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Trade between countries is necessary.
Last reply by korea, -
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the world with ww1 borders
Last reply by ww1 scenario, -
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Hello, This topic is about creating colonies by default. The main reason to think about this is to avoid the recent flag for colonies. When an AI country colonizes from 5 provinces which are in another continent then the country will be automatically transferred into a newly established colony with its first colonized province as its capital, it could be changed by the colonizer. Establishing a colony option would be a new feature aside from releasing a vassal. It should be available when a country adopts the colonial law. Settlers and a mobilized army would still be directed by the colonizer, but its provinces colonized by th…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
When we play against a country, other countries need to make progress as in history, instead of growing ridiculously.
Last reply by WeaseLL, -
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Please allow the country to be formed in this game as in Age of History 2.(castile-spain,turkey-ottoman)
Last reply by WeaseLL, -
- 2 replies
Hello Mr.Jakowski , I have a few suggestions about the game, I hope they will be useful. First of all, you can make sea mechanics inspired by Victoria 3. When two armies at war meet at sea on the route points of navy and merchant ships, war breaks out depending on the characteristics of the commanders. navy levels. Since there was no navy, transport ships were burned. Secondly, from the game. You should remove the Atomic Bomb Feature. This feature will not only spoil the fun of the game in Hoi4, but will also not be liked in this game. Thirdly, you can take inspiration from Crusader Kings3 for the provincial environments and buildings in the provinces in the game. I also …
Last reply by WeaseLL, -
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so you see how lukazs showed that instead of gaining one tile when attacking you gain the tiles next to the attack area too? well i suggest lukazs adds a setting called Slow combat: basically you only gain one tile when attacking so wars are longer pls adddddd
Last reply by Mike13533, -
- 1 reply
What if after the player's nation was conquered they can still continue to play.For example United Kingdom (Computer enemy) conquered South Africa (Player).Then the player has the option to incite nationalist ideas in the territories that was conquered by the enemy. A rebellion would happen that will be control by the player. The player task is to hold out and defend. Until the enemy either gave up or the player's rebellion gets decimated.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
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defensive or offensive alliances against common enemies in Age of History 3. this will work as follows, if 2 countries A and B have bad relations with country C and also have a border with it/have a common border (between each other), then countries A and B, provided that their common economic potential is less than or equal to country C, will conclude a defensive alliance against country C. If If the total economic potential of countries A and B is greater than that of country C, then in this case they will conclude an offensive alliance and either immediately or as relations with country C deteriorate, they will enter into a military confrontation with it. Thus, we …
Last reply by mrx, -
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Welcome! So, it's a small idea, which have a big potential for modding I propose a decision system, in this system it will be possible to make decisions; they can be either standard for each country or unique Why is this necessary if there are missions? Unlike a mission, decisions are more flexible and less important, decisions will differ from missions: 1)Possibility to use decision several times 2)Possibility to accept/cancel a decision 3)Opportunity to influence a country less significantly than through missions Decision conditions The main element for making a decision can be legacy points To make a dec…
Last reply by andry202222, -
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so i think that AOH3 needs a Mission or you may call it Focus tree, it would be a tree just like the tech tree just with little images like the events of EU4, it would be editable and use mechanics from events such as has_tech_level, is_at_war_with etc etc, they would be phenomenal especially in flavouring the game, so that if editable we can have gameplays that are more deep EX: we could create a mission tree to form germany as brandenburg. I am not saying Lukasz needs to do all nations but only request nations and major powers, thanks bye!
Last reply by andry202222, -
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More types of vassals should be implemented in to Age of History 3, because it would add more flavor to the game. You could use a type of system such as Hearts of Iron 4: Integrated vassal, vassal, colony, dominion, and then becoming free! I suggest that you add an autonomy system for this too. Thanks for reading! Inspired by the Hearts of Iron 4 autonomy system:
Last reply by 26gbush, -
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Lukas. Oyunda gemiler olsunn mesela ağır gemi savaş gemisi modern gemi gibi ne dersin
Last reply by HUN İMPARATORLUĞU, -
- 22 replies
i was bored so i did make this songs for age of history 2/3 the song are big to but in here so here is the link for album
Last reply by zdislav, -
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Inspired by someone else's idea. Adding special features (permanent or by the player's decision/I) for some provinces, it can improve the gameplay and add realism. Examples: 1) In the provinces of tropical regions of Africa and Asia, there will be a feature of "Malaria", which will significantly reduce population growth and increase the cost of colonization if the capital is not located in these regions and if the technology that would allow circumventing this restriction has not been studied. 2) Regions like Japan and Anatolia receive the "Unstable Tectonics" feature in some provinces, which reduces economic growth and may have an earthquake event wit…
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 3 replies
These features would make the game more realistic and detailed without much development time cost: 1. Castes/classes. The population could be divided into three classes (upper, middle and poor). Technically, these are just additional numbers in the population panel, but the wealthier population pays more taxes. At the same time, the number of strata in each province and civilization as a whole depends on the population of the province (the upper class will be more numerous in large cities and metropolitan provinces), buildings built (the proportion of the upper and middle classes is higher in a well-developed province), laws and ideology adopted, etc. 2. Migrat…
Last reply by Mirolit, -
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@Łukasz Jakowski, I think it’s better to make uprisings similar to wars, with a military score, at 100% of which the rebels declare independence, not suddenly in the middle of a war.
Last reply by NotYourBunnyWrote, -
- 0 replies
There are different opinions on the form regarding the improvement of the wagering of different political regimes. I believe that in order to better and easier reflect the issue of regime stability and the possibility of political change, we should make a "parliament" for all types of government. Explanation: any government, even the most dictatorial, relies on certain interest groups in the country. To simplify them, we will reduce them to "political parties". 1) Each country will have a parliament and a system of supposedly elections. The party that wins based on the results of its influence will determine the political course of the country (some modifi…
Last reply by Matvey, -
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- 2 replies
i. If the war between the bots was hard and exhausted the forces of both countries, then peace is concluded for a long time from 10+ years. II. The player can violate the peace treaty and declare war, in contrast to this, attacker army will have lowered morale, and the attacked one has higher morale III. Hordes are raiding states with -15-100 relations (Without declaring war) IV. I also suggest adding the depletion of the army after the capture of several castles. (For example, the Turks attacked Hungary, but after taking several castles, their Army weakened) V. Bots don't attack a country that is stronger than him. During a war, a weak country defends…
Last reply by Reodant2, -
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It would be good to see guerrillas, mafia and/or organized crime groups, like the mechanics presented in HoI4, for example, the mechanics of the Italian mafia in Italy, could be put on the map of the modern world, using groups as examples. organized as: FARC, ISIS, ETA, ELN, etc. Or also, instead of organized groups, there could be independent movements.
Last reply by Ezsteban, -
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Sería interesante ver que cuando se cambia la forma de gobierno hay una disminución de la estabilidad y la felicidad , simulando que la gente no quiere estar en ese tipo de gobierno, o tal vez que creen guerrillas estilo la mafia italiana en HoI4 , que crees ?
Last reply by Ezsteban, -
- 1 reply
I have a few ways that would make diplomacy better than it already is. 1. being able to hold meetings with other country leaders, a way to make this possible would be similar to how others countries can accept or decline. The conclusion of a meeting would be random to either improve or worsen relations with other countries. 2. Trade should be a way to increase relations with other countries. 3. When at war with a country that’s facing multiple opponents, to increase the chances of allying with other countries at war with that country.
Last reply by Smeysya, -
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Introducing Irregular warfare: In the original game rebels Are too easy to defeat and Insurgent/resistance forces such as terrorist organizations lack depth, and they pose little to no strategic threats. Likewise, when a nation is on its last leg it becomes all too easy to defeat, however if you were to add guerilla warfare mechanics into the game, therefore enabling irregular troops to remain in the same province while avoiding direct combat with the enemy it would allow for more realistic warfare making it more difficult and intriguing to Fight with/or play as an Insurgent force. Mechanics: Basic Mechanics of the Guerilla forces(make playable)…
Last reply by HassanBuland, -
- 1 reply
Hello! I came here to share an idea for AOH3: Customs Union Basically, every country has its own customs union (with its limitations or not) and adding this to the game would also add a economic focus to the game! Basically, there will be 2 more research's and 2 new laws: Research's: Local Market and Globalization Laws: Local Market and Global Market Customs unions are supposed to work, basically, as alliances do, but instead of being military, they give economic bonuses. Also, there would be a new type of Bonus, called Dividends. Basically, Dividends % are based on how much …
Last reply by leshkinsa, -
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Will players be able to make their own HRE-like decentralised organisations? For example if you want to create the USSR but not as a proper country and more as just a hanging entity with the members being politically part of it but doing their own thing at the same time? Also in the editor things like that could be added if you want a fractured but not fractured USA, and the states vote on which one will hold the organisation's leader and that, or if you want the EU then you could create that.
Last reply by qxz,