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Can you add the required technology as a condition for building a certain wonder? I think it's important
Last reply by Pnompenb, -
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Since Lukasz Jakowski made the game exclusively for ancient times, many mechanics, and not only, are not compatible with modern scenarios and not only. 1. I agree with the combat system, if you try, even from this combat system you can make a front line without mods, just if Lukasz slightly changes the behavior of the AI with the help of technology. So that the divisions can line up in a front. 2. Selling provinces, let's say I captured Poland for Germany and as history give Vilnius to Lithuania, and the east of the USSR, and in the tab there you will have to manually search for each province to give them. This is so inconvenient that it is better not to give them to anyo…
Last reply by Indepci, -
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1. Flexible Combat System with Frontlines Concept: In the spirit of HoI4, create a dynamic front line system for modern periods. Implementation: Frontlines and Army Groups: Players can assign armies to the front, and they automatically line up along the enemy border, responding to changes in the enemy line. Tactical Orders: Add the ability to set tactical orders — such as "hold," "advance," or "retreat" — allowing for technology-dependent tactics by era. Strategic Fronts: Enable setting up fronts for large-scale operations, for example, along the border with an entire bloc of countries. 2. Province Transfer and …
Last reply by SamDerminji, -
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- 21 replies
Hello, We all know that vassals are now improved in AoH3, with the possibility to increase or decrease tribute and manpower, and whenever the vassal can declare war or can’t. But Łukasz, you could go further, by adding subjects. Subject is a larger term for vassals that could include other historical types. Some subjects must be seen as a government and others more like a special attribution. All will be present in the subject tab, but some would also represent the government. How each subject will work : Autonomy is an administrative division or internal territory of a sovereign state that has a degree of autonomy and self-g…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
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- 3 replies
There's some basic event outcomes from AoH2 that are missing in AoH3 for some reason White peace Leave alliance (regular alliance not special alliance) Free puppet Change civ opinion Also it would be nice to have event outcomes to end things like guarantees and non aggression pacts
Last reply by eNeXPii, -
- 1 reply
There should be a option to transfer state to vassals and an option to fully annex them after some time. Would be awesome aswell to have royal marriage and there for creating Personal Unions.
Last reply by MFFMCCTTS, -
- 2 replies
Just like how Age of History 2 has the Age of History 1 map, being able to play the Age of History 2 map in Age of History 3 would be cool. Could be added as a map. Plus would give mobile players the option to choose that map if they prefer it, since the smaller AOH3 map is not so different in terms of size.
Last reply by anonymous8, -
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Hey Lukasz, I'm presenting you my ideas for improvement for the ai of the game. I hope you like my ideas and will implement them. Best regards! The Ai should.... automatically break an alliance when under a specific opinion threshold with the targeted country. stop rivaling a country, if a specific positive opinion is reached. only rival a country, if the country has low opinion. only send gifts to countries that they have really high opinion with. only reduce the opinion of a country, if they have recently taken a province of them, had a war with them, are the rival of a rival, etc. I'll write more ideas, once I got them in my h…
Last reply by GuyNamedKortak, -
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I think it would be a cool Idea to make a system where a civilization can collapse in multiple ways. For instance, for larger empires instead of turning into dozens of smaller states It can do an Eastern / Western split that is commonly seen among historical empires in turmoil. Of course this shouldn't happen every single time as that would get old very quickly, but it would definitely be pretty cool to see some variation in how countries collapse. It would also be cool so see Parent and offspring nations, kind of like how Britain's colonization of America led to the United States, or how the dissolution of the Mongol Empire led to the Ilkhanate and various other hor…
Last reply by Zathriscm, -
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- 35 replies
Guys, I figured out how to replace the national spirits (you can see them when choosing a country, there are 3 pictures) with more interesting mechanics You can enter into the game (I have not yet figured out how to end them) the features of civilization, the country will have 3 features in the standard settings, but in the settings you can determine from 1-5. They can be viewed in the form of a board and by clicking on the flag. You can replace them with legacy points and money, but we won't get a bonus right away, and if we constantly change them, we'll get debuffs and riots will grow. There will be 7 categories of features: military, economic, administrativ…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
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Unions can be made only once per game (don't know if it already was like this in aoh2) and would not be possible anyway if the combined provinces of the unifying civilizations exceeded a certain threshold. Ultimatums are always rejected if they demand all the civilization's provinces or a considerable amount of those. I think these features are reasonable and not too hard to implement since they would probably require some simple "if" functions. Lukasz, I hope that you take my advice into consideration.
Last reply by RennyTheSimpatic, -
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Since Lukasz Jakowski made the game exclusively for ancient times, many mechanics, and not only, are not compatible with modern scenarios and not only. 1. I agree with the combat system, if you try, even from this combat system you can make a front line without mods, just if Lukasz slightly changes the behavior of the AI with the help of technology. So that the divisions can line up in a front. 2. Selling provinces, let's say I captured Poland for Germany and as history give Vilnius to Lithuania, and the east of the USSR, and in the tab there you will have to manually search for each province to give them. This is so inconvenient that it is better not to give them to anyo…
Last reply by Indepci, -
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You can add this as a feature Mr @Łukasz Jakowski Like a menu for them,Who can pass?,Pass Tax,passing limit and income from them.The income calculated with provience economic status.
Last reply by hakan_03022011, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I will present this idea in a very specific way to expose exactly what I mean; the details are actually of little importance. war_score "war_score" trigger would make event check if the sides are at war AND one side is winning with a specific war score advantage Example of code: war_score=ger=pol=50 This trigger would check if Germany is winning with Poland with at least 50+ war score. War score would be checked from the perspective of the first tag. If we swapped tags, for example: war_score=pol=ger=50 It would mean that Poland has to be winning with at least 50+ war score in a war against Germany. Optionally we could be able to i…
Last reply by Leemon, -
- 5 replies
Nowadays, the tax efficiency is very overpower since the percentage of upgrade is infinity, allowing to make like 1000% of efficiency. This leads to creating a huge rank civ points and breaks some features, for example, the colonization, since only top 7 AIs can colonize. If you Prevent to make a infinity tax efficiency, like a condicional to disable the button when the efficiency of a provínce is higher than 100%, the game would be more balanced Edit: My issue was because I changed a file and got ridiculous tax efficiency lol. In comments I show how to fix tax efficiency if you think that default configs is overpowered for your game.
Last reply by Brunoo1103, -
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Czy usprawnisz system sprzedawania prowincji? Chcę sprzedać kilka prowincji mojemu wasalowi, a szukanie ich na liście i klikanie w każdą z nich jest męczące. Dobrym pomysłem byłaby możliwość zaznaczania prowincji za pomocą pędzla.
Last reply by Bargor, -
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- 2 replies
Nations should be able to change religions. This affects historicity in scenerios. One exmple, Circassia is still orthodox in 1800s while it should be Sunni from 1500s onwards.
Last reply by empyao, -
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Hi, i wonder: could Lukasz please add a way of releasing nations without them having cores in your coutry like it had in AOH2? If he won't, could the community make a mod for it?
Last reply by IleiroLuoz99, -
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Last reply by muhoaga, -
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Take away the system of peace talks that can't be refused. My example: I was the strongest country in the world with the strongest army, and a coalition was formed against me. A bunch of small armies took all my lands and ended the war, even though I would eventually get all my lands back. I propose this option: same thing that happened in AOC2, one side proposes to end the conflict and the other side agrees or disagrees.
Last reply by Nikitilus, -
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Hello everyone, I think it would be good to make dynasties as the game plays. Example of Ottoman empire that one succeeds the other. Velii Sultan Abdulhamid II deserves a picture and a screenplay, like all other European kings of his time. To make it more real and better. Best regards and I hope you will consider my suggestion.
Last reply by dzemal777, -
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So you know when ya get 90% war score and you can make negotiations? Yea when the AI gets -90% or 90% on the player's perspective the player gets on the top left the opponet''s flag and a white flag next to it and when clicked on it It'll show the provinces the AI offers to the player and other stuff like, (War reps, goverment change, etc) And also option in the peace negotiations to reduce an enemy's army
Last reply by luv.1, -
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The "Great Britain" formable civilisation requires Ireland and the United Kingdom requires Northern Ireland. This is ahistorical as Great Britain refers to England, Wales and Scotland (and was historically formed as the union of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland) while the United Kingdom was the union of the two kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
Short Topic Religions should have mechanics. Similar to those of Paradox's. Example being: For the entirety of Christianity - Regardless if Catholic, Orthodox - Are capable of waging a "Holy War" or Crusades against varying religions, especially Islam. Also goes with Islam, with its "Jihad."
Last reply by Popooy, -
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The peace treaty system is really bad. Why can't you take land from nations in the war (allied to the country you declared war on)? This is really unrealistic. If I declared war on Poland as the German Reich, and they joined the allies, why wouldn't I be able to take land from the allies when I steamrolled them?
Last reply by Average Geography Nerd,