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- 1 reply
The essence of the idea is to make a system of disintegration of states in the game (either permanently or as a separate mode). As for me, this would add more realism and aesthetics to the game (after all, overgrown countries with ugly borders would simply shrink to their original lands, and insane enclaves would separate themselves) and hardcore, because the player would have to fight not only external, but also internal rivals. I suggest the following types of decays: 1) disintegration into dozens of small countries (that is, each fortress declares itself the capital of the allotment). 2) disintegration incomplete (that is, half/a third of the territories are …
- 0 replies
Hopefully just like in hoi4 Fasicst/nationalist countries ai when in wars will seek to conquer as much as possible Communist ai tends to puppet things & invite them to the communist alliance afterwards Democries tend to liberate as many nations & regions as possible then probably puppet & neutral well idk What do u think of this type of ai Lukas if ai were fighting wars that's how they should behave in for example ww2 and post ww2 scenrios what do u think @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by xox, -
I think that the alliance system should be changed. In Aoc2 AI would rarely make any alliance and never join an alliance (if AI made alliance there would be max 2). I hope that AocIII will have improve the AI, so they join alliances and create more often, so you are more afraid to declear a war on a country that is in alliance.
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 1 follower
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You should rename the "Vinkovci" province to Vukovar, Vukovar is one of the most important cities in Croatia so I think you should rename it! You can also add a monument or however you call that, The monument would be the Vukovar tower.
Last reply by LightFog, -
- 1 reply
Will it be possible to have a debuff in colonization so not too many countries are randomly colonizing? Also can the technology be kept appropriate for each era so for example if you are in the medieval age you would reach your maximum technology level for that era but when that era ends and a new one comes then there will be a higher maximum technology level to make it more realistic?
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 2 replies
Just not for us to buy or anything simply to like as a option to notify us when it comes out or anything we receive a notification to.then buy like we can wishlist on mobile too just like on steam can u please allow us to wish list it on the play and app store? @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 0 replies
Czy będzie system zaopatrzenia taki jak w hoi4 lub inny? I jeszcze jedna sprawa. Czy w grze jest dostępny tryb obserwatora? A jeżeli jest czy mógłbyś pokazać jak wygląda wojna pomiędzy AI?
Last reply by marszalek, -
- 0 replies
Will there be a mechanism that make it harder for you to expand the more you conquer Like the coalition against France If you took multiple factions and became too powerful for your area/regain all small factions in it or even the big one form a coalition against you It definitely make the game stand out of all paradox games because none of them have it And the problem with all of those games is that it gets boring after you become powerful (you can conquer anyone) It will be challenging that the bigger you get the harder for you to expand. And not just for you but if in ai get too powerful all small states around it start allying with each othe…
Last reply by Yahya, -
- 0 replies
Can you make a state system for big factions Like USSR when you zoom out you see one big United nation but when you zoom in you see every state like Kazakhstan and Russia with their own governor yet they all are one economy and army that you control
Last reply by Yahya, -
If no navy
by Yahya- 0 replies
If there's no naval units at least change the the army and the battleground looks when it's in sea like change it to (warriors standing on boats) And instead of seeing them fight in soil make it a connected ships Just to make it feel like they are on sea without adding new units
Last reply by Yahya, -
by farmi- 0 replies
I would really like it to be possible to play with a friend online, for example, to be able to play online at least one of them must have purchased the game
Last reply by farmi, -
- 1 reply
Would love to see the basic 3 (ww1, modern day, ww2) & also 3 anothers (sometime during crusader era, 1200s before rise of Mongols by abit aswell as rise of Islam or slightly before so one can roleplay the rise) of Islam & Mongols Also if u plan to do modern day maybe set it in like 2015 or 2000 yah 2000 would be better with lots of events that span to this day from covid, arab spring, war on terror and all the various wars & CIVIL wars that would be like the modern day mod in hoi4 that would be very nice/cool lol
Last reply by xox, -
- 5 replies
My idea for AoH III is that if a civilization becomes a vassal, then it would take the color of its lord. This can help show the true extant of civilizations like the British Empire if you are including the colonies as separate civilizations that are vassals. Łukasz can also make an option to have a personal union between countries as in these scenarios, both countries are technically only connected via their leaders. Which then means that one shouldn't be a vassal to the other. The color can be chosen by the player (mid-game or in the map editor).
Last reply by yeetboi, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by yeetboi, -
- 0 replies
I want to ask you. is it ok about AI, another game system? why I ask you, you start to make game scenarios and you play a game that is already developed. I know that it doesn't mean that the game is perfect circumstances to release
Last reply by rimphysi, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Please just add a navy, and trading resources. I really dont see how these features will make the quality of your game low, also a culture map would be nice
Last reply by Mr. Rufus, -
- 0 replies
If you play as a civilization as being regent of another you could be able to play as an opposing party to the government you are regent over. For example what John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy did when he took over the government of France despite being the ruler of another country. In fact, would it be possible to play as a civilization and be declared the regent of a civilization like what Henry V did as sort of like a personal union?
Last reply by Mr. Rufus, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
This is the remastered version about the federation. This idea would make the game somewhat more immersive for countries like the USSR and USA and also to fix some ethnic tensions like in A-H. , so the collapse/disintegration of these following countries would be more convenient. The project to federalize a country could be for some reasons : for stability, to separate powers, for involvement, for fear of civil war. I don't want that to become too op so there will be cons too. The main idea is just create some states in the country and there will have an internal border to divide each state.This could be interesting for laws and reforms. The example I took…
Last reply by Evis7, -
- 0 replies
I think that the Events maker or how to call it was a bit complicated. So i would make the "Events Maker" in AoC III easier. But you dont need to do it, i prefer a better gameplay than better Events Maker.
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 0 replies
these really are just two thing i was hoping for when aoh3 releases, allowing us to just slap on a jpg or an image to the flag editor basically makes flags fully customizable in the create a civilization editor, while i know theirs probably a way to do it on pc, im more so talking about it for mobile users as that tends to be the main device i play on.
Last reply by mattmanh42, -
- 7 replies
Jak będzie działać opcja rywali? Ponieważ zauważyłem, że po włączeniu gry automatycznie kraj ma rywali? Będzie można sobie wybierać rywali czy może będą odgórnie ustaleni zawsze ci sami podczas każdej rozgrywki? Ja wolałbym, żeby to zależało od losowych relacji z państwami na początku gry (raz żeby Imperium Osmańskie lubiło się z Cesarstwem Bizantyjskim, a innym razem żeby się nienawidzili. Dzięki losowym relacjom i rywalom na początku rozgrywki każda rozgrywka będzie się różnić od siebie dzięki czemu gra będzie ciekawsza). Niestety na mapie brakuje niektórych liter (np. polskich znaków. Chyba również znaków tureckich) Mapa wygląda rewelacyjnie!!! Bardzo docenia…
Last reply by marszalek, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi, I think about the idea of adding AI programming to replicate historical scenarios in the editor. I just want your opinion. 🤔
- 0 replies
Proposal for the game. The flags in the game can be changed during the game, in other words, I can make my own flag for a certain country for a certain ideology and use it. Also, I can create a new nation with a new flag within the borders of the old state. And that the efitor for flags has more things, such as the swastika, the SS logo, the coat of arms of Serbia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Russia and others, as well as that I can make fascist, communist and other variations for my formable state.
Last reply by Lazar2105, -
- 3 replies
i play aoc 2 (i have 2560 1440 240hz monitor), there fps lock is 60, its a very bad, unlock fps in aoc3 when its finally development
Last reply by 1Krokko3213, -
All Civilizations and states of Colombia should be added, such as these (Muisca, Quimbaya, Tairona, Zenú, Pubenenses, Nariño, Tolima, La Tolita, San Agustín, and Calima). The later states as well (Muisca Confederation, New Kingdom of Granada, Viceroyalty of New Granada, Free and Independent State of Cundinamarca, United Provinces of New Granada, Gran Colombia. Republic of New Granada, Granadine Confederation, United States of Colombia, and finally, the Republic of Colombia).…
Last reply by taylorcurran,