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1. Will the Belarusian language be included in Aoh3 along with the Ukrainian language? 2. I hope that in Aoh3 there will be teams, such as a team where you add a certain number of population/money in the selected province; you add a certain amount of money to the treasury; or a team that in the selected province you spawn a certain number of divisions, but not just a number, but also adding a unit tag or you can also add a generals tag, I also know that Aoh2 was created on Windows 7 32-Bit, and because This is that Aoh2 is a 32-bit game, then the maximum amount of money/population/army/economy is 2,147,483,647 (Since this is the maximum 32-bit number), but I want Lukasz…
Last reply by nakerfit, -
Let each country have a currency: Each country will have its own national currency and economic transactions will be carried out through this currency. Let it be the exchange rate: Each country's currency will be valued at its own exchange rate against the currencies of other countries. This will play an important role in international trade and economic relations. Per capita income: Players will determine their economic strategies by tracking the per capita income of each country. This will help players manage their country more effectively. News: A news section will be added to the game that will allow players to follow economic, poli…
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
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Will there be a migration in AOH3? Will it be specific to nomadic countries?
Last reply by Anyone, -
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I have one idea about vassals In AoH2, it was pretty hard to keep vassals bigger than players country, but in AoH3, we can now improve vassal's provinces. I propose to add ability yo retain vassals that bigger than players country. When players do some improvements in vassal's country, that give -5% desire for independence fo 1-2 years. For example, Austria have Hungary as a vassal, and each year Hungary recieves 10-15% desire for independence. Player can decrease it by developing provinces of Hungary.
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 1 reply
Will there be a system like infamy in AoH3 and if yes what could be the results of being infamous.
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
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- 2 replies
Once upon a time, I stumbled upon a video about aoc2, I think it was about some concepts for new features to the game. One feature caught my eye though, it was about making states: A group of provinces that the AI would have as preset, and the player could either do preset or make their own, this could significantly reduce the late game micro management and you could do stuff like: Build a building in a state of 5 provinces and that would mean that each province gets a building, invest into the state and each province gets a split from the investment, eu IV has this feature and I think it could be a nice quality of life addition to people like me that like the numbers goi…
Last reply by Random Gadzo, -
- 2 replies
How is that exactly going to work? I don't see the suez canal province on the map, same for Panama, also how will you deal with situations like Jerusalem being split into two, east and west Berlin etc? And do you evwr plan on adding navy post alpha/beta? I don't expect this in the alpha I just wanna know if you have plans for this at all
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 2 replies
Military units may have different buffs or debuffs in different geographical areas, if climate feature will be available in the game, it can provide different debuffs and buffs to the units. For example: In hilly terrain, artillery and similar vehicles may be more powerful, while tanks and armored vehicles may suffer negative consequences. Planes can perform very well in mountainous terrain, and this may be the case in most terrain types. Infantry can benefit greatly from tanks and armored vehicles in flat terrain. In forest terrain, artillery and heavy tanks can be very weak. What I'm trying to say is that the b…
Last reply by muhoaga, -
Last reply by LightFog, -
- 1 reply
For now in videos portraying game we can see 1 quite important thing, I've noticed it in last video where as Abisynia it's possible to see Ming on the map and perform diplomatic actions with countries that realistically are way too far. That's why I'd like to propose exploration system, where there would be a special unit meant to explore the unknown lands. This unit would cost alot of money and it's maintenance cost would be doubled when it's moving through seas and oceans, such unit would be unlocked through laws or reforms that would be unlocked together with technology that allows to colonize. Without this unit and diplomatic actions allowing to discover lands other c…
Last reply by IKayzerI, -
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We should be able to change our flag during the game, something like the flag creator of AoH2.
Last reply by Maximus_Painful, -
- 0 replies
Also here are 13 missing cities & 2 suggestions I Looked thru the cities present in the game and found the following missing: 1. Luxor, city in egypt 2. Moroni, capital of comoros 3. Praia, capital of cape verde 4. Ramallah, palestine adminstrive captial 5. gaza city should replace rafah as the biggest city and capital in gaza! 6. also replace the 2 cities in qatar with dukhan and al-khor 7. tulkarem, city in west bank is missing 8. ha'il capital of the shammars in north saudi arabia is aslo complelty missing 9. hardamout, yemen …
Last reply by xox, -
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So recently lukazs said he will make war leaders divide up the land to avoid bordergore, which is all good, so here are more suggestions to add to that 1-dynamic borders, ai will put mountains, cultures (if u add them) rivers, marches, forts and ocean closeness into account, this will need to be done moderately though, as the ai won't pick corridor provinces, and unless 100% warscore will avoid annexing many cultures and might even release vassals instead, landlocked or limited access countries might choose sea access to valuable cities, but if it is not within range they will opt to make their borders by rivers, this applies to all countries 2-better ai …
Last reply by PeteFromPat, -
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I think there may be a prestige add-on in the game. Thanks to this add-on, no one will be able to easily declare war on a few states with strong economies and superpowers in the world. If war is to be declared, either the power of that state or small states may need to unite and form a coalition. In this way, the island country at the end of the world cannot declare war on countries such as America and China. Additionaly, if you declare war on a state whose prestige is higher than yours, the morale and performance of your people and army maybe negatively affected. If you see a deficiency, you can correct it.
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
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- 4 replies
To balance colonialism, in addition to the need for the necessary technology and law, the following is required: 1. Introduce a limit on the simultaneous number of colonized regions (you can increase the number with some reforms or achievements) 2. Enter the time required for colonization (up to this point the region already belongs to the state, but it cannot be improved and nothing can be built there) 3. Regions to be colonized require a temporary investment of money until colonization is completed. 4. With some chance, depending on the law of the country, the aborigines may rebel. 5. Restrictions on colonization are compensated by an increased …
Last reply by aa30388, -
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I Think there may be a prestige add-on in the game. Thanks to this add-on, no one will be able to easily declare war on a few states with strong economies and superpowers in the world. If war is to be declared, either the power of that state or small states may need to unite and form a coalition. In whis way, the island country at the end of the world cannot declare war on countries such as America and China Additionaly, if you declare war on a state whose prestige is higher whan yours, the morale and performance of your people and army maybe negatively affected. If you see a deficiency, you can correct it. @Łukasz Jakowski
- 4 replies
Will there be a way to move population from one province to another and how can you change the population growth
hola unirme a grupo anda mi ideas para el juego
Last reply by Diyerson, -
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SEIZING RESOURCES So, I've watched a video of Rise of Nations 2 in Roblox and the guy that was playing took a country's assets. I was hoping the same thing would've been here? I would hope when you occupy multiples provinces (for example Saudi Arabia, like how the Ottomans took Mecca and had land across the coastline) you can take the oil, gold...etc from it. It's basically an advanced form of plundering but just way more realistic. MILITARY BASES Military bases can be (of course) be made and you can develop weapons, tanks, airplanes... (if we're talking about modern era) or swords, arrows and bows, shields, armor...etc and level them up (basically whe…
Last reply by xitofa, -
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Hi Lukasz, looking at the provinces of Italy I noticed some errors and therefore I ask if it is possible to add and modify some borders. Below are the historical images of the borders that I ask you to review.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
Will there be cards for Steam, and religion like separate from ideology?
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How about adding a reform/law tree starting from 1820? Unopened reforms/laws could give debuffs (like +5 national unrest), and players could try to complete that tree. This would eventually lead to the decline of absolute monarchies and most countries transitioning to republics from the 1930s onwards. Perhaps these laws could be like "release all colonies and protectorates," in 1960s leading to a world map similar to today's with different history.
Last reply by IKayzerI, -
- 8 replies
In the February video, it appears that Age of Feudalism is written for the 1440 scenario. There was not affects of ages in the second game. Will there be any impact of ages in the third game? If so, which ages should there be? I've come up with ideas based on years, but I'm not sure about the kind of impact I should give. Should it provide positive effects similar to the ones influential countries had in real history during that age, like the Splendor mechanic in EU4? For example, in the Holy League Era, should it provide positive effects for Austria, PLC, and Russia to help them against the Ottomans during wars in those years? Should there be positive effects like a Colo…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 1 reply
country formation systemEven in the second part, I really liked the ability to customize scenarios and fill them out. I was especially interested in the event chains. With the expansion of the capabilities and mechanics of the third part of the game, there was hope to see a “dream editor” (all the best to the most wonderful developer in the world and greetings to everyone from Eastern Europe). Namely, I am interested in the following points: 1) Creating your own states with full customization 2) separate creation of events and missions, taking into account various conditions and consequences. It is desirable that they be clearly divided into global/inherent unde…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
@daniiiiiii , I published this idea in a special topic in English, as you wanted 😄 @Łukasz Jakowski Besides, I am interested in how the event for the Second World War will be implemented. It would be weird if she just walked by. Here is just an example of a mechanic that fits neatly into the ENT of the game. World tension is a special game mechanics that determines the level of tension in the world in the range from 0 to 100. The level of global tension has a variety of consequences, for example, it allows/restricts political decisions, national focuses, and so on. It is displayed with an icon in the form of a globe, enveloped in flames more and more, with incr…
Last reply by Денис Живков,