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Just as the name sounds, there could be an option or game mode that allows the beginning of a game to be before Christ or after, to start in the "age of civilizations" mode. This means that we started as a neutral civilization, that is, we are not one and we do not have any province, basically primitive migrants. We can move the migrant units wherever we want and establish a tribe somewhere in the world, it might be possible to suggest adding the classic fog of war, the one that obscures the world. Nothing influences the gameplay other than the beginning, where we start as a nomadic group. ------- The bonus events are a suggestion that could add certain det…
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
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Like in HOI4 you need to give a colour map and the game will perfectly transform that into working provinces that are automatically connected to each other.
Last reply by Banana259 pablo, -
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Lukash, in 840 the Yenisei Kyrgyz destroyed the Uyghur Khaganate in Asia and founded the Kyrgyz Khaganate, but it is not in the game. Can you please add it to the game? wikipedia: Link on Wikipedia flag:
Last reply by originalo44ka, -
Will there be DLC in Aoh3? It’s just that, for example, DLC comes out every year in Hoi4, adding focuses for countries, new regions, mechanics, models, and so on. In Aoh3 it could be the same, for example once a month, DLC will be released (Well, or an Update) of your choice, where for money (If there are mechanics) or for free (If there are not mechanics, but new countries, leaders, ideologies, religions, resources, technologies, provinces in map, units, scenarios with events and so on) we will receive content of our choice?
Last reply by nakerfit, -
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Будет ли уникальная механика у Папской области? Например, призыв к оружию государств его веры или их защита самой Папской области, или же ещё что-нибудь?
Last reply by Ferty123, -
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It seems that the country with the most prestige becomes the emperor in HRE. So who needs electors? What will their function be? Everyone will vote for the same emperor? Score in peace treaty does not work well (it is impossible to demand vassalization in peace talks) but i think you know it. I think that there should be as many advisors (7) as there are the most important ministries in the government: military advisor (Ministry of Defense) innovation advisor (Ministry of Development and Technology) administrative advisor (Ministry of Interior and Administration) economic advisor (Ministry of Finance) diplomatic advisor (Ministry …
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
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Aggressive expansion: most of all, will there be such modifier in game? Although term aggressive expansion could be seen in file to translate for game I don't think we could see thing like aggressive expansion in any videos showing current game creating progress. If it's not yet in game but will be implemented I have few main suggestions. Regionalisation/Growth of aggressive expansion gaing e.g. If France conquers London it'll gain mainly aggressive expansion with: Countries in region of Britain, it's neighbouring countries and Catholics (it'd require implementation and division of regions in game like Britannia, Scandinavia, Megherb, Iberia etc.), the bigge…
Last reply by POLANDjapan, -
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I see a lot of people asking for modern combat suggestions without thinking about the implications of it, some people simply don't understand that Lukas wants a EU4-like game with the ability to make modern scenarios as a bonus, most of the attention is on the 1400 - 1600s timeframe. In other words, asking for things like capitulations wouldn't make sense if it was the only thing in the game, so I instead ask for combat to be changed slightly through each period in the research tree. 1790 - 1870: This era was defined by line warfare, this was before the idea of "front lines" was really practical. Battles are quick events, with most battles being reliant on territ…
Last reply by Thefernofrommars, -
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In history, every time a vassal wanted to declare independence, he looked for a strong ally to defeat his senior. That's why I propose that in order for a vassal to be able to declare independence, it must first conclude a defensive pact with someone to beat his senior. Only after signing defensive pact (but not with senior) vassal unlock the option to declare independence (previously this option was unavailable) I think it is easy to implement and makes more sense than declaring independence in a situation when you don't stand a chance against a senior on your own.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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1. This is a question that a lot of people are asking but I just wanna know for sure, will there be a casus belli system where the AI declares war not randomly and instead it has a reason like to regain lost territories or spread its ideology or religion? 2. Could there also be a unit type called Immigrants where they would move to much more peaceful or stable places if the country that they are from is at war or not incredibly stable? and these unit times are not supposed to declare war unless they're some sort of terrorist organization which should be in the more modern times. However they have to move to place thats close to their original country until…
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
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In my opinion we should be able to control our vassals army whenever we want. And also turn their army into our army. We also should be able to give control back to them aswell.
Last reply by AleksGame, -
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Could you change/split some provinces shapes in Western Slovenia ? It inclued Bled, Idrija and Koper.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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Lukasz I have an idea you might be interested in So, as you progress in capturing your opponent's provinceses, there is a border running. As progress increases, the borders (state lines) cover several provinces. You could say this is an animation of the movement of the country's territorial boundaries as progress captures several provinces during war. By the way, I want to send a picture so it can be easier to understand, but I don't know how.
Last reply by Carson Kenway, -
As your civilization expands, control over its most remote corners (from the capital) will decrease, and accordingly, there will be fewer taxes. To solve this problem, you would have to distribute land to vassals. I know that something similar is already in the game, but I suggest that it be improved so that it really matters, instead of being a decorative function. Also, in future ages, vassals can be transformed into governors who will have less freedom and won't be able to separate.
Last reply by ryanrobbie, -
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Early access will be best idea. It didn’t need finished ai or features but if you release early access 1.Player can test game features before full finished 2.Player can report glitch 3.Probably possible to create nation or scenario for you That’s all,i think release early access will make the game better and player will happy 😃
Last reply by GeneralHitler, -
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How does The Growth Matrix Help? The Growth Matrix looking for durable execution and upgraded endurance can exploit compelling methods and schedules endorsed in this Development Framework guide. In this Development Lattice audit article, we will assist you with understanding how the program functions, what are the remedy schedules for male upgrade, and how to enlist for this program. The Development Grid program joins different viable exercise methods and guides supporting male wellbeing.
Last reply by JwqqWqrr, -
- 1 reply
So I saw this post on killing leaders, advisors or commanders so I think this could be implemented. What if you could also train spies to capture leaders or advisors or commanders and you could choose how much money you wanna ransom them for. Also if your army marches on the captial city of a civilization and wins the siege then there should be a percentage chance that you could capture the leader since a ruler would most likely reside in the capital city.
Last reply by Kiwi, -
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@Łukasz Jakowski Just Make Modern Units Only Move on enemy territories when they're occupied and remove capturing multiple provinces in one go for modern units, and make AI line Up soldiers on all border provinces, and make AI Automatically either recruit new soldiers or divide their available forces on the bordering enemy provinces to prevent being thunderblitzed lol, and improve encirclement by also adding debuffs like -40% morale or making Ai Retreat Back Into Their territory If They Are Surrounded from multiple directions by more troops or retreat to nearest bordering ocean, though its probably easier said than done as you would have to make ai change after certain ye…
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 1 reply
hello. The Intervention Forces Is Useful Tool To Help And Improving Other Civs And Friend And Ally Civs Army Strength. For Example: 1.Uk Forces In Afghanistan War Help US Army. 2.USSR Forces In Korea War(1950) Help North Korea Army. The Option Can Be In Diplomacy Tab As:Send Intervention Force When Civ In War With Other Civ Or Civs Like Hoi4 Game. Or Send Manpower When Civ In War To Help Civ Army. With Luck
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
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Evento: El Descubrimiento de un Nuevo Mundo Descripción del Evento: Los jugadores descubren un nuevo continente lleno de riquezas y misterios. Este evento desencadena una serie de misiones que reflejan los desafíos y oportunidades de la época. Misiones: La Misión de Exploración: Los jugadores deben explorar el nuevo continente, lo que les otorga “Bendiciones de la Tierra”, aumentando los recursos y la felicidad de su pueblo. El Encuentro de Culturas: Los jugadores interactúan con las civilizaciones nativas, lo que puede llevar a alianzas o conflictos. Las …
Last reply by Diyerson, -
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I think that conferences used also to "prevent" conflict. Like the Berlin conference in 1884, created by Bismark to settle disputes between the European powers with interests in Africa to create pseudo borders of ownership, also to restructured the map of the Balkan region. For the game, I propose that AI countries had random claims/demands. And the country who runs the conference has a bonus point. The outcome of a conference could be when the conference finished : Be a war with all the following tribes, maybe 3 months after the conference. Impose some countries to lease land or countries. Annex countries Create alliances Disband…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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Migration System Example 1- If you lose the war. Bots or ai 50-70% can sometimes provide options like.. defeat or Migration (Migration to areas with few populations or colonies with few populations) After migration. The country will become a puppet with a new name, for example Example name - New Colony Spanish - Viceroyalty of whatever 2 - Citizen leader of migration If not given region. We will be forced to migrate to other areas and become migration leaders (If we have 50-100 turns we can migrate to our old country orrrr. We stay in the migration area forever) If we have 50-100 turns after or before 50-100 turns, you as the leader will be f…
Last reply by FelixNoChill, -
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Rebels in AOH2 were alright if I'm being honest, although I think it could be improved nonetheless. Ideological rebels: There will be two types of rebels, Jacobins, and Reactionaries. Jacobins will only be activated after the democratic technologies are researched, they will press the government for democratic demands. Reactionaries will be activated once the Communist and/or Fascist technologies are researched, they will press for a fascist or communist dictatorship. Once an ideological rebel occupies the capital for 30 days, they will overthrow the current ruling party with their own demands. Spring/Independence movements: Once the nationalism technologi…
Last reply by Thefernofrommars, -
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- 6 replies
How about separating such concepts as forms of government and ideologies? Thus, ideologies can be: Fascism, Nazism, Liberalism, Communism with forms of government: Republic, Dictatorship, Monarchy. Also, some ideologies may be incompatible with certain forms of government, such as Communism and Monarchy.
Last reply by GöteborgskaKommunisten, -
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So The Idea Is: Since Events will be using Txt Files, there wouldn't be a way to assign certain provinces to civs Without Province ID, So i am suggesting this: Here On Ageofcivilizationsgames there would be a Map section for the aoh3 map on mobile and PC with all the scenario borders available, you would pick your desired provinces by clicking on them and on a box below the website gives you the Province IDs of each province you clicked on to copy paste or u could just fix the old one and still allow us to transport events in files 😄 @dodoaltac gave some pretty good additions to be added
Last reply by OwnM3Z0,