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- 1 reply
Will I be able to see the things countries do during the game, such as wars, expansions, changes in leadership, and legal changes, which will allow us to witness the rulers who have governed countries throughout history? For example, in a country that starts in the year 1440, we can see 1st Hasan ruling from 1440 to 1480, then 2nd Hasan taking over after the death of 1st Hasan in 1480 and ruling until 1511, followed by 3rd Hasan, and so on. Besides these leaders, in 1448, the country participates in a battle and suffers a major defeat, but manages to win the war in 1449 after 3 more battles. Will we be able to see the dates of these battles and events?
Last reply by IKayzerI, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I think there might also be one or more sentences that summarize the scenario, for example 1440: A new world is born. I think this will improve the gaming experience. Additionaly it may look better if you make a frame of the scenario.
Last reply by aa30388, -
- 6 replies
I edited your ideas a little @Dimzap I hope you like it.. 😄 @Strudeee @xox @Renibuff @WATER@Strategy @Zavod @qxz you noted in the post and I hope you will also be interested in what I replaced and what I added from myself Commit genocide. The ability to control a province and carry out purges based on ethnicity. this will take some time and will significantly increase discontent in the province and the likelihood of an uprising. Because even your citizens in this city/province will be in fear of a new purge. Sanctions and embargoes. Ability to impose sanctions/embargo against any country. Also bots in other countries should also be able to enter…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 0 replies
Myślę, że dobrze by było gdyby domyślnie ekonomia i efektywność ściągania podatków bardzo nieznacznie, ale jednak z każdym rokiem spadały, a korupcja rosła. W innym wypadku będzie można rozwinąć swój kraj do granic możliwości w kilka lat do maksimum przez co inwestycje byłyby stosowane tylko na początku gry, a później nie byłoby już w co inwestować. Gracz powinien mieć obowiązek inwestowania, żeby jego kraj nie upadł od korupcji, słabej ekonomii i niskiej efektywności ściągania podatków Również powinien być jakiś system ograniczający wzrost liczby ludności, bo gdyby ludność rosła w nieskończoność byłoby to nierealistyczne. Wprowadzenie maksymalnego limitu ludności w …
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 5 replies
I would add a map generation. by that i mean you would import a map that you drew and the generator would generate provinces (you would select how many provinces you want to be on the map, possibly how many countries(optionally)) and then you could draw the countries you would want to be there. it is hard but it would make the game special. It is hard to do, so you could leave this as the last thing or not to do it, because good content for the game is much more important than this. Thank you.
Last reply by muhoaga, -
I think it would be cool if every country had its own anthem in the description window. The anthems should change based on the ideology. The anthem would from time to time play in the background. It adds a lot of extra work but I think it would be a nice detail. example: Croatia: Republic: Lijepa naša ( Facist: Puška puca ( Monarchy: U boj, U boj ( Communism: Po šumama i gorama:
Last reply by qxz, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I think in the game, there should be a sea force limit in addition to the army force limit. Here's how I think it should work: It should be influenced by the number of ports in a country and its army force limit. For example, let's take England in the year 1470. Let's say it has 8 ports, and its army force limit is 55k troops. We can calculate that 20% of 55k is 11k, plus 8k (for the ports), which equals 19k total troops that it can have stationed at sea. Now, let's consider Venice. Let's say it has 12 ports and a force limit of 24k troops. 20% of 24k is 4.8k, plus 12k (for the ports), which equals 16.8k, rounded up to 17k sea force limit. For the Ottomans, let's say…
Привет, Лукас, добавишь ли ты в игру мультиплеер?
Last reply by Paul.k, -
- 3 replies
The map was very big, the countries were represented by flag maps the provinnces colored like as if flag maps and also for some reason there were 2 india next to one another one in the ocean slightly below where the other India is apperntly in the dream because Lukas was still testing the game
Last reply by realkard, -
- 1 reply
Sometimes, countries should suffer natural disasters depending on their geographies. And we can heal country's wounds after these disasters as player.
Last reply by realkard, -
- 12 replies
Hi Lukasz, Thanks for creating this game! Can you do this provinces like that, or similar, it'd be nice. Please answer me It's in Ukraine
Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, here is the my idea for Goverment mechanic for Venice. I'll try to write all Renaissance Republics, and PLC because of Sejm. Idea: Signoria (Council) 1. Doge 2. Minor Consiglio 3. Quarantina Administrative Units and Effects: 1. Doge: Each Doge reduces core creation cost by 4% during their reign. 2. Minor Consiglio: Each Minor Consiglio increases tax efficiency by 4.5% during their term. 3. Quarantina: Each Quarantina reduces national unrest by 3% during their term. How the System Works: - Each Doge reigns for a certain period (5 years), during which the player is prompted to choose one administrative u…
Last reply by IKayzerI, -
- 4 replies
Good evening everyone, especially the creator of this project Lukasz Jakowski! I propose that in more modern scenarios, especially after 1900, hours are added to the game system, I propose this because we know that in more modern scenarios things happen faster, and even at lower speeds the game flies, so scenarios like the second world war (which only lasts 6 years) would be absurdly short in terms of gameplay time. I made this small edit to better illustrate this!
Last reply by DasSoldat88, -
- 0 replies
This topic will be divided into 3 suggestions Casus belli System of war justification, it would slow down expansion of both player and bot countries. There would be few types of casus Belli for example religious war against neighbouring heretic countries, conquest which would be the most basic casus Belli obtainable through spies, missions etc. Reconquest Casus Belli would be based on country's cores and province population, it'd be lost over time with province being controlled and assimilated by your enemies (for example France having cores on English lands in Normandy and Gascony during late hundred years war would guarantee France reconquest casus Belli agai…
Last reply by POLANDjapan, -
- 3 replies
haha yeah multiplayer, imagine multiplayer in this game, damnnnnn
Last reply by Jgagmgi, -
- 0 replies
Привет, Лукас! Я и многие другие люди очень хотели бы видеть в игре расширенную дипломатию. Например, возможность переделывать границы своих вассалов, марионеток, протекторатов, доминионов, колоний и т. д. Заранее спасибо за ответ, надеюсь, у вас получится сделать первую стратегическую игру с лучшей дипломатией и всем остальным!
Last reply by Unix, -
- 0 replies
I think that the black text of the civilization names should be surronded by White to give it a glow effect it simply looks cooler and better and makes the font stand out and thicker please adjust the game font and make it have a slight white border see below images for example @Łukasz Jakowski Eu4 hoi4 vs aoh3 it should have a white border whether alot like hoi4 or abit like eu4 both look really good can we have the fonts like either eu4/ck2/ck3 as u can see all games have a black border then white around it which makes text stand out better can we have this for civilization names please Lukas in aoh3 & like all paradox games have th…
Last reply by xox, -
- 2 replies
Hi @Łukasz Jakowski Here r 6 tips based from ur latest video 1. The icon for theravada is the zorastrian logo which is incorrect! 2 I saw sunni and Shia in the game but hope u didn't forget Islam's 3rd major sec/denomination who r found in parts of North Africa and like half of Oman the ibadis maybe u added them but they weren't visible on the menu of religons since u didn't scroll/show then all so forgive me if I'm asking for soemthing that is already there plz don't forget the ibadi sect 3. Chinese religions: I hope u added china's other major religion historically since it seems like in paradox games they always add one and not the other, that bein…
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
In AOH2, wonders are added to the game by editing file. I suggest wonders can be built while playing game like other normal buildings but wonders can only be built in one city. if you want to build it again in another city, you have to destroy it and then build it again in another city @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by angamo123, -
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I think that bodies of water could be used for more useful things such as rivers or lakes. Armies could be able to travel through river and lakes. They could also have a mass production of fish as well as higher grain production. Social Rank could also be added and there could be a different percentage of happiness for each rank so if the peasantry's happiness was low then there could be revolution. But I think that these would only be exclusive in royal civilizations. There could also be a law of succession where when the ruler is about to die they can decide whether the lands will be split or succeeded by one ruler
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hey there Luckasz I was wondering if there will be more content for the HRE ? Like adding new members or being able to challenge the emperorship, was also wondering if there would be small bonuses to being emperor like more manpower and maybe a little bonus to legacy points, of course these are all suggestions and I am looking foward to your answer if you read this !
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
Nations Color
by Mov- 0 replies
Will we still be able to modify in-game nations' colors?
Last reply by Mov, -
Is the music going to change through the Eras? It would be really nice to be like this
Last reply by facherito_Pro3000, -
- 0 replies
I dont know if political parties are going to be in a game, but if yes, i would add a electoral map. you could see what party does every province elect.
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 0 replies
I think that AI sholud try to use diplomatic options more often: declaring war was good in AoH2 aliances - every country should form an alliance with someone once every hundred years (aliances sholud last 50 years) defensive pact - every country should form a defensive pact with someone once every 50 years (defensive pacts sholud last 10 years) non agressiona pact - should be use by AI when they have very bad relations with neighbour demand military acces - if some country that AI doesn't like is fighting in a war with somebody else AI sholud sent them demand military acces guarantee independence - when country AI very strong dislakes…
Last reply by Rodak Polak,