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Like Europa IV, I think the Age of Civilization should build a religious mode into the game. This should make it easier to assimilate provinces that are of the same religion and harder to assimilate provinces of different religions. This makes it possible to enact the crusade against Arabia and the world, or Jihad, and finally conquer Europe. This could also make it harder to reunite Italy on account of the Papacy becoming central to a faith and occupying Rome. They should also create central homage sites of a religion, which would make it harder to conquer the world. An example of this is Mecca and Jerusalem. If a rival religion conquers a homage site, the fellow religio…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 1 reply
Idea: add history mode to game. when you play on history mode, The game will progress chronologically and realistically, based on historical events. For example, if we are playing in 1939, Germany will declare war on Poland. In this way, the game can become realistic. Note: If it's almost impossible to do it, we can just add this mode only to popular Scenarios.
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 2 replies
As a Spaniard, I know that there are certain letters that are not found in English but in other languages, for example, ñ, ç or letters with accents or umlauts. If you are playing on pc, there is no problem, as you can simply type them on your keyboard. But if you play on other devices such as a mobile phone (which is my case), you can not do it and it is quite annoying when creating civilizations or alliance names since, at least in Spanish, many of the words that are commonly used, have accents. Therefore, I propose that you make a keyboard of "space letters" in which you include all these types of letters, such as: ã, ç, ñ, á, é, í, ó, ú, à, è, ì, ò, ù, ê, ô, ä, ë,…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
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- 5 replies
Listen @Łukasz Jakowski, recent updates on the development of the game seem to lack essential or promised features such as multiplayer, navy etc.., I don't know if this is because you're in a rush to release the game I think the community has said countless times to take your time, now if you don't have the resources then I suggest this: finish the features you are doing at the moment (don't rush lol) and release the game (when it's ready :p), and use the profits to hire a small team, but things like completely scratching the trade and union systems or not adding multiplayer or downgrading the phone map to release quicker or to avoid the headache of balancing them will ha…
Last reply by Superzen_game, -
- 1 reply
I apologize for the mistakes, I am writing from a translator I have an idea that it would be possible to bribe a commander or adviser so that they, for example, would tell those where is the army located, and this army will not resist your offensive, and after the capture, this commander, together with the Votsks, takes his own side. How it will work with advisors: Advisors steal money from the treasury, which goes to supply the army.How it will work with advisors: advisors steal money from the treasury and tell you about the king's plans. But there will also be failures, where the money that you send to advisers and commanders , will be sent to the treasury of the …
Last reply by ThatTest, -
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Lucasz, a major issue with AoH2 is the AI in war, negotiations, and diplomacy. These should be addressed and fixed/implemented in AoH3, and if so, will greatly improve the gameplay and quality of the game, and if not, will significantly reduce the quality and enjoyment of the game. Please take the time to read all of this 1. The AI almost always goes for total territorial domination in war, especially against other AI, and rarely settles for peace without capturing every piece of territory of the enemy. They tend to stretch their forces and territory greatly and chase unrealistic and illogical conquest like overseas territory, etc. And even when it does settle for pe…
Last reply by QuanaKhrea, -
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In the previous version of the game, there are many flags that do not make sense to keep when changing the government type. Here are some examples and solutions: Viet nam: Monarchy: Nguyen Dinasty flag Democracy: South Vietnam flag Communism: Average Vietnam flag China: Democracy: Taiwan (ROC) flag Communism: China (PRC) flag Qing Dinasty: Monarchy: Qing Dinasty flag Democracy: Republic of China (1912) flag Australia: Monarchy: Average flag Democracy: Something without the UK flag in the corner. New Granada Republic: Monarchy: Gran Colombia Democracy: Average flag …
Last reply by Comrade_Parrot, -
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Well I asked a top 10 strategy games content creator why that is and why its not included in his videos, here's his response:
Last reply by dodoaltac, -
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- 5 replies
I think that in provinces that have no land connection to the capital of the country, unrest and rebellions should increase a little faster (i.e. in overseas colonies and other overseas possessions and in exclaves such a Królewiec Oblast). As a result of it, if uprisings break out, they will first occur in those provinces separated from the rest of the country.
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 3 replies
It was mentioned earlier that at the moment, advisers and generals are created exclusively randomly. However, to create well-detailed mods, it's necessary to be able to change them. It would look strange if, in a conditional 1936 scenario, instead of real people, ministers and military leaders would be random people who dressed as residents of Florence at the end of the XV century. Thus, the modding functions for generals and advisers would be very useful: 1. Creating/editing advisors and generals (similar to leaders) 2. Event outcomes such as "add an advisor", "kill an advisor", etc. So, the game can randomly generate advisers and generals only when t…
Last reply by Mirolit, -
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Here there are some ideas I propose you that I think will work well for the game. Casus belis : Change/Install type of government (You force another nation to change their type of government to yours). Free nation (You free a nation with all of it’s cores). Change/Install religion (You force another nation to have your religion. It only works for pagans). Demand demilitarization (You force another nation to reduce it’s manpower. If they make it big again, you immediately declare war to them). Your vassals always join your faction. Slower assimilation. Rebels: Make them stronger. Cultural rebels: They …
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
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So I Was Wondering How Missions Could Work And What their outcomes would look like, would unification be an option? maybe SOME unions could be added thru missions like The Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, With the player controlling whether or not the AI would finish these missions kinda like event outcomes, example of this would be a mission where you must unite the mongols in 1206 by achieving certain prestige and being a horde, i think mission and event outcomes SHOULD be copied to aoh3
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 1 reply
Economic and Support Organizations The new idea came to my mind that I want to come up with and hope that the idea is good and interesting If we have this type of organization To countries that allow work permits and entry into it The organization can be active in those countries as: 1.Construction of some buildings 2.Improves wounded and failed forces 3.Investing in some provinces of that country 4.And in the case of possibility and economic fall of that country It can come in and help build buildings with the budget of the organization or to help from other countries or its own treasury to a country that …
Last reply by Arkeyd, -
Shortcuts and more mechanical ideas you need or want to find for Age of History 3
Last reply by İbrahim_2372, -
Shortcuts and more mechanical ideas for Age of History 3 that you should or would like to find
Last reply by İbrahim_2372, -
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- 4 replies
I don't expect this to be a big feature, but adding administration would be great for internal politics. This is the resurrected idea of federation/confederation. Administrative organisations could be divided into 6 types/levels : autonomy, state, unorganized territories, republic (or kingdom) and regions, and capital (separate). No need to put leaders for this (I could change my mind). It could be shown by a new map mode. Firstly, the administration must have a province or percent limit : Administrative region : up to 5 provinces Autonomy : up to 20% of the country Unorganized territory : up to 80% of the country States : up to 25% of …
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 2 replies
For example, the appeal of the States of his religion.Protecting the Papal region if he was attacked or something. Suggest ideas for the Papal Region
Last reply by Mirolit, -
- 1 reply
I think it's worth swapping the line of function buttons ("Cancel"/"Declare war") and the list of allies. Most often, players don't call allies to arms in small wars, and the lowest element of the window is what the player sees first after opening it. Thus, for the greater convenience of the player, it's worth making sure that the "Cancel" and "Declare War" buttons are at the bottom, and the list of allies, on the contrary, in the middle
Last reply by ThatTest, -
- 1 reply
Forts fort icon on map, basically anything that on map shows what are the best provinces to attack without clicking them all. To not make mess on map such icon could be seen only for forts that are in your country and enemy country in war, so if let's say Sweden (player) and Muscovy are in peace, player won't see Muscovy's fort icons on map but if they're in war player will see them. Imperial Authority Mechanic that'd block and let the emperor to embrace HRE reforms, it'd be a number from 0 to 100. With imperial authority of at least 50 it'd be possible to embrace reform at full cost, every 1 IA above it would grant player 1% discount on embracin…
Last reply by ThatTest, -
- 0 replies
Religions as a mechanic can be fun and interesting for gameplay in many ways. I know that many of us would be happy with any form of gameplay with religions but I would be lying to say that people also want some way to play with religions in a mechanical sense that can benefit them in the game other then a specific % bonus. I think that the incorporation of the mechanics of heads of faith, holy provinces, excommunicating, and crusades can had more depth to the game and make the experience more fun. Heads of faith can be decided through scenarios or in-game if the head of faith nation dies or changes religions the strongest nation of the faith becomes the new he…
Last reply by EdgeLord, -
- 4 replies
Esta discussão concentra-se principalmente em exemplos históricos de mulheres na guerra, mas também abordaremos o AoH3. Vamos explorar alguns exemplos notáveis: 1- As Bruxas da Noite (Nachthexen): Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a União Soviética enfrentou imensos desafios. Em meio a essa turbulência, surgiram as Bruxas Noturnas - apelido dado pelos alemães às aviadoras militares do 588º Regimento de Bombardeiros Noturnos, mais tarde conhecido como 46º Regimento de Aviação de Bombardeiros Noturnos de Guardas “Taman” na Força Aérea Soviética. Inicialmente excluídas do combate, estas mulheres desafiaram as probabilidades. Em resposta a uma ordem emitida pelo p…
Last reply by Kiwi, -
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How will assigning provinces work if its all txt files?! and why are Half the good event tags from AOH2 missing, Remove core? Add Core? Release Vassal? Annex? Occupy? so many CRITICAL event tools are missing, and i was wondering if there is a plan to even add them before the alpha release?
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 2 replies
Alliances: In AOH2, when you have 3/4 countries in your faction, it is very difficult to get a new member because all the nations had to agree. So is there any improvement in this aspect, like only great civilians or faction leaders can add new members? Formable civilizations: There is any possibility that to form civilizations you need not all territories, but the majority, for example 80 or 90 percent. And what if vassals or allies could also be part of this? Sub-regions: In the last game it was complicated to manage large nations, like Russia and the USA. Now in the new game, with greater economic dynamics and more provinces, it would perhaps be interesting …
Last reply by thecarvalhogamer, -
- 3 replies
Simple idea. Ability to change country via event. Historical example: Austro-Hungarian empire collapses. Hungary declares independence. Now the player playing scenario about that should get event, whether he wants to stick with the Austria (deafult successor of the country), or change country to Hungary. If he chose Hungary, everything he did would stay in Austria. Leaders, provinces, ethnicities, armies, technologies etc, he would literally start playing another country. All events and missions connected to Austria would stay in Austria as well, not go with player to Hungary.
Last reply by thecarvalhogamer, -
- 1 reply
Holy Provinces There should be holy provinces for every religion, owning it will give you population growth bonus and income production (since people of that religion would make pilgrimage). It would also increase relations with other countries with that religion. The same province can be holy for multiple religions. If you own a holy province, other countries with different religions that also consider the province holy can declare a Holy War. More on that later Here is a list of Holy Provinces: Christianity: Jerusalem, Damascus, Tyre, Antioch, Constantinople (Orthodox), Rome (Catholic) Islam: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, Damascus, Karbalah (Shi…
Last reply by EdgeLord,