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1-What will you do for wonders that were destroyed earlier on? will they be era locked? maybe you could rebuild them if u reach enough technology 2-The Wonders Are Very Diverse And Interesting But Are Missing The Great Mosque Of Medina And MANY Wonders IN Jerusalem like the dome of the rock, Also add the house of wisdom in baghdad as a wonder and make it have a huge research bonus 3- Will We Be Able To Customize And Add Wonders? 4-The Construction Time Of Wonders Is Unrealistic, For Example: The Pyramids Can Be Built in the same amount of time as the white house, and the same cost, meanwhile the pyramids took 15-30 years to build and the white house took 8 …
Last reply by 桑榆不是鱼, -
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my idea is that you're can save game without open the menu. Ctrl+S is activates the creation of save file, this will more useful for campaign game.
Last reply by BySpringBonnie76, -
- 1 reply
Something that I've noticed in the many videos that show us what aoh3 looks like is that a lot of both modern and historical provinces have been fixed, until the ships video, here I saw that the somaliland border has not been fixed yet... This raises concern for other provinces which are the following: The Alaskan panhandle The Panama canal The suez canal And some of the European cities in china 🇨🇳 🇵🇦🇪🇬🇸🇴🇺🇲 Hope for a fox or respond 🙏
Last reply by Mirolit, -
- 1 reply
Basically what I think is that you can add a structure that can be used to give supplies to the troops so that they have bonuses when fighting, for example make them have a better chance of winning a combat with fewer losses or even conquer fortified provinces faster And if the troops don't have a well-formed supply line, you can make them give debuffs to the troops like •move slower •conquer slower •have less chance of winning a fight or even the longer they go without supplies, the units will slowly die until they have a decent line of supplies or until all troops are dead
Last reply by Mirolit, -
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I think we need a button from add a flag or a leader from our mobile or PC, because is a headache try to add a custom image in the game. sincerely believe that this would make AOH3 one of the best strategy games in history, surpassing Victoria II and being within a similar margin to HOI4.
Last reply by The Baller, -
- 1 reply
Isso não é bem uma ideia, porém na edição de vídeo do Segundo Canal América do Sul vi um "erro" a Cidade do "Amapá" Ela realmente existe mas no jogo leva "Macapá" que é a Capital do estado do Amapá ( Confuso né?) Peço que mude o nome da Província do Amapá para Macapá
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Simply a bucket fill To draw large portions of land in an instant. There is no further explanation xd
Last reply by Emer, -
- 1 reply
Please, move the capital of Castille from Getafe to Madrid
Last reply by Iceman, -
- 0 replies
Will be possible to create your own achievements in scenario editor? (or in game files) Achievement - multiple tasks and conditions to be completed at time or at order Official achievement list for every scenario 🤗 Achievement lists from workshop 🥰
Last reply by neverger84, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
- 1 reply
In AoH 2, the visibility of the world increased with technological progress, but it was enough to send a small unit to be able to see the entire map, even despite poor technological development. I hope that this will be fixed in AoH 3 and sending troops will only be possible in the area available to us. The world should be revealed along with technological development, as it was in AoH 2 I think that it will be more difficult for Asian countries to colonize America, because they have to sail across the entire Pacific, so Spain will have access to America faster and that's how it should be because Spain is closer to America than Asian countries
Привет, Лукаш! Я хочу предложить вам усовершенствовать экономическую систему, как в реальной жизни, например: можно расширить продажи или торговлю между государствами (поставка чего-либо за товар со стороны закупающего государства). И я хочу вам предложить добавить мирные переговоры как в Hearts of Iron 4, но чтобы проигравшая страна не капитулировала, то есть чтобы могли быть переговоры между двумя суверенными государствами
Last reply by Tommy1918, -
- 2 replies
My Additions for Resources: Resources are vital to a country's development and key to the country's growth. However, resources may also be used to manufacture items, such as weapons. Resources can also be utilized to construct buildings. This is all.
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 1 reply
It would be nice to add to the game the ability to set other chronologies except from the birth of Christ, since historically different countries had different chronologies. For example, from the creation of the world (5508 BC), from the foundation of Rome (753 BC), from the Hijra (622 AD). The chronology could depend on the country you are playing for.
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 0 replies
Mont-Saint-Michel should be moved to Normandy, from 933 the abbey was Norman and has remained so to this day
Last reply by Nay_13, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Based on the materials shown, it is clear that the game will have general and individual events that will be triggered due to a certain trigger. But. The game would become much richer and more varied if there was a panel with solutions written there. I'll explain now. It is not necessary to immediately create an event based on a trigger. Let the result of the task and its conditions be visible. And then the player or AI will decide to execute/continue the decision when it sees fit. The result of this could be the implementation of some kind of megaproject; the beginning of a unique historical project for a state or place; formation of a new state/religion; or si…
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
The game looks quite great. But can you add the following ideas (Sorry if you already added it / someone asked you about those): Give the resource more uses. Recruiting and maintaining troops will cost food and iron, while buildings will cost wood and other resources. Some resources should be used as food. And you can trade the resources with other countries. When food runs out, troops will starve Add plundering, which will give you resources over time, while decreasing the happiness and population of the province Add modern warfare. It should have started the way of war at some date in the 18th century. Each troop will occupy the province it's standin…
Last reply by Suhao, -
- 4 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski i think its fair to say that the majority of the people following the development of AOH3 are the old fanbase of aoh2, this is good but it will most definitely lead to the game not making enough sales or not gaining any traction upon release because there is zero hype for the game outside the fanbase, i mean searching aoh3 on youtube the only thing you will see is the dev's channel where he uploads the videos and if you scroll really far maybe like 2 4 minute videos from like 2 months ago not even in English talking about it with less than 5k views, a game as revolutionary as this one coming to mobile needs equally revolutionary advertisement, i suggest r…
Last reply by thecarvalhogamer, -
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- 4 replies
I think that when choosing an ideology, in the preview, apart from the ideology bonuses, there should also be a short description of the ideology. For example: Parliamentary Republic - All citizens elect a parliament. Then the parliamentarians elect the rulers from among themselves E.t.c.
Last reply by thecarvalhogamer, -
- 10 replies
Bucket Tool I've had this idea when I was wondering about Scenario editing/making and Building stuff. Basically, how this tool could work something like in image editor programs (Photoshop, Aseprite, Krita, etc.), the player could just click in a closed area and then, automatically, ready, this could be very useful for making scenarios, there are some examples I have in my mind: If the player makes a scenario of WW1 (if it doesn't come in default AoH3), instead of making Russia, they could just set minor countries and use the Bucket tool When demanding in peace treaty, players could use to set demands of annexation It could be used even to se…
Last reply by thecarvalhogamer, -
- 0 replies
I found out that some of the cities on the Korean Peninsula are not appropriate. So, the following cities were selected by voting for users of the Korean community. I request you to change your name to these cities. and sorry😅. Seosan -> Hongseong : Hongseong is a city with a long history. Wonju -> Chungju : Chungju was historically a big city and still has a large population. Gwail -> Ongjin : Ongjin is more famous and has a long history than fruits. Pyeongtaek -> Suwon : Suwon is more famous and has a deep history and a large population. Undam -> Deokseong: Since there is no Undam province in korean peninsula, it is replace…
Last reply by Basilio Paleologo, -
- 22 replies
Will we get the ability to add our own ideology from the editor tab with its own bonuses? It would be really cool and would remove alot off weight off the devs shoulders Thoughts @Łukasz Jakowski?
Last reply by gpacalculator, -
- 0 replies
I know the developer said there will be no navy, However, it could add a way for the community to create a mod to add the navy to the game, so both people who prefer something simple or more strategic can decide Are they going to install the mod or not. :D
Last reply by Fujin, -
- 14 replies
Communities provide special events, abilities, and options for characters to interact with each other. Communities can be open and secret, you can join the first at any time if you meet their requirements, but you can’t easily get into the second: you need to show interest in it, after which a small event will follow and, having proven loyalty to the ideals of the community, the character will become a neophyte. There are 4 ranks in communities, each of them provides more and more opportunities. Within a community there are special points that can only be used there. They are needed to move up the community ladder and take advantage of opportunities within it. Strong repr…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 3 replies
In the Editor, we should be able to make our own map, not Earth but something else and we can add civilizations to them, determine their population, history, religion, etc.
Last reply by Денис Живков,