2,758 topics in this forum
1 & 2. Vietnamese folk/trad belifs/religions Chinese folk (If u don't want to create multiple folk/tradinaol religions then ig u can just create a in general religion called folk/tradinaol) this is needed for a place like veitnam since no other religon In game is a ingeneral folk or specficly called vientamese folk or simply folk/tradinal beleifs Chinese specfiallly or veitnmaese will solve the issue of vietnma since vieta has its own unique belifs ig which can't be assigned polythmesm or paganism so.either make a vietnamese.folk or ingeneral religion called folk/tradinaol religion and asign it to there 3. Zunism (won't attack a logo for it since its …
Last reply by conquere9114, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello, I posted this in question, but it won't fit in, so I will post here. But first, Alliance should be renamed Organization. New features: Here, I propose several features that could be added when we create an alliance. All of this could be turned off. 1. The option to "control" the moves of the allies army, without the possibility to mobilize them. It means that countries which are in the same alliance with military goals, can make the player control allies' army movements. Allies mobilize its army freely.It will be possible only if the player's civilization is in "Alliance wars" (WW1, WW2, etc...) and is a great power. 2. Then, the option to …
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Hello my vassals and (low level) lords, today we're talking about drafts and mutinies. Now I hope you enjoy this topic, now let us begin. Drafts: In AOH2, we only had conscription but that required money. So I introduce drafts. Drafts will not require gold but there will be cost. -15 happiness, -20 stability, (Łukasz please add leader animosity I beg you) +37 leader animosity. So yeah your people may hate you, but I know better. And thats not gonna stop you. So to not make this horribly OP. The divisions made the drafted men will have a health and damage debuff. Cause they're untrained young 18 year old boys. Mutinies: Your troops are demoralized, happ…
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 11 replies
Hello, Before I start, I announce credits to @Das Moss Man for his topic Royal houses and intermarriage. Today, I'm gonna introduce the idea of personal union and dynasties/houses. Personal Union This time, it would be more utilized than just a type of subject in which two kingdoms have the same king. A personal union is a relationship between two or more political entities that are considered separate sovereign states, they will have separate councils, however the head of state is the same. In law, it is not a real union of territories. How to establish a personal union There will be for now two options to create a personal union. The first op…
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I wanted to say that in my opinion removing the unions doesn't make sense, and that they should return improved. I think this because there is Poland and Lithuania on the 1440 map, and in real life these 2 countries unite later, and in the game all this is represented except that it is impossible to create the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth like in the second game because the "Create a union" option has been removed. So I think this option should return. But to avoid it being an exploit like in the second game, where I could simply take a weak country and unite with a strong one, making my gameplay easier, the following could be done: this …
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
Danube river
by ALR8- 2 replies
Lukaz, please add danube river like how you added the nile we need that
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 4 replies
Now this does not have to be a part of the game on release, however it could make for a good update. Getting to marry and have heirs would be kinda good and make this game a worthy competitor to ck3 for only a fraction of the cost
Last reply by Glass Warrior, -
- 1 reply
1) Make it possible to change the flag during the game (via a file or flag editor) 2) Make it possible to change the country during the game.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
I think in aoh3, the way to change a countries goverment should be different. I have 2 ideas in mind for how the goverment types might be changed: 1. Completing missions or focuses that lead to the goverment changing For example: To become democratic, you'd need to complete several reforms. A country might need to start of by establishing voting systems, then allowing for other political parties to form, and then finally implementing a constitution. 2. Elections This is the better idea of the three as it would make the game more realistic. You could allow for a certain party to form via an event and then hold an election.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 16 replies
Hello my people, today we'll be talking about the flag editor. Something I feel has been neglected. I'll divide this this into multiple segments. Starting with User Interface: The UI of AOH2 in the flag editor was "meh" at worst. But we can make it better with these three features Search (each flag and symbol have an I'd and Name so we can search by those) Daignols (a daignol axis, by being able to make icons turn diagnoly) And text (being able too add letters and text to a flag) With these new features and UI (user Interface), this allows much more flexability with the flags. I think it could be like cod decals as shown here. Second, Mo…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
I think the game needs something like Iron Hearts 4 focus tree to make the game better what is your opinion? It would be better for each country to have its own focus tree, but this might be a little difficult for Łukasz. If Łukasz can make a focus tree for all countries, the game will be great, but if not, that's fine, I'm just giving you the idea I had. I said
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hello mein people, today we'll be talking about different flags, and how we can implement them into the flag editor. I will divide this topic into multiple parts to make it more organized. Other post. Starting with, Banners: Through out history vertical banners were used instead horizontal flags. Like Dynastical Zhou. And since AOH3 flags are gonna have slightly more space we could do this. I would make an example but that takes too much time. Or if it's too long to put the full flag with the new flag format, we could make it short. [DETOUR] There should be more flag shape options, banner, prolonged tips, ect will give multiple example below …
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 54 replies
PIRACY! piracy can easily stop deveolpment for the same reason it had a hand in stopping aoh2 development, its simple economics money = new content new content = updates updates = new buyers for the game the issue comes when you remove the first part, money, out of the equation, the whole infrastructure collapses and soon enough: no more new content, no more new updates, no more new buyers, meaning even less money is earned now, lukasz hasn't realized that this was the fatal mistake he made with aoh2, making a new game with the same mistake won't change anything, it will just be a new victim, and all this work will go down the…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
Country mission system: Hi! I came here with an idea for AOH3, which would be a mission system. For example: Prussia, in 1836, gets a event called Reunify Germany. When they accept it, a new mission appears. In that mission, you should, obviously, annex all german provinces. When Prussia finished that, a event pops out announcing German reunification, and Prussia forms Germany. The mission would be below the time thing, and there would be a progress bar. Of course, this could be customizable and is not only limited to form nations, but also economic growth, buildings constructed, etc. I'm pretty sure this would add a lot of flavor to game, spec…
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
- 0 replies
The main advantages would be: What has a greater increase in acceptance, as well as to a certain extent would be quite powerful "colonies" with which they would have better trade instead of just exploiting their lands, Disadvantages: If they reach a point where they are quite powerful they would have a greater probability of rebellion, and canonically if France invaded Spain (or another country) they would have an even greater chance of independence That would be my idea, maybe you add other advantages or disadvantages to them
Last reply by euro, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Historically, some rulers, especially early leaders until the 1850s, were also great generals. It's a shame that we can't have these rulers be a general such as Napoleon, Caesar, and much more. As options for hiring a general, the first option would be the leader. Also a military advisor could lead a division too.
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 1 reply
Please forgive me if someone has already posted this exact same idea before. I often don’t read all of the posts on the forum. My suggestion is to change the primary way province stability is permanently increased to increasing the ‘compliance’ of the province’s population instead of assimilating the population to your own culture. One of the most popular requests it seems is the addition of a culture system. One of the main reasons for this is that in AOH II it is virtually impossible to create long term multi ethnic empires. If one, for example, wanted to add a 1900 scenario with a realistic Austro-Hungarian Empire where the Austrian(-Hungarian) culture is onl…
Last reply by Gosling, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
It would be good if leaders could be exchanged according to decisions made in events, for example, due to a decision, a coup d'état is created as an event, and the leader of the country changes to another.
Last reply by Ezsteban, -
- 0 replies
It would be pretty cool if some countries had exclusive songs in a period of time, this will make the game more immersive for people that puts music on Example: if the player is USA during 1890-1940 and is at peace then jazz will play, but if at war then a patriotic song will play this can be just for some nations but it would still be a nice feature specially for modders
Last reply by selenhogamer, -
- 0 replies
If the country we are attacking has no army left, let the country surrender when we capture its capital.
Last reply by Wuthrad, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
lukas Let trade be very, very important, people will not be able to find food, they will buy food from other countries or there will be a famine. ships or a Let's trade with horses overland, gold, bread, milk trade, for example, when we request trade, we will trade for 2 years, for example, we will give bread, we will get 20 gold.
Last reply by HUN İMPARATORLUĞU, -
- 0 replies
I know I'm late but I have a suggestion it's similar to the HRE except it can be formed in game and nations in the federation can't attack each other. All members vote on what happens in the federation and your vassels will auto join if you join. Also your vassels will always vote the way you vote which would give players a chance to centralize the federation under their control. it'd be similar to the US which would mean once you join you can't leave.
Last reply by Turtley, -
- 1 reply
It will be great if we will have possibility to create custom ui tabs for mod mechanics that can be created in game, without decompiling, redacting and decompiling. I can give example of such code, but made for combination of html and java
Last reply by maksur, -
- 6 replies
What about adding special forms of alliances, which will last forever, will be able to have flags and leaders (civilisation) who would have the exclusive right to declare war on behalf of the entire alliance, exclude from the alliance and accept into it. Such an alliance can be created on the basis of an existing default alliance. Also these alliances will be marked on the map. The addition of special forms of alliances makes it possible to make some civilizations from AOH2 alliances that are supposed to be, like The Soviet Union, The United States, The United Kingdom, The United Provinces, Switzerland. HRE can also be such an alliance.
Last reply by anthonyedward6754, -
- 9 replies
Its in Ideas topic cuz there is no topic for bugs. This is just bug that I wanted to report because it jumpscared me 😭 @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Mirolit,