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- 1 follower
- 3 replies
First of all, I would like to ask why Multiplayer was not added to the game. There was a reason why Age of History 2 didn't add multiplayer to the game, and that was because the game wasn't a real-time game, whereas Age of History 3 was. We've been waiting for the multiplayer feature to appear in Age of History 2 for a long time. However, aoh2 was not released either. If there is no multiplayer in Age of History 3, we will have to wait for AOH4. I request it to be multiplayer.
Last reply by Ahbao, -
- 0 replies
I hope this game gets added a controls menu. So, I can change some hotkeys. Or atleast get to know them. That's it. Great game, It needs a lot of work from my 20 hours of playtime observations.
Last reply by Question, -
- 1 reply
Bring back the old vassal exemption. I mean, the new one is almost no different, but you can no longer choose your own state and liberate it on any territories, and that's a problem. For example, playing for the USSR I can not liberate Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc., because they have no claims to any territory, and in AOC2 I could choose the same Ukraine from the list of states and liberate it on any territory
Last reply by Mr. Rufus, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
¡Hola a todos! Esta es mi primera vez enviando una propuesta, así que espero que os parezca interesante la idea. PD: está escrito con traductor. Uniones e integraciones: Crear un sistema en el que se envíe una solicitud a otra civilización, la cual, de ser aceptada (teniendo 95 relaciones), iniciaría un proceso compuesto por misiones. Si se aprueba, el progreso hacia la unión aumentaría, pero si alguna misión falla, la barra de progreso disminuiría. Con esto los sindicatos serían posibles pero ya no serían fácilmente explotables. ¡Espero que te guste la idea!😃 @Łukasz Jakowski@Propied…
Last reply by Moisés gamer, -
Last reply by Reodant2, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
who doesn't miss the variety of options in old diplomacy? they're what makes aoh aoh, advanced diplomacy!
Last reply by mmorin, -
- 0 replies
Sorry please, but when I played Age Of History 3 for 2 days, I identified 4 flaws in the game that you in future updates should fix: Question 1: Selling provinces, let's say I captured Poland for Germany and as history to give Vilnius to Lithuania, and the east of the USSR, and in the tab there you have to manually search for each province to give them. This is so inconvenient that it is better not to give them to anyone than 2 hours to sit and flip through the list of provinces to give Lithuania 5 provinces of Vilnus, and the USSR almost almost 100-200. Solution 1: Either to make a field with a search for provinces, as for example when in the editor looking for civil…
Last reply by Indepci, -
do something like this with one click you can build a building in all provinces with just one click
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
In aoh2 it was so much fun to release as many civilizations as you wanted in territories you weren't particularly interested in. Please make this possible in aoh3 as well
Last reply by Bitum KERITSKI, -
- 0 replies
1. Add annexation of vassals 2. add a religion head mechanic, for example: the head of Catholicism is the papacy and this gives the papacy bonuses to improve relations with countries of the same religion and convert provinces 3. Add navy 4. add Culture mechanics (just like religion)
Last reply by Aryati, -
- 0 replies
sugeruję dodanie opcji pędzla lub możliwości zaznacznia prowincji które chce się sprzedać ponieważ kiedy chce się np. zrobić ładne granice, scrollowanie przez ponad 400 prowincji jest uciążliwe
Last reply by hyvxx_, -
- 0 replies
Is it just me or the buttons for selecting tax-rate or military-funding is very lacking. Like, three options is not enough when compared to Age of History II. Please do consider my idea of expanding the options of the expidentures of stuff. As always - Here's an example. Tax Rate: 0% - 25% - 50% - 75% - 100% Or, more preferably. Use the bar-thingy where you could specifically choose the tax-rate. With it being an alternative to the aforementioned idea if you want to be more precise.
Last reply by Popooy, -
- 3 replies
With the current method of peace negotiations, you can only take from the nation you declared war on and not from the other nations that came to defend it. For example, if I invaded Belgium and France came to her aid, I would only be able to annex Belgium but not France. This is rather annoying, especially since you would have to defeat France in this scenario anyway. Therefore, I think you should reintroduce the system from AOH2 where you can annex/negotiate with the multiple enemy nations at once.
Last reply by sc00614, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Everyone probably knows that the post-war compensation mechanism in AOH3 has some issues. For example, France and the UK are allies. I play as Germany, and France declares war on me, calling the UK to join the fight. After a tough battle, I successfully defeat both France and the UK, and my war score reaches 90%. However, I can only demand war reparations from France and not from the UK, which is unreasonable. I understand that demanding land reparations from only one enemy at a time is to avoid border confusion, but is it possible to demand other types of reparations from other participating countries? For example, in the scenario where the UK joins France in a war …
Last reply by sc00614, -
- 1 reply
Add flag pictures to the ideology change menu. Personally, I and probably many other AOX2 players changed their ideology just to change the flag to a more beautiful one.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
Why not add trading, like the one that was in AOC3? The same purchase of the right of passage of troops is greatly lacking
Last reply by Nikitilus, -
- 3 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski could you create a mod in which countries during peace talks have 2 times less points to use so that they can take less provinces. I think that for people who want the game to last a bit longer and for the smaller border gore, this mod will be needed. (If in this mod countries will be able to take 2 times less provinces, then Declaring wars should also be 2 times more expensive in terms of aggressive expansion points)
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 3 replies
Sieges in their current state capture the neighbouring provinces upon successful siege, this might sound like a good idea (and it did sound good before playing the game), but now seeing how bad the system can become, it makes me feel like reverting to the standard one siege = one capture system like in other games is a good idea. While playing the game as Russia and doing the northern war against Sweden, I have come against Sweden and their allies who had numerical advantage where I had 60 size army spread out across the frontline and they had a 100 stack. The one stack would eventually destroy my armies in battles leading to me needing to regroup in Moscow. Th…
Last reply by Denis 2006, -
- 0 replies
can't annex vassals, can't add vassals to war, have to declare separate war on attacker if vassal gets attacked, i'd understand bugs in the game at this stage but to me it seems like not bugs but a bunch of weird shitty decisions made during the development of the game. also no unions.
Last reply by whocares, -
- 0 replies
As an Avid history buff and decade long fan of Age Of History (Since the App!) , I would like to suggest some Ideas regarding the sandbox. For one, I LOVE the new societal collapse mechanic. Back in AoH2, If you wanted a civilization to collapse, you would have to hope that they engage in a war and lose territory to rebels in the process, Now it seems that If a civilization goes through enough turmoil It will collapse into a bunch of states on its own. This is an absolutely beautiful mechanic that allows the game to have so much more depth and interesting timelines. With all of that out of the way. It would be amazing if we can get a "Incite Revolution / Societa…
Last reply by Zathriscm, -
- 0 replies
province_set_name=3=Cool Province Name An event outcome to set the name of a province would be cool. For example, it could allow for an event where a civilisation like Germany reclaims former territories and renames them to their German names.
Last reply by tombricks, -
- 0 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski, now the mechanics of alliances... to put it mildly, mediocre (at least for me), so I propose such changes: 1. Allow more than 2 countries to be in the SAME alliance (now these are just mutual protection pacts, but extend to the moments when YOU declare war) 2. Let the points during wars not go to the one who declared war (now you can just make an alliance with a big country and conquer everyone at the expense of their army) 3. Make it so that during truces you can claim something not only from the country you declared war on, but also from other countries who stood up for it. 4. If you want to keep the current alliance mechanic, you c…
Last reply by vartktoto, -
- 0 replies
It would be nice if the variable truce times from AOH2 were reintroduced into the AOH3 peace treaty system. Perhaps a shorter/longer truce could take up some warscore, either way it would be nice to have that option again.
Last reply by tombricks, -
- 21 replies
Will be possible to set the amount of tribute your Vassal have pay (percentage of income), how much manpower have to give to you. And also whether a vassal can declare war on his own.
Last reply by PabloRabeloM, -
by Boy- 0 replies
In case of frequent wars, poverty or instability people might start leaving provinces or even countries they live in. Also if there is a big difference between provinces in terms of infrastructure economy etc people from poorer regions will start to move to richer much more developer regions
Last reply by Boy,