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- 1 reply
I think it's a good idea to add natural disasters as random events in AoH 3,like earthquakes,floods,tsunamis,volcanic eruption,avalanche and etc. Those disasters affects economy,population,infrastructure and etc. Also this might affect army loss to. And lastly "Natrual Disasters" must have enable and disable features. What do you all think?
Last reply by New port, -
- 1 reply
The title's self explanatory, i think it'd be a nice addition to AOH3 if we could change an Alliance's name without having to resort to glitches or having to start a new game.
Last reply by New port, -
- 2 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski Hello, few months ago I've posted some suggestions for AOH3, which of few was added into the game. So I've made some more suggestions. Tell me what you think: 1. Advisor description This one is simple, but it's also a great detail. Political advisors are confirmed. So basically, we could make custom advisor and make a short description for him, which player would be able to see after pointing mouse. As I said before, simple, but also a great detail. Would be nice to see it in the game. 2. Civilization status Each civilization would have it's own statuses. Something like national spirits in HOI4, very similar thing. For example - T…
Last reply by New port, -
- 5 replies
nothing much make it basic just like dummy nation just a basic multiplayer all im asking
Last reply by New port, -
- 2 replies
In Age of history 3 I think it would be a good idea to add a feature where you can add words like your countries name or for states. for example.
Last reply by New port, -
- 4 replies
(Firstly, sorry for my bad english) Here is how I think AI should work in declaring wars. AI is more likely to attack countries that it needs to formable nation. AI should attack countries that are very close to Bot. AI is more likely to attack It's bordering countries. =================================================================================== AI Ally diplomacy Player should have option to choose before the game statistic "AI forming Allies" if player would set it very high, then AI would make a lot of Ally's. When Ally of the bot is at the war, then AI can send proposition to help at war. When Ally of bot is at war, but …
Last reply by Joaoj, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by age of history 02, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have a simple idea that will make the economy better. Add the unemployment system, and when you build factories, unemployment will decrease, and when everyone has jobs, you will be unable to build more new factories. It's funny that in AOC2, there are times when the number of factories is greater than the population
Last reply by ARWD, -
- 0 replies
Detail can be added to the fog in the game. In other words, clouds can appear as in eu4 and can be turned off in the settings. It looks prettier.
Last reply by Hüseyin Balcı, -
- 4 replies
Good morning, afternoon or evening depending on where you are of course, I have to admit that I am really shocked by the great news, So I have 5 suggestions for AOH3, that I would like to see in game. -New event outcomes: Like "change country leader" outcome, "change party popularity" (If Mr. Łukasz Jakowski would like to add parties), "puppet country" outcome, "add building outcome", "add core land" outcome, "change population" outcome et cetera... -Wargoals and minor war changes: It's stupid that you can declare war to the country with which you have non-agression pact. I think it would be nice to see wargoals like in Hearts of Iron IV. …
Last reply by Lolbrahim, -
- 11 replies
The topic is a remake. Hello everyone, This is a repost and the original is deleted, because the original is deleted due to the lack of space. The start is the same, it could be tiring to read again. I propose (with qxz's observation) to make units in the tech tree starting from the 1910's will move differently. The mechanic for earlier units would still be enabled, showing a technological gap between civilizations with early warfare and civilizations with modern warfare. The modern war mechanic would make units not be able to cross more than one unoccupied province at once. It needs to make a series of sieges to advance. This would still keep t…
Last reply by Dipto479, -
- 22 replies
Another day, another ideas Parliaments Introduction Łukasz proposed the idea of adding Parliament to the game. I fully support this idea. However, Parliament brings about many challenges. How would it be set up for nations? How would seats in Parliament be allocated, and how to create such a Parliament? Here is my proposed answer to all these questions. So, let's start from the beginning. Parliament Creator First and foremost, let's discuss the creation of a parliament. Parliaments, like most things in AOH3, would be defined in text files. There could be a single file containing information about all parli…
Last reply by Dipto479, -
- 25 replies
It's just a little addition to my previous post Political Parties Introduction In my post about Parliaments, I touched on three very important issues that also extend beyond the topic of just the parliament. These are Political Parties, Elections, and governments. These topics intersect, so I've decided to publish another article, this time titled "Political Parties". I'll try to illustrate my ideas based in AOH3; but I don't have acces to it you know. Political Parties Political Parties are the primary entities that can gain …
Last reply by Dipto479, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Will Rivers help set up a defense line like in real life or hoi4?
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
Hello! As the title suggests, this post is listing some ideas for new game mechanics relating to diplomacy. This area of the game is especially important, as it shapes your entire experience. Diplomacy was really oversimplified in Age of History 2, and I feel like this made the game less fun to play, as history nerds like me couldn't play in historically accurate scenarios. However, I know some people appreciate historically inaccurate AI. This leads me to my first idea. 1. Toggling Historical AI: This mechanic allows you to choose if you want AI nations to follow a historical path in the form of a set of goals (territorial aims, diplomatic aims, etc.). This way even…
Last reply by Average Geography Nerd, -
- 46 replies
in the video showing of the modern day scenario, Crimea is a part of russia, which supports the russian claims to Ukraine, let us fix this
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
We already have the battle lines system ready. Basically with the navy it's the same thing, light ships in front and heavy ships in the back. Very simple. As for troop transport, I don't know how difficult it is to program a function that allows X amount of soldiers to be allocated to a transport ship, but it seems simple in my opinion. Submarines? Maybe they work like Cavalry works for land battles, staying on the flanks. Aircraft carrier? Maybe they function as transport ships specifically for planes, but that way it might be necessary to allow planes to travel across the ocean. I don't know how to implement them. All of this is nothing fancy, bu…
Last reply by Joaoj, -
- 1 reply
If a country is at war, you cannot declare war on it (this mechanic should be introduced so that the player cannot stab anyone in the back because it is too OP). If a country is already at war, with relations of -25 you can send it an ultimatum: "either you conclude a white peace or we declare war on you" If a country accepts the ultimatum and meets the conditions for concluding a white peace, it concludes a white peace (if the opponent agrees) and enters into a truce with the country that sent it the ultimatum. If a country rejects the ultimatum, only then can you declare war on it as the second aggressor If a country decides that it can fight two wars at once, i…
Last reply by PiePants, -
I think oil is a very important resource in real life. Adding it to the game is necessary. How it works: oil starts to spawn on the map beginning in the late 19th century, аt the same time, the resource that was previously in province just disappears. Throughout the game, oil will spawn more and more, and its price will increase. Because resources in the game cannot be traded and do not directly participate in the construction of various buildings, armies, etc., let oil simply add a lot of bonuses: money income or economic growth speed in the province. In general, as game progresses, old resources should disappear, and new ones should appear in their place.…
Last reply by shatyshka, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Well, this is my first post, It's a lot of text and I overwrote a lot of things, but I hope you get the idea. This system is mostly planned for long-term games, since crises as such would allow the collapse or birth of new civilizations, as long as it feels realistic and the progress of a game can be more immersive. Basically I came up with the idea of adding a crisis system to Age of History 3. Crises should have different types and some change in relation to the era in which you are playing. The crises would also have different levels and depending on how the crisis is managed, it could get worse or better, obviously the crises must also affect artificial intellige…
Last reply by Dipto479, -
- 1 reply
There should be a game mechanic that prompts the AI to send weapons and financial aid when a country it likes (or at least has a neutral opinion of) is at war with a nation it dislikes heavily. The same thing goes for the player, but they can decide whether or not they want to send aid. This punishes aggressive expansionism, leading to bogged-down wars if you don't play your cards right, and makes the game a lot more realistic. The diplomacy mechanics in Age of History 2 were oversimplified and unrealistic. Implementing military and financial aid, alliance mechanics for NATO (if a NATO country is attacked, all nations must agree for the alliance to respond as a collective…
Last reply by New port, -
Diktatúra sa v histórii ľudstva často vyskytovala. Rád by som o tom hovoril v tejto téme. K AoH3 určite treba pridať rôzne druhy diktatúry (absolutistická monarchia, militantná diktatúra...) Diktatúru by ste mali byť schopní dosiahnuť presadzovaním zákonov vlastnou silou. Pre diktatúru by mali byť nové technológie (strážená hranica, tresty smrti). Teraz trochu odbočím od diktatúry, pretože tresty smrti sa nepoužívajú len v diktatúrach, mohli by zvýšiť stabilitu štátu, ale zároveň znížiť šťastie. Aj diktatúra by mala mať rovnaké vlastnosti. Čo si o tom myslíte, chceli by ste niečo dodať?
Last reply by Naval, -
- 4 replies
When playing as Germany during World War II (or in any scenario with any country), it would be fantastic to have a "Anschluss" feature. This would not only enhance the World War II scenario but also add a fascinating element to the game in general.
Last reply by New port, -
- 1 reply
I believe that such mechanics will be able to change the course of some events. now the war will bring changes in the demography of the country even more: because of dissatisfaction with the war people will leave the country and migrate to another, other countries will suffer from the influx of new migrants (it will be fashionable to stop with the help of some technology that will limit their influx) or on the contrary bring benefits in the form of labor force. After this introduction to the game, players will also have to better plan the future of the country. I'm so back ! waiting for feedback!
Last reply by New port, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hello mein people today we're gonna talk about protesting and government suppression (YAY). I also have another post about leader animosity, with ties into this one link. Now let's start, Protesting: Protesting would be a lesser version of rebelling, cause rebelling is dangerous and revolutions are expensive. Now on to what triggers a protest, war, laws, and joy. Let's say you pass a law that is agianst your ideology [example: revoking freedom of speech in a democratic country] or war if your support is really low [let's say 20%]. Or if your civ is really unhappy. There will be two types of protests. Peacful, and Violent protest. Violent protests would,…
Last reply by New port,