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Ok In Age of History 3, sieges could allow players to mount an extended military assault on enemy fortifications to try and capture a city or settlement. To initiate a siege, a player would need to bring their military to a city or settlement that is controlled by an enemy and then attack it. Once a siege is initiated, the player would need to surround the city or settlement with their military and cut off the enemy's access to supplies. The player could try to starve the defenders into surrendering, or they could build siege engines to attack the walls and try to breach them. In order to win a siege, the player would need to destroy all of the enem…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
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ways rebels could work in Age of History 3 is that a portion of a nation's population is unhappy or oppressed, leading to unrest and potentially a rebellion. Here are some ideas for how rebels could be included in the game: 1. Rebel activity bar: A new "Rebel activity" bar could be added to the nation overview screen. This bar would track the level of unrest in a nation based on a variety of factors such as political dissatisfaction, economic disparity, and military conscription. As the bar fills up, the likelihood of a rebellion breaking out increases. 2. Rebel forces: If the rebel activity bar reaches its maximum, a new "Rebel forces" bar would appear, …
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 4 replies
I wonder @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 3 replies
Age of History 3 game, nuclear weapons could be an advanced technology that allows nations to create devastating weapons of mass destruction. Players who research the necessary technologies and build nuclear weapons labs would be able to develop and produce nuclear bombs, as well as other forms of nuclear weapons like ICBMs and nuclear reactors. Once a player has nuclear weapons, they could use them in several different ways. One way would be to use them as a deterrent, with the threat of massive nuclear retaliation serving to prevent other nations from attacking. Another way would be to use nuclear weapons to destroy enemy armies or military targets, causing …
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
i think war justificaation is needed to make the game and war not to feel like a easy thing to do, justifications could be in place for scenrios set in 1900+ as that will impact relations and stuff even if the war justification is cancelled this would give time to player and nation that wil be attacked if it has speies it knows that there is a war threat against it too so it would give time for both ai and player to prepare this is important as no country nowadays like is straighforward about declaring wars and take time to prepare for it too in medival scnerios justification is easy as hell and countries may be even able to declare war freely but this comes with negative…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
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What if you could move populations at any number you want from one province to another? For example, you can transfer people from an overpopulated province to an underpopulated province, or you can choose a nationality/ethnicity/religion to move from one province to another at any rate. I think it should be done on the condition that you pay for the equipment needed to do the transfers/deportations safely, but if you have an army in the region, you can move people at a lower cost with the population being more prone to diseases. Thoughts?
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
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- 5 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski you said many times before that the biggest obstacle for the Navy as a feature is the AI which is still in development, if this issue is ever patched, will we get navy then? and will you try to patch the issue after alpha release?
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 3 replies
this is the map of the caucus in 1440, as you can see it's very divided and circassia is much more divided, even the non divided part is de centralized and the name of the feudal lords in it is highlighted THIS is the map of the caucus region in the 1440 scenario, it's missing a lot of states and is way less detailed, all of the other regions got revamped and were made more historically accurate, this historical inaccuracy is very popular in the EU4 community because they have it as well A small sidenote is that the golden horde should be replaced with ''the great horde'' but i understand why it's not since that's like asking lukasz to replace the byzantin…
Last reply by Naval, -
- 0 replies
i think there should be non generic country missions just like focuses or missions in hoi4 and eu4 i also think there should be expansion laws/doctronies that u can chang whtehr ur country can easily declare war but has negative impacts or like defensive if attacked first or passice/compelelty disarmed/peacful
Last reply by xox, -
- 20 replies
We NEED vassal flags. let me elaborate, Vassal flags would be AMAZING and would do amazing things it would be a flag change depending on the nation that controls it think it should be like vassaltag-lordtag_ideologytag like eng-wal_m would be like this: please add this @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
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In my opinion, every piece of water should belong to a country or the states neighboring that piece of water should have rights in that sea, for example, there should be wars for that sea (piece of water) in order to add that place to its own protection, so it can take it, but what does taking it contribute to that state? His answer is as follows: For example, when a ship passes through that region, that state can perform customs duty (receives money in return for passing) or the owner of that piece of water (country) can prevent it from passing.
Last reply by Ali5v7, -
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Hallo mein people, today we'll be talking about vassals and how they should appear on the map. I will divide this into segments about different vassals Autonomous reigons: My idea for Autonomous reigons is when you zoom out they look like they are still a continuous region of their lord (nation daddy). An example would be the Alash autonomy from Kakariech. Kingdom vassals: So, realms. Whether it be Austria, France, or some other irrelevant country. The vassal will be a lighter or darker cloud from their lord to distinguish them. Kinda like incest game (CK3). that's it give some critism :-Þ
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 3 replies
Please add the 1200 scenario, it's VERY interesting and literally is right before the 4th crusade (partition of byzantium) rise of mongols, height of the reconquista, fall of baghdad, black Death, rise of the mamluks, muslim conquest of india etc etc THIS SCENARIO SHOULD BE THE FACE OF AOH3, IT'S SO UNQIUE @Łukasz Jakowski PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, I WANNA MAKE MY HISTORICAL MOD START ON THAT DATE, IT'S SO COOL TO MOD THE RISE OF THE MONGOLS
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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the 1440 scenario is finished and yet it hasn't been updated a post hasn't been made for the 2022 scenario and a post hasn't been made for the ww2 scenario @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 2 replies
I think everyone agrees that a scenario copier would facilitate our abilities to create scenarios that are close to an already existing scenario timeline in our game. Any thoughts??? Thanks Lukasz.
Last reply by ArtyKart, -
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pretty much the title, i think we should get that especially for android since i doubt any phone would handle them @Łukasz Jakowski this one i think should be added!
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
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literally, groups have every distinction in cultures, why not just.... make same group civs have like 80% core construction bonus for each other and just divide the ''european'' group into germanic, scandinavian, english, french and thats it, you just gotta add the same groups with the same names and same AI generated ruler names by breaking one group into multiple, and there you go, you have cultures @Łukasz Jakowski thoughts? this wont need much effort and is very easy
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 0 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by xox, -
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the idea very simple: add the old event creator/aoh2 editor to the game, essentially returning the text file things to the game editor, this mod would be very helpful for android and would be a cool idea thoughts? is anyone here interested in the idea as a programmer?
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 58 replies
In the new video about the WWII scenario, I noticed quite a large number of flaws with borders/ countries: 1) Italian Kingdom. Inaccurate border with Yugoslavia: Ljubljana and present-day western Slovenia were captured by Italy only in 1941 during the partition of Yugoslavia. Thus, Italy has extra provinces north of Istria here. Italy should also have Zadar and a number of islands in the Adriatic south of Istria (including Cres). In addition, it's unclear from the video whether the Dodecanese Islands belong to Italy. 2) Estonia. In 1920-1944, Estonia (later the Estonian SSR) included Ivangorod (Yanilinn in Estonian spelling) and Pechora (Petseri in Estonian spel…
Last reply by Iceman, -
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- 15 replies
Vassal states are missing in the scenario, so i thought adding them was a good idea, each civ is highlighted to include it's vassals here's some (kinda inaccurate examples of this @Łukasz Jakowski WESTERN EUROPE VASSALS ALL INSIDE PURPULE IS PART OF POLAND/POLISH VASSAL, SAME FOR LITHUANIA BUT ORANGE, MUSCOVY BUT GREEN Mamluk and vassals inside le yellow line all inside purple lines should be timurid vassal (except ajam that's my bad, but ajam shouldn't exist imo) blue should be french vassals, red is burgundy vassals, and grey is austria vassals Thoughts?
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 4 replies
like real world ones yk
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 2 replies
pretty much of a shower thought. i was thinking on a way to set flags to many ideologies/government types without creating many files for a flag. basically: preventing this, most of these flags are for sub_ideologies of A SAME socialist/communist civ. (in this case, karakalpakstan) just with it's referent sub-ideologies (vanguard, radical, collectivist, etc) though, you could make different flags for different subideologies, but if they are not found; they would use the core/main ideology flag designed for them. pros: - custom ideology flags made easier for mods with A LOT of ideologies (tno, q-bam, megamod, etc) - you can get crazy with adding subid…
Last reply by bun_dha4, -
- 1 reply
Hi I dont know if this is double post or not, but I'd like an option of AI to be static, meaning that they don't attack other countries and change map borders, I always in AoH2 wanted to have non agressive AI's so that my small country can feel more powerful and watch it grow in terms of how the actual map is changed in present year, also more diplomacy options that will destory other's countrys economy and make them look bad, lose reputation, maybe some economics organisations like EU, military (nato), UN, then voting in those organisations to get more resources, present evidence that a country should be attacked etc, maybe more concequences if you attack a country witho…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 2 replies
so that in ww2 japan can have and be able to use those same concept for certian rebel groups in modern scenrio suicide or sucide bomber units that some groups use nowadays add that as a unit also add kamikaze units yk for japan
Last reply by xox,