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In the game, it is possible to choose different people as ministers, army commanders, etc., you can take a woman from other tribes or from your own tribes and improve your relations with that country, there are economic alliances, better colonization capabilities. we will have the possibility to lead a revolution or even be a party leader to rise at the right time, the support of the rebels should not only be with money, but we can also give them soldiers, and the most important thing is that Historical events should be better expressed, for example, the attack of Genghis Khan or the attack of the Huns
Last reply by inc12345k, -
- 0 replies
I know that Lukas doesn't want to make new provinces, BUT this mistake is too significant for the 1440 scenario. The border between the Polish Crown and the Kingdom of Hungary (since the 1520s - as a part of the Habsburg Monarchy), which roughly corresponds to the modern Polish-Slovak border, is known for being the most stable border in Medieval Europe. Whereas, as a result of endless wars typical of the Middle Ages throughout Europe - from the Atlantic Ocean to the foothills of the Urals - borders rarely lasted longer than a couple of decades (and sometimes weren't clearly defined at all). This boundary between 1015 and 1772 changed only once - in 1412, with the cre…
Last reply by Mirolit, -
I suggest a airport building where it can be the only place where provinces that have airports being the only place where planes can be required same thing can be done in regards to barracks/army bases for military & military factories for army vehicles as well as stables for calvary units what do u think each province if it has one of those buildings can require those what do u think this would be more realistic and add a more in depth military relastic system what do u think Do u think army barrakcs/airports, stables & military factories and something like that is a good idea inorder so players can only recruit those things in specfic provinces wher…
Last reply by xox, -
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- 4 replies
As The Title says, it makes no sense to have Dictatorship as an ideology when you can have Communist dictatorships, Or Having Democracy as an Ideology when you can have Social Democracies and Islamic Democracies (theocratic Democracy Pretty Much) Which Is Why I Suggest This: Separation Of Ruling System And Ideology Ruling System's Will Be: Democracy (Cannot Be Paired With Authoritarian Or Fascism) Constitutional Monarchy (Cannot Be Paired With Authoritarian Or Fascism) Absolute Monarchy (Can Only Be Paired With Authoritarian and Islamism Ideologies) Republic (Cannot Be Paired With Author…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
the color of france & uk in modern scenrio is too similer they r both blue adn next to each other they should be different uk can be red or pink
Last reply by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, -
- 0 replies
Looks like stop the siege of the city can only another army. I think besieging army should suffer losses. So if city defends too long, siege can fail. Cities should have food stocks, which depends on how long the city can last if it has fortress. Also cities should have garrisons, which depends on how big will the losses of the besieging army. Besieging army should have ability to storm city, which causes bigger losses, but the city will be taken in a short time. Storm can also fails, if the city has large enough garrison. I hope you accept this@Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by null, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Event Triggers: Province's having certain Religion Provinces being controlled by state with certain religion ( ex: medina is controlled by a kingdom with christianity as it's official religion, this is an event trigger) Attempt at building Cores In Provinces Ruler's death (this will be useful for civil wars and other things) core exists on specific province Religion Has Reached X numbers Religion Just Became Majority In Civilization Religion Is Spreading In Kingdom quickly Civ Has Certain Ideology Civ Has Certain Religion As State Religion …
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 0 replies
make better support for Linux systems
Last reply by zdislav, -
- 2 replies
millueim dawn's depicitions of syrian, somalian, c.a.r & myanmar's wars
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
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从我在 YouTube 上看到的视频来看,所有事件都与相同的图像配对是没有意义的。我认为我们可以添加与事件相关的图形来增强游戏的沉浸感。
Last reply by 桂圆甜不甜, -
- 5 replies
this is something that always irratated me with borders but like this looks like there basically is no lines or anything when zoomed out compared to when zoomed in borders are more clearer when zoomed out its pretty much like it doesn't look as good as when zoomed in the borders 2. i also recommend the fonts having a small white border around the black text like paradox games inorder to make the names stand out more/and be more visible if u dont add these 2 feutures by defualt then please allow us to alter/fix them thru settings just like in aoh2 u were able to adjust the font and borders abit (not just when zoomed in but when zoomed out too pleas…
Last reply by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, -
- 7 replies
It looks strange when in 1440 year in America all cities that are founded after it’s colonisation are there. Isn’t it @Łukasz Jakowski? I think there should be empty provinces in the game. Something like wasteland in AoHII, but looks like no one’s province without city and name. It should be passable for the troops, but without any population. Colonisation should apply only to empty provinces, no one’s provinces should be captured. When you colonise empty province, you found a city there, so you should have ability to name it when founded. That’s how to make game more historically realistic.
Last reply by 桑榆不是鱼, -
- 7 replies
if u need any help making these lukas then look at milllunem dawn cuz it literally has most of these in it 1. Syrian Civil War 2. Somali Civil War 3. Palestine being instead of 1 nation but instead gaza strip owne d controlled by hamas 4. lpr & dpr in ukraine 5. insurgency in west Africa (nigeria for exmaple) 6. kurdistan in iraq being there 7. Myanmar conflict 8. correct afgan flag for taliban instead of black one 9. ngaro karabkh war 10. war in mali 11. hezbollah in south lebanon iv'e attached photos of some of these below o…
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
Perhaps to end diseases more quickly, there is a health section or budget for research into a cure. Example:Types of cure: (if there is a black plague then:) research a cure for the black plague. (if Coronavirus exists then:) research cure for Coronavirus. How long it takes to complete a cure depends on the budget given to the medicine section and the technology we have at the moment. In my opinion that would make the game better, since in the modern era one can get more prestige for being the first to have the cure. ------ And an extra suggestion: I wish there was a way to not manually send settlers to uninhabited lands, I know the bo…
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
- 7 replies
I was wondering how many scenarios @Łukasz Jakowski was planning to add to the game. If he doesn't plan to already, I think he should add scenarios for the following: 1. WW2 (But with two different start dates, January 1st, 1930, and January 1st, 1939) 2. The Punic Wars (starting in roughly 265 BC) 3. The Napoleonic Wars (start date of 1799) 4. WW1 (again, two start dates, one in 1910, the other in 1914) For each scenario, related events should be added. For example, the Spanish Civil War, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, etc. I also feel certain modifiers should be applied to nations diplomatically, so the geopolitical atmosphere is…
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
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Hi, I already posted this in question, but I think it would be more suitable to post here. So I propose some features regardless of advisors and generals. 1. The possibility to put the same imageID for all of advisors, generals and leaders. That means that a general and advisor could become a leader, while keeping the same imageID, but having a different json file. So adding for the case of a general becoming leader Military dictatorship, led by military officer(s), (aside from dictatorship, led by one single individual). Example : Philippe Pétain, a field marshal became the leader of Vichy France in 1940. 2. Make military advisors generals. …
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 4 replies
Thoughts: When we switch the map to another mode, the minimap in the lower right corner should also be shown in a different mode (e.g. a minimap showing religion or economy) Depending on the skills of the army and what units it is composed of, the AI should use the army to either fight, defend or besiege. During the war, each country should leave one army behind the front or even in its own country only to defend against attacks on its territory (in AoH 2, for example, Great Britain sent its entire army to Spain, and Spain sent its entire army to the British Isles whereby Spain occupied the entire British Isles, losing all of its territory in Iberia to…
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
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The Title above is the reason lukasz provided for not adding navy units, which i don't understand really how that is an issue with the navy, it sounds to me like an issue with the AI, because if the AI won't use infantry or cavalry, would that mean lukasz would scrap them completely? or would he keep working to fix this issue with the AI what i mean by the post is: lukasz is still working on the AI, meaning this issue could still be fixed by alpha or even after alpha in other updates, MEANING: there is a 60% probability we get the navy sooner or later, i would say those are pretty good odds for something we thought wasn't going to get added at all …
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
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At war, if one of the countries have a very low stability, some of their troops will leave the army or join the enemy forces. The lower the stability is, the more troops will leave the friendly forces. This can work in two ways 1. Legacy Enemy troops will only have the chance desert the army, if the province they have been in has been attacked. The stronger the attack is, the more likely your troops are to leave your side. The condition for it to happen is as mentioned before - very low country stability. 2. Extreme Friendly troops will desert the army at low stability without the need of them to be attacked first.
Last reply by Pioruniasty, -
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My suggestions for triggers and outcomes in events: Triggers: "Passed [x] days since [event] happened" (in "[event]" there could be selected every single one, including the very same event we are writing) - It would be nice for elections (terms) or constant mechanics made with events, as well as higher precision in relations between events. - [character] is appointed (anywhere) - self-explanatory - [country] borders with [another country] Outcomes: - Peace with everyone - self-explanatory - Triggers [event] in [x] days - Trigger any event unconditionaly after some days after decision was make have passed - Add uncondi…
Last reply by Redguy325, -
- 3 replies
Badanie opublikowane przez stronę internetową pod patronatem polskiego rządu przeprowadzone w 1950 (z tego co rozumiem - nie czytałem, jedynie popatrzyłem na tabelę). Rok 1950 był po 2 wojnie światowej, po której Polska była zrujnowana, a społeczeństwo wymęczone wojną może dobrze odzwierciedlać prawdopodobieństwo śmierci w zależności od wieku wśród średniowiecznych władców: 1 rok - 2,5 % 5 lat - 0,8% 10 lat - 0,6% 15 lat - 1% 20 lat - 1,8% 25 lat - 1,7% 30 lat - 2% 35 lat - 2,3% 40 lat - 3% 45 lat - 4,5% 50 lat - 6,6% 55 lat - 10% 60 lat - 15% 65 lat - 20% 70 lat - 30% 75 lat…
Last reply by Redguy325, -
- 1 reply
@Łukasz Jakowski make please coastline same detailed as terrain. It looks strange with forests, plains, mountains and low permission coastline.
Last reply by sanitar4ick, -
- 3 replies
The Russian-Ukrainian war is a very important event in world history, so I decided to add an expanded list of characters involved in the war. In the INFO.txt you can read more about these people, and I also add links to Wikipedia there. I am creating this topic because Łukasz closed the previous topic for new answers. I sent the archive by email, so I hope my proposal will be added. Rus-Ukr war part1 by Rus-Ukr war part2 by
Last reply by sanitar4ick, -
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- 14 replies
The United Nations for the modern period NEED to have it's own mechanics that prevent the 2022 scenario from going full bonkers like 1440 would, we need a balance that would make the scenario a realistic experience which is why i suggest THESE features for the UN that turn the modern scenario from a feudal nightmare to a strategic game of diplomacy and political power The UN will, similar to the HRE, have ranks that allow their members certain powers, these ranks are: The General Assembly: All UN members (meaning all civs) are part of this assembly, civilizations which are part of this are 95% less likely to go to war, reduc…
Last reply by Siamese, -
- 1 reply
Hello Mr. Lucas. I'm a big fan of your game Age of History 2. And I heard you're making a new game. There was something missing in your games that made me sad since the second game. As you know, the historical artificial intelligence system in the Hearts of Iron 4 game means that even if we are Mexico in the Second World War, the artificial intelligence must start the Second World War, meaning that there is no nonsense like the Nazis declaring war on Mexico for no reason. If there is no historical AI, after a certain period of time the game becomes a map coloring game. For example, even if we are from countries that were not in World War II, artificial intelligence should…
Last reply by Rodak Polak,