and is overall much less accessible for phone users and completely ruins the idea of events watering them down to just giving bonuses to civilizations instead of their old purpose of pre decided peace treaties or wars or any other widely used reason it completely ruins the event feature and it sucks, plus even if there was a way to transfer provinces it would involve copying and pasting the province ID over and over and over again, 10xing the time to make events (especially with all the new pr…
Last reply by Wooodex, -
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- 4 replies
Will there be consistent updates that add new features and/or improvements on A.I/mechanics after release? I'm not assuming anything; I and others just want reassurance that you will not abandon the game like in AoH2.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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This Ideology is specifically for certain muslim empires that were existent all around the islamic world, such as the mamluks of egypt, the mamluks of delhi and the many other states that rose due to the slave soldiers, the mamluk state has very low manpower in itself because it cannot recruit from muslim territories, instead mamluk ideology will heavily rely on a new soldier class (the mamluks) that can recharge over time, and unlike normal soldiers, these soldiers cannot be disbanded, the soldiers can enter the province and stay there to be called when war rises but cannot really decrease or increase unless thru the mercenary tab where you can either hire them or buy th…
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 4 replies
Can we choose another country halfway while playing in one country? Do we switch to the first country halfway through playing in the second country? I hope to have this feature and make it exist in sandbox mode, please.@Lukasz jakouski
Last reply by Belgen, -
- 0 replies
By making resources one of the conditions for constructing certain buildings, you'd encourage trade even more.
Last reply by Nervaou, -
- 0 replies
Hello Pls add referendums to the game 🙏🙏
Last reply by zxc1oud, -
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I think we should be able to form some civilizations in several ways (for example Poland with modern borders or pre-WWII borders)
Last reply by Bargor, -
- 2 replies
If we take too much land, a coalition must be formed against us
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
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Can we choose another country halfway while playing in one country? Do we switch to the first country halfway through playing in the second country? I hope to have this feature and make it exist in sandbox mode, please.@Lukasz jakouski
Last reply by Guguge, -
- 1 reply
The New York Times explained how to do this with their old story recently. There is just not a lot First Steroid Cycleof news out there on getting this to give them what they need. This event could make progress. After reading it, I'm sure you'll follow it.
Last reply by Guguge, -
- 0 replies
Your army could be more successful at battles if you're attacking one province from multiple places Crossing through rivers will significantly slow down your army and if there's an enemy division in the province bordering or having river, you may be prone to more damage and less attack
Last reply by Nervaou, -
- 0 replies
So when assimilating I feel as it would be more logical to make a new people name instead of just Country A name becoming Country B name. I feel as a combination of both names with a hyphen " - " would be better, or that the name would become that of a non- existent country that isn't a civ currently like if Portuguese took the Galician part of Spain, that the name of the people would be Galician or the fusional name Portuguese- Spanish with an half/half flag when assimilating.
Last reply by piaopiao, -
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- 2 replies
A "call all allies" button wouldn't be bad. Especially when the UK and France in 1939 has an indecent amount of allies. What do you think about this?
Last reply by ragen3985, -
- 29 replies
(If you see some recycled topic, you can skip it, tare won’t be so much changes) (I divided the topic in two part, because there are a lot of files) Hello, This could be my longest topic. So, in previous months, ColonelDinos posted a wonderful topic about cultures and a national mechanic. This would give a new aspect of the game other than war and economy, it's the people. I don’t know if it was approved by Łukasz Jakowski, but I propose to make cultures more integrated to the game, because "some" people says it was “useless to add”. I'm here to prove them wrong ! 😜 The less tiring way to add this to the game, is to attribute cultures to existing co…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
Hello Łukasz, i just wanted to say a small suggestion, im the owner of an Ipad and i think i can run just fine the full PC map of double the provinces, i like to be up to more of a challenge by having more provinces making it harder to conquer, people wanna mod the game but i like to pay and stick to the original, and also in Ipad you cannot mod anything, so i would like the full map to be an available option, thanks if you read this :P
Last reply by AoH3 Before GTA6, -
- 1 reply
Hi so um as u know oil is one of the most important resources historically (oil that's edible that is) So I propose that we get it can be called oil then we have the food oil and the natural gas oil so 2 resources with same name, or u can rename the other oil to gas and then u add oil or u can keep the other one called oil but call the food oil as u can name it olive oil or soemthing considering oil is already in game Furthermore jewish, christian & Muslim nations should be able to build a mosque, church, synagogue as a building where other religions get a temple that was it can make most sense yk @Łukasz Jakowski @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by conquere9114, -
- 1 reply
Допустим, в современном мире эпидемия или что-то еще. Будет специальное меню, в котором можно будет отправить помощь деньгами, ресурсами и прочим. И это улучшит отношения со странами + можно добавить Everyday nation В которой это можно реализовать Также пусть будет договор о войне, допустим Россия хочет напасть на Украину, то она должна это сделать Post и если большинство будет за то, если Россия нападет, то отношения со странами не будут Если страны будут против, то Россия будет снята. Санкции или они будут помогать Украине войсками также, если нет post то 1/3 страны, которая Если нация нападет, то она нападет на Россию и ухудшит отношения между всеми странами -50
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hallo mein people, this topic is a compilation of my ideas. Starting with: Leaders as generals: So leaders (specifically monarchs) should be able to make them selves generals. In their place while they're generals. Their advisor will be leader temporarily. And if they lose a battle there's a 46% chance that they'll pull a Łukasz and die. That will change the leader to "power vacuum" with only negative effects. Supply: There should be more pronounced supply issues, like if you try to cross mountains your divisions will move slower and you'll lose troops, maybe a flank or two. That discourages going through mountains. [Example: You're china and you try to move…
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
We have seen event system and technology tree. How about adding focus tree? Lukasz can add this with imitating HOİ4, at least for WW2 scenario. But i would like to see this with other scenarios too!
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
thank u!
Last reply by rnmcnm, -
- 0 replies
I propose to make a new mechanic, the mechanics of missile strikes on provinces, you can make a new building, "rocket manufacturing factory" in these factories different types of missiles will be produced, or one type of missile, then these missiles can be used to attack provinces, when you click on a province, a button will appear, "launch a missile strike" when you click on the button, you can select the target of the missile strike, I propose to add several targets. The first target "Infrastructure" - buildings such as workshops and farms will be attacked. The second target "Military infrastructure" - military buildings such as arsenals, fortifications …
Last reply by LaVa_LaMPo4ka, -
- 0 replies
The atomic bomb should be active in scenarios after its discovery (scenarios after 1945) but not in previous scenarios, and in old scenarios leaders should change as in history (Murad II → Mehmed II).
Last reply by WeaseLL, -
- 18 replies
BORDER CONFLICT i would really want to see something like border conflict mechanic something lik when relation are -80 (and some other requirements) with bordering country than you have to hold army on border and there would be something like you and bot can "start border conflict" it would battle for 1 provinces (possible as separatist puppet states) every time you make border conflict there will be % for total war SCENARIO CATALOGING I would also appreciate some scenario cataloging, creating folders for example "scenario 1000-1500" "alternative history" and others also search bar to search scenario SEA PROVINCE CONTROL I think it…
Last reply by Siamese,