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Basically in aoh2 there isnt really much strategy, all you need is have a bigger army, you could add encirclement, speed bonus, blitzkrieg, trench warfare, and more things so aoh3 would need really some good strategy to have a battle won, not just a big army
Last reply by davidcalebe, -
- 1 follower
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I have a idea, about vassals. If country have vassals and getting vassalised by other contry, all his vassals move to the vassalizer For exaple: Bohemia have a couple of vassals in Silesia. If Bohemia loses a war with Austria and getting vassalised by Austria, all vassals of bohemia will now become Austria's vassals.
Last reply by Kavunovskiy, -
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- 13 replies
Age of History 3: Factions Factions Mechanic Overview Factions represent diverse interest groups within the governing structure of your realm, whether it is a decentralized entity such as a tribe or a centralized nation-state. Each faction wields its own set of goals, influence, and impact on the government, shaping the course of national decisions and stability. Effective management of these factions is crucial for maintaining balance and securing strategic advantages. Core Components of the Factions Mechanic In this system, various faction types each possess unique goals and exert specific bonuses on the governing body. The interplay between these…
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
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Lukasz's alternative history scenario Almost everyone has created an alternative history scenario at least once in the game aoh2, of course; some have thought about it for a long time, while others have just done it for fun. I have a suggestion. It would be nice if Lukasz included his own alternative scenario when the game is released. Can he do this?
Last reply by muhoaga, -
What is it that you have always wanted to be implemented in the game, whether it be updates, corrections, mechanics and/or maps? etc This forum will be of great help to Lukasz, I invite you to participate For my part, I have wanted the HISTORICAL AI of HOI since I started playing the game, it would be a very good decision on the part of Lukazs, also for them to correct the leaders, it would be much better if instead of the year of birth, it was governed by the years of mandate, and that the leaders will be updated in the base game, really takes away a lot of the immersion when you have a leader who is 670 years old. what do you think?
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
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I immediately apologize for the fact that there may be grammatical errors in the text, since I do not know English and use a translator to convey my thoughts. I don't know about others, but I think that one of the main features of the game is an editor in which you can create your own Countries and scenarios without programming knowledge. As we know, not every player who wants to create a good script knows how to program, and it would be great if Lukash made the editor much more global and multifunctional. By globality and versatility, I mean the following: The ability to create your own ideology without going into the game code, the ability to ban ideology in the sc…
Last reply by Svipka, -
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My idea is quite simple, just add random and generic portraits for the XVII - XVIII century, because at this time, the clothes of the rulers/advisers/generals was already very different from the Middle Ages, but still did not resemble the clothes of the XIX century Examples:
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
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When you are in the AoH 2 scenario editor, and want to create a new scenario, it is very hard for me to make the borders and the islands that are in the pacific ocean of the country, and they are always not 100% correct. So i suggest that in AoH 3 every country would have its default borders and when you would add them in the scenario editor you would have an option to put the default borders of the country. If its not clear what i meant tell me and i will try to explain it differently.
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
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I sincerely hope that lukasz adds atleast 1 medieval scenario to aoh3 apart from 1200 or 1440 like he could do 1337 or 1189 or any other date,i personally believe that playing as a medieval power with the new mechanics of aoh3 will be amazing!
Last reply by NyN, -
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Was wondering if it was possible to add consequences of events like "make peace with « nation » and allies" or something, this way it is easier to make large peace deals after WW1 for example, or maybe something like making white peace with everybody
Last reply by Samuelllle, -
- 1 reply
I hope that a rise of Islam, Mongols & also a crusade scenario end up in game atleast too BTW I also hope that China gets expanded in the ww2 scenario (missing civilizations)
Last reply by xox, -
- 13 replies
Al vez ya lo han dicho pero tengo una idea para el juego. Al cambiar de ideología haya una posibilidad de guerra civil, como HoI4, y para que no sea espontáneo, al seleccionar una nueva ideología debería de llevar un tiempo para que se lleve a cabo. Por ejemplo: eres una monarquía y quieres pasar a República, cuando selecciones cambiar a República debes esperar una cantidad de días para la transición de ideología, y cuando llegue el día comienza una guerra civil dividiendo el país en 2, tu pasas a controlar la fracción ideologica que elegiste, en este caso república, y para agregarle algo de diversión y dificultad al juego, tu comienzas con menos ejército. Esto…
Last reply by Taquito_Dictador, -
- 3 replies
Possibility of organizations other than the Holy Roman Empire. The game would flourish significantly if it had other political/economic organizations. Examples: 1) UN: an international organization whose members are obliged to accept the conditions (receiving positive and negative effects) of resolutions. Sanctions are imposed on violators. 2) ComIntern: Communist/socialist countries are able to receive economic, ideological and scientific assistance from other communist countries. 3) Caliphate: A theocracy-led group of Muslim Arab states. Essentially an analogue of the HRE with a religious and trade bias. 4) Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere: An or…
Last reply by Matvey, -
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Hello! I hope you read this, Łukasz Jakowski. Probably my (and other's) favourite feature of AOH2 is vassals. It has really cool roleplay potential, and It's good to see it will be in Age of History 3, but I'll suggest some things. I'll sort them based by how much effort it would take to code them (for each chapter). Vassals 1. Different factors for vassal liberty desire I see that in AOH2, a vassal's liberty desire will just get higher even if they are only 1 province bigger, but to me this doesn't make sense. It's not accurate at all, if it should be based on anything it should probably be based in economy and/or population, but definitely not on province count…
Last reply by Shoulder Cramp, -
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Lincoln in the game is far too north compared to its position in real life, Meanwhile Boston covers half of the whole region which is not appropriate as Boston was primarily an in-land port town. Below I have pasted a corrected image, which in my opinion serves the region right, with the addition of the northern town of Grimsby and corrects the proportions of the city of Lincoln and town of Boston. Legend: 1 - Lincoln 2 - Boston 3 - Skegness 4 - Grimsby
Last reply by qxz, -
- 3 replies
So basically this is a simple idea and I simply think that in the statistics menu there should be a way to view past events and I don't mean the trash thing in AOH2, I mean something that would allow you to see past wars, alliance, unions, revolutions and more. It should also allow you to explore these options more like seeing casualties and length of wars or how long alliances lasted and what wars they got in
Last reply by discretemiddleman, -
- 7 replies
As we know lots of ideas have been suggested, 1. from a puppet system/vassalazation types like in hoi4 colonies, dominions and for germany its reichprotectorets, for ussr its ssrs and for japan its imperial protectories (can be applied to chinese empires too maybe), 2. political systems & coups, 3. civil wars being missing, 4. culture mechanic, 5. mechanics for major countries like the ssr, tributaries of china & India, 6. bases, stables, airports being only places for recruitment, 7. currency units, 8. better colonziation system, 9. parliament mechanic for the us, 10. sub ideologies/govts, 11. disese lockdow…
Last reply by Naval, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hello mein people, today we'll be talking about empires and stuff. Starting with qualifications for an empire, 1. Being in the top 10 2. Be certain religion (optional) 3. Must have support for [insert ideology] if democratic
Last reply by Naval, -
- 4 replies
Space travel, such as going to the moon or other planets, could be included in an Age of History 3 game as an advanced technology that players could research and implement to help them explore and colonize the solar system. Players could research and build rocketry and spacefaring technologies that would allow them to send spacecraft to orbit their planet and potentially even land on other moons or planets. This would require advanced research and engineering capabilities that not all nations may possess. In the game, spacefaring technologies could provide players with a huge advantage in terms of exploration and colonization, as well as providing …
Last reply by Naval, -
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imagine if you're making an scenario based on a alternative history (Fallout, Kaiserswelt, Medium Regnum, and many more) that don't just end so you could make it so in each year the border changes if its set to historical mode and heck if you're trying to make a map that spans the entire world history I won't blame you and you should have the ability to have the AI have a setting that will make it follow the borders and you should be able to chose the date in this scenario just adding it as a feature is fine with me okay if its not used all I want is to have the ability (someone tag Łukasz I don't know how)
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
Sugeruje dodanie wyniku wydarzeń, który sprawia, że będziemy grać inną cywilizacją, taki wynik nadawał by się świetnie do robienia np. wojen domowych bo moglibyśmy wybierać jaką stronę chcemy wybrać w takim wydarzeniu.
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 5 replies
as the title says lol also a unique idea that not many strategy games do
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 2 replies
ive gotten a MacBook Air and I can't install AoC2 steam I changed the account on my phone so it still is linked to the old account so I can't really access it please (and my grandpa has already bought Aoh2 and Aoh2 Europe and AoC2 for steam) please fix it so you can fix it so AoC3 on Mac is downloadable from steam (my grandpa does not care though)
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 2 replies
This feature may bore some players, and frankly I think it looks like a visual blight to the eye. We can set this before we start the game, for example: Fog:Classic(No fog of war)/Exploration(Fog of war)
Last reply by Kiwi, -
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Transportation Railway: make railways for the transportation of troops, freight and people, option to electrify it, track quantity (choose 1 or 2 or 3 and so on tracks), Ministry of Transportation for managing transportation and etc... Highways and roads: highways and roads to complement the role of the railways, choose between 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 and so on lanes, uneletrified, Ministry of Transportation, etc... Airplanes: plane transport complementary of all two, uneletrified, no lanes and no roads. Capable of surpassing large barriers of ocean, Ministry of Transportation, etc... Waterways: waterways complementary of all 3, uneletrifie…
Last reply by fffroooesss,