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- 2 replies
so that in ww2 japan can have and be able to use those same concept for certian rebel groups in modern scenrio suicide or sucide bomber units that some groups use nowadays add that as a unit also add kamikaze units yk for japan
Last reply by xox, -
- 2 replies
having to produce tanks, equipment and stuff and it costs military factories like that just like in hoi4 what do u think @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Naval, -
- 9 replies
Is it possible to send u custom civilizations so u may add them into the game Also San Marino flag irl has its coat of arm thing in middle while even in modern scnerio it's flag is the simple and not actual real version with the symbol in middle
Last reply by xox, -
- 1 follower
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since the announcement of aoh3 we have seen many features get cancelled from aoh2 over the course of the development, im not going to list any of them just so lukasz isn't bound by promises he might not fulfill, but among the cancelled features, will we, at some point after the alpha release, get any of those features of a large chunk of them at best? @Łukasz Jakowskiif you cannot confirm or promise us anything just at least let us know
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 0 replies
What drew me to your games, as opposed to Hearts of Iron IV or other strategy games, is the immersive experience of feeling like you're leading a country rather than just attacking others without purpose. I appreciate the cheats available in your game, as they've helped me understand its mechanics better. I would love to see more cheats, especially those related to the economy. For example, in Age of History II, there's an "Economy +9000" cheat that allows players to add any amount, similar to the army cheat. A nuke cheat with the same flexibility would also be great, along with other cheats from the base History II game. I've also played a mobile game called Pr…
Last reply by RenaX, -
- 0 replies
Wszystkie mniejsze księstwa śląskie -> jedno duże Księstwo Śląskie Wszystkie polskie państwa z okresu rozbicia dzielnicowego -> Księstwo Polskie Księstwo Polskie -> Królestwo Polskie Królestwo Polskie -> Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów Królestwo Polskie tzw. kongresowe (XIX wiek) -> Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów Współczesna Polska -> II Rzeczpospolita II Rzeczpospolita -> Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów -> Wielka Lechia 😁 Uważam, że każda cywilizacja powinna mieć tylko jedną formowalną cywilizację dostępną do stworzenia, nieznacznie potężniejszą, mniej więcej zachowując ciąg his…
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 5 replies
coup system to make another country follow the same ideology alsoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this would need a addition of a poltical system, elections (once per 4 years) and politacal power like that so please add coups and a political system lukas also the usa hopefully atleast would have a senate/house of represnetive system atleast
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Please add ethnic group system for Age of Histroy 3 and add ethnicities to civilizations, for example Slavic Germanic and Latin, civilizations with the same ethnicity may have better relations with each other while civilizations with different ethnicities may have colder relations with each other and in assimilation, civilizations with the same ethnicity may be easier to assimilate while civilizations with a different ethnicity may be more difficult to assimilate. Adding ethnicities has many more benefits, for example civilizations of the same ethnicity can more easily develop relationships and alliances with each other. If you add this feature, the Game can be more speci…
Last reply by Mirolit, -
- 0 replies
since lukas doesnt want to add it then, someone better make a mod when the game comes out a small province called vatican within rome province and make it the size of san marino or size of monoco so then we can have the vatican in game since we have a new province fot it as a mod to downlaod to all scenrios that extra 1 province lol btw lukas why cant u just do that a san marino or monoco sized province within the rome province in italy nothing wrong with that you know @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, -
- 20 replies
BETTER AGE OF HISTORY 3 UI I've watched all the recent Aoh3 videos and I don't have a bad opinion about the game's mechanics. But I think it's too simple in terms of UI and needs to be improved. It can look much more professional and with these improvements it can take on the big names in the market. (Paradox Games) Below is a sample design that I designed myself and the current design. (Except for the real painting) I designed everything myself and I believe it makes the game look much better. I would be happy to send Lukasz the high quality pictures of the elements I designed below. Also, if he likes it, I can come up with many similar designs (I can also improve t…
Last reply by PiePants, -
- 6 replies
I thought about it, it wouldn't change the gameplay but it would be great to have currencies that we make ourselves and when we made the law to change the central bank we could create our own currency @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by sanitar4ick, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
The Idea is that the player could get the ability to change their flag at the cost of legacy points, this ability would also be available as an event outcome, maybe lukasz could add a dynamic flag system where every civ keeps its flag for the historical period it held it (ex:ottomans have their regular flag until the 1844 flag change which would happen automatically, this would be easy to add and could be editable via text files thoughts?
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 1 reply
First of all, thanks for your recognition. I am extremly pleased if Lukas adds this feature to the game. Let me indroduce my new features. Same race system I want to give an example to this. Let's imagine if South Kore took a piece of land from North Korea. Before South Korea took that land, That lands population was %100 North Korean. But after South Korea took the land, the population becomes %100 South Korean. This is because North Koreans and South Koreans are actually the same race named 'Korean'. Upper Race - Lower Race system I will only say one thing: All Texans are Americans, but not all Americans are Texans. Before USA makes Texas free, …
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 5 replies
every nation has those starting buffs/bonuses right, it would be cool if they r customazible for exmaple i can for modern scenrio make the eu a organzation and it shows as a buff and also all members of it being gurneneting each other ig it can work that u can have nations allainces as buffs for example eu icon or un or nato or warsaw pact be like that and shown as a buff lol that would be cool like naitonal spirits in hoi4 are in milluneiem dawn where nato un eu countries r shown that way like custoamzaible nation bonuses/buffs instead of them being random would be cool so hope they r custoamzaible that way it can be like national spirits of hoi4
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 1 reply
Customizable character portrait Customizable traits/buff-debuffs Probably customizable character description
Last reply by Mirolit, -
- 0 replies
if ur country wins or conqueres a contiennt or all provinces then its anthem or a cool national song plays 🙂
Last reply by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, -
- 18 replies
change the name of alliances to International Organisation or Similar
Last reply by mrx, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Witam, czy można dodać następujące wymagania dotyczące traktatów pokojowych. 1. Żądanie demilitaryzacji dzielnicy 2. Wymóg demontażu twierdzy \ Fort wojskowy . To pozytywnie znacznie rozszerzyło rozgrywkę i możliwości modowania dzięki za uwagę
Last reply by mrx, -
for rhineland, turkey ww2 and also other areas that were demilitzred historically just like in hoi4 and maybe un mechnic or demilitalrtized zones for golan, cyrpus, korea etc whereveer un troops and zones are
Last reply by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, -
- 0 replies
Hi @Łukasz Jakowski, how about making ability for states of the same alliance to make a partition of their enemy state. Boundaries of the partition will be determined in advance. Then, after the conclusion of peace, the provinces will be transferred to each country in accordance with predetermined conditions. Thus, it will be possible to repeat some historical events.
Last reply by null, -
- 0 replies
Hi! I would like to propose an idea regarding the spread of diseases. Diseases can spread through ships, planes and land borders like plague inc. Borders can be closed. This will limit income from trade and tourism, but will prevent the spread of disease. I also propose to introduce the opportunity to invest money in the country’s medicine. This way, citizens will get sick less, and diseases will be less likely to enter the country. It would be nice if provinces could be quarantined.
Last reply by Kapurin, -
- 5 replies
Alright this may sound kinda stupid maybe but what do you guys think of adding integration in the game? Like same as hoi4 where you puppet a country and then you integrate them into your own country.
Last reply by President Wilford, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I think it would be nice to have a military establishment in the game, so you don't have a lot of scattered armies when recruiting an army, and it's easier for the player to recruit an army.
Last reply by 桂圆甜不甜, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi, @Łukasz Jakowski! As I wrote in the title, Hungarian cities with Hungarian names. I have posted a file here with the towns in 1440 Hungary that you wrote with their names other than Hungarian. There were unfortunately some that I could not make out from your videos, so unfortunately I could not include those.If you could send me all the provinces that belong to Hungary, I would be happy to translate those as well. I would be glad if you could change the names of the cities:) I wish you good work for the game!:P hungariancities.txt
Last reply by erik0, -
- 23 replies
Hi, I suggest adding maritime boundaries, to have other utilities than just to move. It could bring economic (ressource) bonus, and to prevent border gore. So when we click in a sea province, we will see their claimants. The possession of sea grants economic benefit in ressources like fish, coral, algae and soil could be taken, for modern time (1880’s), sea like monuments provides tourism, which some countries get rich by, so prestige bonus. Some strategic sea provinces could also bring extra bonuses for trade like straight. To prevent border gore, civilizations’ armies can’t go to sea provinces who don't “belong” to them. So Tunis can’t declare war on Venic…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh,