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- 14 replies
Hello meine people today were talking about the trenches I hope you enjoy, now lets get on with it. Trenches: I don't really know how to start this so ill just jump in, trenches will cost 200-300 gold. Depending on the terrain, for example plains would be great for trenches as they are flat, while mountains and marshes would be bad places to build trenches. There would be three levels of trenches, one, two, and three they would boost the defense by 5%. I have made a very rough moc up of what I want the battles to look like, there are many things wrong with this moc up. But eh. I hope you enjoyed this topic please comment and react it would make me real happ…
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 0 replies
Lukasz, We saw Lithuania and we want same things for Seljuq Empire, Seljuq Empire has so many Atabeydoms and So many small Seljuq State like İraq Seljuqs, Syrian Seljuqs, Atabeydom of Fars like. There will be more mechanics for the game and you will be able to explain the Seljuk state administration in the best possible way. Best regards, some AoH lovers.
Last reply by CājratiDea, -
- 3 replies
I would really enjoy having focus trees and the option to turn on historical AI.
Last reply by Guguge, -
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the idea is really simple, civilizations can't just construct cores and magically expect the people to assimilate within 50 years, instead the process of assimilation will be really slow, so to stabilize provinces and possibly make them your core you must send settlers, yep, the same settler units you send for colonization, these settlers will arrive into the provinces and begin to slowly make a dent in the demographics, this could cause instability and give you an event where your settlers are being attacked in X provinces, allowing you to justify a massacure and kill 20-40% of the native population, this CAN however cause massive instability in the surrounding provinces…
Last reply by JohnnyDoe000, -
- 0 replies
As in when making a scenario will we be able to edit population numbers of areas?
Last reply by Diego, -
- 3 replies
easy modifiability: technology, buildings, ages
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 1 reply
Add descriptions for ideologies! 新增意識形態的描述! Beschreibungen für Ideologien hinzufügen!
Last reply by Naval, -
- 0 replies
I would like there to be a way, either through the scenario editor or through the game files in Earth/scenarios/ww2/national_condition... where the user creates a folder with the TAG of the civilization and from there somehow creates a national spirit similar to HoI4. That would be perfect. I don't think the Aztecs should surpass Spain in buildings quickly, so to avoid this, you could give the Aztecs a national spirit indicating that they don't build as fast or have a 60% reduction in construction speed. A national spirit would be something that shows up when selecting the nation. For example, let's take Mexico in 2020. Spirit name: Bastion of Crim…
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
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Hey, Lukas, how about adding artillery, as a separate branch of the military, it will be able to attack enemy positions/troops before direct contact. I.e., being in province A, artillery will be able to attack the enemy in province B.
Last reply by bleu, -
- 1 reply
The idea is brief, but what if instead of "industry" or "economy" with digits, we had a GDP? That is, by selecting the GDP we see what generates more money, whether it's trade, taxes, production, and what generates debt, which is the civil, military, research budget, and others. I mean, in the Middle Ages, there was no "industry" until the Industrial Revolution. I would also like to see the AI carry out coups against dictatorial states and disastrous presidents that cause a drop in their GDP. Of course, so that it’s not random, we could set political and civil stability in a country, and depending on that, there would be drastic changes in corrupti…
Last reply by bleu, -
- 0 replies
could we have it so we have two different types/layers of terrain? As in one type for the altitude/topography (marsh, flatland, plateau, hill, mountain, depression), and another for the biome (woods, farmland, forest, jungle, glacier, taiga, tundra, desert, semidesert, sparse etc)
Last reply by Diego, -
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- 2 replies
Homeland Territory is going to be territory for every nation which it considers its ''homeland'', for a territory to be homeland territory 3 conditions need to be met: 1- Territory must be cored (Obviously) 2- Territory Must Have Atleast 80% Of Your People 3- Territory Must Not Have Any Other Cores (Optional) 4- Territory Must Be Same Culture (IF THEY ARE EVER ADDED/THIS SYSTEM DOES NOT REPLACE CULTURES) you may ask: How Will this prevent Bordergore? And How Will it Replace Cultures well the answer To Those Questions boils down to two things 1- How Civs Will Treat Their Homeland Territory 2- How This System Will Work Point 1…
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
This effect will slow down the progress of colonization, you can also add quinine technology (a cure for malaria), after which the effect will lose its power. Or do it through a chain of systemic events, following which you can get a vaccine against malaria
Last reply by Naval, -
- 5 replies
I had wondered about a feature that I think it's quite interesting, (I don't know how to call, so I'll call it as) "Conscription Kidnapping". How it works After you declare war on the enemy, they will naturally start to recruit new troops, and these new troops must be recruited somewhere, right?... Based on this point, this feature will work... What if you occupy the place of recruiting before they are ready? The feature would work something like this: Randomly, 20% ~ 80% of their forces would retreat to get ready in another place and be deployed, on the other hand, the remaining would be captured or join to your army. the effectiveness could increase in ar…
Last reply by Naval, -
- 2 replies
Diplomatic actions form a coalition: - political power you can invite countrys to fight along side you basically a short time alliance threaten to intevene: - political power - relations if a nation is at war you can threaten to intervene the country is more likely to make peace if they make peace, you will get legacy points and if not, you can choose to do nothing, declare war or form a coalition recognise country: - political power normally all nations will be recognised from the start and only newly released nations can be recognised you won't be able to do several diplomatic act…
Last reply by Naval, -
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Last reply by Naval, -
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- 4 replies
This topic is mostly a rewrite of a previous one i had made that got zero attention because it happened to be posted right as lukasz revealed the 1440 scenario, i remembered the concept and thought why not make it reach more people: Separation of Ideology and ruling system is an Overhaul concept meant to make ideologies more flexible and make more sense, Ideologies like monarchy and democracy don't really say much about the actual ideology of the civilizations, more about their ruling system/how the Civ's choose a ruler, for example you have communist dictatorships like north korea, china and the USSR, or Capitalist Constitutional Monarchies Like The UK etc...…
Last reply by Naval, -
- 2 replies
Something that I didn't really like about AOH2, was how detached areas of land didn't have their own unique name from their parent nation, for example a british territory on the east coast still being called "The United Kingdom". It's stupid, and there's already mechanics that could make this a bit less ugly. AOH2 had regions, if a non-contiguous territory is in a different region, it'll apply that region's name as a suffix, and use the country's culture group as a prefix. For example if south germany somehow took a bite out of portugal, it'd have "South German Portugal" as it's display name (on the map). This doesn't create a new nation at all, just pretties up…
Last reply by Naval, -
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Hello, We all know how colonization works for now in AoH3. I propose to bring more depth to this feature, because it still seems to be to OP and simple. Firstly to bring more depth, is when you colonize a province, there should be a form of resistance by the local population (tribes), before you control it. This would work like sieges, but with a risk of failed conquest according to the local population. Settlers should travel with the protection of units to make conquests successful, because settlers should be protected. The second point is the Colonial Act should be renamed to the Expansionary Act, due to the change that I will propose right now. The Expa…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 1 reply
It would be so much more convenient if there was capitulation. Let's say I'm Russia and in a war with China. It's very time-consuming to capture every single province belonging to China, but if I occupy around 90% of China, they will surrender the rest of their territory and I will occupy it until a peace treaty is made. Doing this will make the game more realistic and more fun, as you don't have to spend the next 30 minutes trying to capture the rest of China.
Last reply by qxz, -
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- 8 replies
the extermination of the civilian population is supposed to work in such a way that, for example, there is a special option for extermination and after pressing the option, it would be possible to determine what nationality of people should be removed, this option would be useful both for the World War II scenario and to create a coherent single national state
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by EdgeLord, -
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𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒 The Guy Who Read This,You Probably Know We Have Plagues In AohIII, We can Have More And Advanced Plagues for scenarios,it can effect soldiers,cost of farm/income,Also it can harm population more,with economy,we have plagues age by age. 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 We can make flags with animated by using gif,also make moving generals/leaders on country profile,when we open the menu we can hear their sound Also. 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐋 We can select different tutorials when we log in game first time. They can be Basic-Detailed-Advanced Also Auto skip and 1.25/1.5/2/0.5x speed for all tutorials. 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐔 You can add a text for what added for game,more detail…
Last reply by AgeOfHistorySuggester2025, -
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- 9 replies
We Saw Portugal Literally Split Into Two Monarchies After A SUCCESFUL REBELLION THAT CAPTURED THE CAPITAL, which is unrealistic, so i suggest making it so that if a rebellion happens in the mainland and captures the capital/largest city after some time it is automatically successful and forms a democracy or a republic (post napoleonic wars ofc) also We saw in the video that portugese controlled emirates were 100% portugese christian yet when they were rebelled they formed the UAE, will there be a system that works to make it so that rebellions will form certain nations based on where they are? cus that sounds sick but it wouldnt make sense for the UAE t…
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
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- 7 replies
Please add some kind of Description that appears on the country selection screen, similar to Victoria 3, so we can add lore and stuff to it!
Last reply by Mirolit,