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Бахманийский и Бенгальский султанаты должны иметь ислам в качестве своей религии (суннитский ислам). Это будет исторически верно. +Титул султана носили только исламские правители. The religious map in the game should be improved
Last reply by Боевой пельмень, -
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- 26 replies
From the recent video, I saw a few errors in borders. (I'll add more as I see more) The region in the red circle belongs to Romania, not Bulgaria. And that province is owned by Algeria.
Last reply by xox, -
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What about mechanic with revolutions and separations? History has many examples of when people were not with new orders in countries, especially during regime changes, such as the French Commune, the Russian civil war, the civil war in Sudan, the Chinese civil war. What about the fact that ideology change will lead to time-based debuffs and such civil wars? I think it will greatly diversify the game and changes in the world if the AIs change their ideologies About separations, what about what some countries will do: separated from another country, as happened with the collapse of Austria-Hungary and the same Russia during the civil war …
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
- 3 replies
I think some civilization's random generated leaders portraits in the modern world scenario (2022) look like they are from the early 1900s, I believe when the Cold War age starts (end 1940s, a while after ww2), the costume in the portraits should look more closer to how the Ethiopian and Eritrean leaders dress, what do you think ?
Last reply by Kiwi, -
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The idea Is: AI Will avoid Using nukes, and won't develop nukes unless their rival is developing them or has them (they get to know thru spy feature) But when relations get too much and one side of a war involving atleast 4 great powers fighting on opposite sides who all posess nukes, once one side is close to losing, they have a 40% chance of unleashing all their nuclear weapons on the biggest city centres of the enemy civ, prompting the enemy civ to do the same, here the event popup appears and the player gets two choices: either just take any hit they get due to to the domino effect of everyone nuking one another OR unleash their own nuclear arsenal on all their neighb…
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
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At first: Cypris Right variant right below: What's to add / what's wrong: need to add a 2 provinces as UK territories, like ones at Gibraltar -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- At second: Georgia (Caucasus one) Right variant is right below: What's to add / what's wrong: Abkhazia is real de-facto territory -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- At third: SADR (República Árabe Saharaui Democrática) Right variant is right below: What's to add / what's wrong: SADR is real de-facto territory -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- At fourth: How many population in Russian's Asia Right variant right below: …
Last reply by Outlawexperience, -
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Lukasz because in albania we have a tradition fo repsecting every religion in albania we sya this one natio one blood we dont consider ourselves muslims christians or pher we are united for our religion so in apbanai put no one or the majority religion
Last reply by muslimillyrianadhetararmy, -
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Trade System: Create a dynamic trade system where players can exchange resources. The value of resources can fluctuate based on supply and demand, encouraging players to strategically trade for maximum profit. Army Supply System: Implement a system where armies need a continuous supply of resources to maintain their strength. This includes weapons, armor, and other equipment. Players must ensure their supply lines are secure and efficient to keep their armies at peak performance. Food and Production Mechanics: Incorporate the need for food for both civilian population and armies. Players need to manage th…
Last reply by Edmilson Gomes, -
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We NEED a fast mobilization button, and a button to get all army into the capital of country to distribute it easier
Last reply by Hyz3rn, -
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Is there any?
Last reply by aa30388, -
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Monarchic countries, the player like AI, could become an Empire by having at least 200 provinces, and be in the top 10 of world countries. When a kingdom becomes an empire, the leader will automatically change to the Emperor, the advantages will be a prestige bonus, trade bonus, convert religions and culture more easily, and the disadvantages are higher aggressive expansion, stability.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
i am a age of history fan, but i recently switched to linux, i really want to play age of history 3 but i dont want to switch to windows again, please add it to linux too
Last reply by mikedadumy, -
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I think that for decorative ships it is worth adding land analogues, which (like ships) will change depending on the era. For example, at the game start, these can be caravans (2-3 same tiny wagons moving one after another), and when civilization discovers railway technology, all caravans within civilization will be replaced by railway tracks connecting provinces. In modern scenarios, train sprites can be raplaced with high-speed maglev (or airplanes, for example) Probably, the implementation of this will take even more time than adding ships, but the game map will look even more lively and non-static
Last reply by Mirolit, -
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Suggestions/missing feutures: 1.China's main religion is Chinese folk religon like pagan while some provinces in it r different religions if that can be expanded on later on with dlc or soemthing more religion, anyways there's lots of missing religions anyway and also different forms of paganism like paradox games has ig religions and stuff can be expanded later tho 2. Some countries like Ethiopia Nigeria r basically half Christian half Muslim maybe there should Be a secular/irrelgious religion type irrelgious for places like Estonia and chech republic and secular or disputed /mixed religon type for nigeria/Ethiopia like milluneime dawn had a half …
Last reply by xox, -
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- 4 replies
this is a political map of the west bank According to google Attached is a file of the map of the west bank in the modern scenario, a massive chunk is missing, the north border is plain wrong, this is a province thing @Łukasz Jakowski Fix The Provinces, Also Israel's Capital Is Tel Aviv
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
please make the USA historical borders more accurate Łukasz
Last reply by qxz, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
In Europe: russian - ukrainina border should be like its presented in video - Crimea Russian, rest of Ukraine ukrainian Catalonia shouldn't be independent or have autonomy - its part of Spain Bavaraia shouldn't be independent or have autonomy - its part of Germany Republika Srpska shouldn' t be independent or have auotnomy - its part of Bosnia and Herzogovina Corsica should't be independent or have autonomy - its part of France Wales, Scotland, Northen Ireland shouldn't be independent or have autonomy - its part of Great Britain South Osetia and Abkhzaia shouldn't be independent or have autonomy - its part of Georgia Noth …
Last reply by qxz, -
- 33 replies
Sorry To Say It But THERE ARE VERY FEW ACTUAL MODS FOR AOH2, 95% of them is just scenarios slapped in with new map backgrounds (and sometimes new provinces) with a ''New UI'' which is just the old UI with A new Font, the actual Modifications Relative to Mainstream Grand Strategy ARE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN, Examples Like TNO, Bloody Europe, any UWUT Mod Are the Only Ones that actually add new AI, New Features like Nukes, Laws, AND LITERAL TOTAL TRANSFORMATIONS WITH NEW FEATURES FROM SCRATCH RECENTLY And As I Said Recently the mods have stepped in up during what i call ''The Age Of History Renaissance'' Which Started when The Development Of AOH3 was first Announced Late …
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
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Dear Lukasz, Transportation systems have played an important and indispensable role in History, so I think it is also very necessary to include transportation systems in Age of History 3. Here are some of my ideas for the transportation system: ① Rail transport Railway occupies an important position in the whole field of transportation, and plays an increasingly important role. Age of History 3 Railway system construction should be optional along the provinces. In the provinces along the route, there is an option to build a railway station (a railway station should be a building of the province). The railway can speed up the movement of troops and increase …
Last reply by 桂圆甜不甜, -
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I watched only a short video and carefully observed the place names near my hometownI watched only a short video and carefully observed the place names near my hometown The area around Beijing is discussed below Taishitun is a small town in Miyun County Badaohezhen is a small town under the Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County Hugezhuangzhen belongs to Luannan County...There are too many such errors in the map I can understand the need for more detailed place names in many cases in this more detailed map. But for China, it is unreasonable to choose a small town as a place name in a region where there is no city. These towns tend to be small, unheard …
Last reply by tim gary, -
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If there is a war in any country, there should be a system of migration to nearby countries. For example, there is a war in a country and it wants to immigrate to us; we should receive a notification and decide whether to accept or not, and we can also provide aid such as supplies, weapons, soldiers to support the war in a country. Finally, we should see the approval of the public as a percentage in the decisions we make, this can be in any decision, but I will give an example from refugees. For example, if refugees want to come, if 56% of the people do not want it and we reject it, the welfare of the people can increase. Lukas please do it!
Last reply by altanpasah, -
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If there is a war in any country, there should be a system of migration to nearby countries. For example, there is a war in a country and it wants to immigrate to us; we should receive a notification and decide whether to accept or not, and we can also provide aid such as supplies, weapons, soldiers to support the war in a country. Finally, we should see the approval of the public as a percentage in the decisions we make, this can be in any decision, but I will give an example from refugees. For example, if refugees want to come, if 56% of the people do not want it and we reject it, the welfare of the people can increase. Lukas please do it!
Last reply by altanpasah, -
- 1 reply
This is a simple idea, and that is that the combat system is like Victoria 2, there should be a way to automate our brigades since in Victoria 2 there comes a point where managing so many brigades is boring. And I propose two mechanics. 1-Defense: in this one we click on the button of this mechanic and select the country with which we border it, and our brigades will go there to defense automatically. 2- Invasion and attack: press the button and select the reference provinces where you want the army to arrive, and they will invade and attack automatically. These ideas are from hoi4 and I think they are necessary because of how simple they ar…
Last reply by OsmanAga, -
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Natural skin care creams are continuously in demand. The skin is constantly a sensitive part of the body. La Rose Derma Age Defying Cream needs care like any other organ of the body. At the same time the skin ages with you. The consequences are lines and wrinkles on the skin Your skin might get exceedingly dry which requires you to hydrate it. All in all the skin is an ownership you have which you need to constantly look after. The very best skin creams are those that are totally natural that do not include harmful chemical contents. However do beware when you see the word "natural" since a lot of the natural skin care creams in the market that you get are not totally nat…
Last reply by Margariete, -
- 1 reply
I saw in video of modern world that in Istanbull lives only 800 000 pepole. In reality, 20 times as many people live there. Can we get a real representation of human density and growth rate? So far, it looks like the population is evenly distributed across the country Examples how it should look like:
Last reply by Micky88,