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I dont know if theres already another Topic about this, but I want to speak about modding in AoH3. New event triggers: -X years, X months and X days passed since {decision taken} -{Civ} has {>=/<=/= choose number}% population in {province} -war weariness {>=/<=/= choose number} (but only if you make war weariness useful) New event outcomes: -Change Leader -Play as Civ -Change Name of City -Change Religion (in provinces) Modding on mobile: Please add Province Editor on mobile and make map editing in general possible/easier on mobile. Also make "Create a City" possible on mobile. Yeah, thats it. Pls giv…
Last reply by misterbombastic, -
- 0 replies
Lukasz, please add the ability to remove the results of the battle
Last reply by vovandrius, -
- 2 replies
Will there be something like Encircle mechanic in AoH3 ?
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
- 1 follower
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1. The reason for the war, so that countries can declare war, for example to justify the conquest of territories, or to attack due to an event, for example signing a treaty with a country that will introduce war with the desired state that you want to attack 2. Elections in the country, under democracy, or other ideologies, elections will be held, and as the population is disposed, any party will win, and a new ruler/president will become in the country 3.Creating vassals during a war, for example, if territory was taken from a country (%50 for example), it was possible to create a vassal state without ending the war
Last reply by Hisdoner, -
- 0 replies
i know its hard tme taking and would take the spirit of aoh out of aoh3 but it would be fun so heres my idea you have a choice to enable historical mode in those scenarios down here ww1 ww2 maybe modern world and this option basically adds events that makes the scenario historical
Last reply by Mike13533, -
- 1 reply
Maybe it is not very interesting to use only money to build soldiers, so it is better for the game to have a production line, for example, when you are in the research department and you open the tank technology, you don't only need money to build a tank army, but you You also need tanks, for example, a tank army uses a hundred tanks, and you need to build a hundred tanks to build that army. Maybe with this idea, small changes can be made in the research department, for example, when you research the archer technology, in addition to the archer soldier, you will also receive the bow and you can produce it in the production department. A few other minor changes may be made…
Last reply by Mike13533, -
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so you know how lukasz showed when attacking a province you take alot of tiles and not just that one tile you attacked ? well i sggest lukasz adds an option or something where it lets us occupy only the province the army attacked i thought longer wars would be more fun
Last reply by Mike13533, -
- 0 replies
I don't know if it's done this way, but it would be good if we could get different bonuses depending on the strength of the rival we choose - the stronger rival we choose, the bigger bonus we will get, and the weaker rival, the smaller bonus. Just so it's not the case that choosing San Marino as a rival gives us exactly the same bonus as choosing the Soviet Union as a rival.
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
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Co gdyby w aohIII były unie personalne, działałoby to tak: Aby wejść w unię personalną z jakimś krajem trzeba być w sojuszu oraz mieć powyżej 80 relacji, wtedy kiedy kraj zaakceptuje będziesz mógł grać oba krajami na raz np: jeśli grasz polską i Litwa zaakceptuje unię personalną, w lewym górnym rogu będziesz miał flagę Polski i Litwy i przez podwójne kliknięcie w jakąś flagę będzie można zmienić państwo którym się gra
Last reply by Corgi X, -
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Since we have reforms and laws, I think it would be interesting to add a new mechanic called "Quality of Life." This mechanic would be responsible for the citizens' quality of life, for example: whether they can eat, work, pay taxes, purchasing power, etc. Of course, there can be various factors that impact this. If the Quality of Life is low: - Increase in chances of civil unrest by 25% to 50%. - Decrease in consumer goods by 25%. - Economic efficiency -25%. - Research efficiency -35%. If it is high: - Increase in food production by 15%. - Increase in taxes by 10%. - Risk of revolution -…
Last reply by Distopia, -
It would be interesting to add the Goitacá tribe,was a tribe on the border of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. which was terminated by the Portuguese and by the neighboring Indians themselves
Last reply by Kiwi, -
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- 24 replies
Hello my mein people today we'll be talking about patriotic-wars, and international relations. I will divide my idea into segments to make it more easy to digest. Starting with, patriotic wars: What I mean by patriotic Wars is buffs for defensive wars. But first you need to enact some propaganda laws, then you can declare a patriotic war. Which gives some bonuses to your troops, like, cheaper units, faster divisions, and more volunteer troops. More authoritarian nations would be faster at diong this. Second, international relations: After the 24 of october 1945, declaring war on someone was declared illegal. So if you declare war on someone past this date it shoul…
Last reply by Stronk Germony, -
There are a number of scenarios that should be added: Cold War, World War I, Post-World War I, Napoleonic Wars, and BC. Each scenario has a series of events, for example, the Cold War scenario must have the event of the Vietnam Civil War or the Korean War Or, for example, the scenario after the First World War should have the rise of fascism or the Russian (Soviet) civil war Another thing, each scenario should be planned so that in addition to the events of the scenario itself, it also has the events of other scenarios For example, when you play with Osmani in the World War I scenario, when you lose the war, the event of the emergence of Ataturk (this event is for after W…
Last reply by Mohamad, -
- 2 replies
When you want to see the population of your country, it is better if the game shows you the population accurately, what does it mean? That is, it shows you how many people are children, how many are adults, and how many are old, which is an important thing in laws and government, which I will explain in the next post. what is your opinion? Is this an interesting idea?
Last reply by Mohamad, -
- 0 replies
Laws and government play an important role in your country. In the previous post, I wrote about the idea of the population, that the population should have old people, adults and children. Let's go for this idea School funding: In your country, children need school The more you budget for the school, the faster you can research Construction budget: a small idea: in the construction budget, make a small section called employees, where you can choose whether young and old people will do construction or old people, which has a role in construction, if a person If old people build, the speed of construction will slow down, of course, not very much, maybe one or two months, bu…
Last reply by Mohamad, -
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- 2 replies
Hello everyone, There were interesting foreshadowed features about monarchy, where monarchic countries were specified by rank, like minor countries count, major countries kingdoms, etc... This feature would make the game more immersive and skirmish. This feature would be mainly automatic, except for empires and caliphate. It will be based on three factors : cultures, religion and rank. Based from the videos, I theorize that the rank order is such as it: Local power --------> Regional power --------> Minor power --------> Major power --------> Great power --------> Superpower (optional) Imagine seeing that Ottoman Empire in …
Last reply by LLaarryy, -
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Hi, how about the idea of adding such a reform as the abolition of taxes for families with 4 children and more to the game. This reform will give a significant increase in the country's population, but will reduce tax revenues. What do you think?
Last reply by Alex Libertarian, -
- 28 replies
Provinces can have a unique image for better immersion in the game 😛 If someone would like to create special images for provinces, here are the width and height dimensions: 600x192px 600 Width 192 Height Once the game is released, simply rename the image to the province ID and it will work.
Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
- 1 reply
It would be super cool if Lukash didn't leave again indefinitely after the release of the game and fix several of the hundreds of bugs, it's just that this fate happened to aoh2, Lukash just scored on the players and the popularity of the game was based only on modders and the community, it would be very cool if Lukash after the release of the game continued to add content to the game and listened to the players, otherwise I think many players will just get frustrated in the game and move on to other games
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 3 replies
I want to create scenarios with occupied regions in AoH3 when it is released. At the start of the game, these regions will be occupied and there will be a war between the occupying country and the country that was occupied. Can you add this feature?
Last reply by bleu, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Hello mein people, today we'll be talking about trade, rivers, and using them in defense. Starting with, Trade and moving on rivers: Along with a better trade system we need better water ways. No this won't be a topic on navy, (get out of my head, get out of my head). But waterways, in AOH2 rivers were decor but they can be so much more, turning them into actual sea provinces. For war, and trade. An example would be, the missipi. And using boats to ship resources to a state via a boat A K A: ✨️shipping✨️. Which I think is already in AOH3. Second, Using rivers defensively: Im yoinking this one from HOI4 (🤢🤮), as you know rivers were of little…
Last reply by Kiwi, -
Ucks, Ignore this guys, I was trying to make an account and seemed to have made a mistake and don't know how to delete it
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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Diplomacy plays a crucial role in strategy games. Expanding your civilisation peacefuly can be as much, or sometimes even more fun, than simple conquest. The community was upset when unions and ultimatums were scratched from the new release. That is why I have come up with ideas on how to balance and implement these mechanics into the game. Unions: Both nations need to be in an alliance together Both nations need to have relations over 50 Both nations need to control less than 200 provinces each One nation can form at most 2 unions per game Alternatively, you could set a rule that only pre-determined unions can be formed like: …
Last reply by MisterT, -
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- 2 replies
It's worth adding the types of economies to play: Traditional economy Planned Economy Market economy Corporate economy and other(players will be able to add them) Types of economies will give different buffs/debuffs.
Last reply by MisterT, -
- 0 replies
I was thinking of maybe adding different types of territories for countries, there would be 3 types: -core territory basically this is the home region of a country and has to be on the same landmass as the Capital, their effects would be higher maintenance but more growth and soldier pop and a stability boost of around 10%, to core regions there must be high stability in the region and at least 10% of your pop uncored states this would be states on the same landmass as the Capital, these territories can be fully cored after 180 days and until then they would have lesser boosts and a bit higher maintenance -colonial territory this would …
Last reply by Samuelllle,