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City names should change Lukas it should be known as constanipole then change to Istanbul later, same thing with stalin/leningrad & alsp Germany Berlin gets renamed if Germany wins ww2 to Germania also hopefully Berlin is like 2 or like 4 provinces and same thing with the capital of austria so like it can be split yk incase needs to be for post ww2/cold War scenarios
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
Can we please just make leader traits not be random and sent in advance? Can we also just have a succession we're there is an option to choose which leader of the country? I really don't think we need any of these timelines where there's just random leaders succeeding the civilization or even just make an event option when you change the leader you can choose which to change with? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASSSSSSSSE MANNNN I SWEARRR TO GOD
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
- 1 reply
It should be possible to invest in art and becoma a "patron of the art". The country that invest the most at continent (only one civilizated country in every continent can become the patron) to the art gets the title "patron of the art" and huge bonus to prestige (like Italy during renaissance). If it will be difficult to implement in the game, "art" can be added as resource and the biggest producer gest huge prestige bonus (maybe strange idea to add art to the resources but in my opionin it is even more strange not to add art to the game at all) There was cities like Milan or Florence where "resource of art" was impressive. The idea may need to be refined, but …
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
- 2 replies
Don't you think that when our country is democratic we sholud get permission and support from goverment and citizens to declare war to someone? When your citiznes dont want war, we should not be able to declare wars In absolute monarchies and dicatatorships we do what we want and and in constitutional monarchy we sholud have support to our decissions from advisors and generals
Last reply by Redguy325, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Maybe under "Battle Tactics" in "Goverment window" should be an option to accept the commission of war crimes by our army (this would give us +2 attack, but +15% faster to damage relations with other countries). This could be used when we are losing war. AI should use it very rarely, and if our opponent activates the war crimes option during our war with him, we should be notified about it in event Turning on the war crime option should be possible only during wars. By default, this option should be disabled at the beginning of the war. Communist countries should more often activate war crimes as AI
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 2 replies
I think that sholud be somethink like core loss system - if you will lose province, you will not have core there forever. When last citizen of your country will die - you lose core on this province. Example - Spain once controlled Sicily, they get core there (lets say after 100 years) and later they lost Sicily -> when the last Spaniard will die on the any province of Sicily, they lost core in that province. It looked bad in AoH2 when country that has fallen 500 years ago (and every single citizen died to) still had core to that province. How was that possible?
Last reply by Iceman, -
- 6 replies
Stability next to money will be the most important indicator in the game. Which through mismanagement of provinces or great conquests, exhaustion of war, corruption , poor legitimacy of power can cause paralysis of the state. Below 15% stability by the country is overwhelmed by chaos which will continue as long as the stability rises above 20%. Chaos in the country can result in wars of independence of different regions or civil war, which can change the ruler or government, religion. War Exhaustion: Too frequent and too long wars can result in a decline in the quality of the military and to manpower through desertion, a reduction in income from trade and fro…
Last reply by bizacjum, -
- 1 reply
Then we can have all the leaders that we had in that game in this game since the game had lots of used and unused leaders and a long list of them just port them over to aoh3if possible
Last reply by BALONA30, -
- 1 reply
I know Lukasz talked about ships, but there should be technology to be researched for caravel style ships, so that troops cannot travel across oceans, but only on seas. Only after researching this technology would it be possible to navigate the oceans. This would, for example, avoid contact with Americans until the technology is discovered.
Last reply by qxz, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
As you know, religion has been one of the key factors behind the actions of basically all nations until the very recent secularization all around the world and especially during the medieval times religions and their various tenets and features were fundamental for the development of humanity as we know it, therefore I propose that religious systems must be properly implemented to the game and should have different mechanics depending on the belief and the time. I want to focus primarily on Islam and Christianity for this message, but if people like the ideas I am about to propose, I think ideas for other religions could also be developed. Islam As you know, the…
Last reply by WATER, -
- 2 replies
Military mutiny. General description: mutiny represents the loss of control over part of the already called up troops, which are under the leadership of one or another disloyal general. Mutiny most often occurs during a war with another state. But it can also happen in peacetime with a small probability. Goal: if successful, the general either heads the state or changes the state's policy. For example, the goal of mutiny is to end the war that the state is currently in. And if the general wins in mutiny, the state automatically signs a peace treaty with the state with which it has been at war for a long time, and on unfavorable terms. Also, if mutiny occurs in a…
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 1 reply
Idea of atheism was created in Frande in +/- 1600s. First declared atheists existed in 1790s and it was related to the Enlightenment. I think that atheism is important in the history and should be in the game and i will try to justify it: In Soviet Union atheism was official "religion" of the country In modern Europe there is a lot of atheists here is a correlation between technological development, an increase in the percentage of atheists and a decline in the birth rate So my proposition is: atheism sholud be a religion in AoH3 it should be available only after unlocking in the technology tree around 1790s and without unlocking it…
Last reply by WATER, -
- 0 replies
Will there be a national anthem in AoH3? I know that there is no national anthem in AoH2. It would be nice if the national anthem appeared in AoH3. I think it would be nice to have Christian or Islamic hymns and various religious music as well as the national anthem. I like Kaiserhymne
Last reply by Basilio Paleologo, -
- 2 replies
What if we make naval units for AohIII? It will help you to take control of maritimes provinces and if another country violate it it will declare war on you (like a normal province) example underneath Ps: if you see this reply and comment it
Last reply by xox, -
- 1 follower
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for example ethnic info for germany Main Culture: German (It can be divided to austrian, bavarian, rhineland etc.) Accepted Cultures: Luxembourgish accepted cultures can be assimilated on your choice and you can edit your accepted cultures during a game (max accepted culture can be 5 or whatever lukasz wants) the non accepted ones (like poles and lusatians in prussia) will be assimilated also unrests and rebellions started by unaccepted cultures will be more stronger im sure you can create a culture dynamic. it would made the game way better!
Last reply by timuridgaming, -
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Its be cool make Brige for (3 or more moves in the game) it make faster move your amy from one island to another or something same (Sorry for my English)
Last reply by Kotowasik, -
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The reputation of your country is increasing/decreasing in eyes of another country, it's just between one country and another. But I think that there must exist a international reputation. For example the fact that German Empire used phlorine, bromine and other deadly gases, destroied his reputation not just between one country, many other countries, even those who were not participating in war took in consideration this. (Maybe not the best example, but the idea is that a country doesnt respect basic human rights, and a country like that destroies its international reputation.)
Last reply by Troika, -
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Wars in nearby countries is leading to mass migration
Last reply by Troika, -
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I remembered WWII and dificulties of the cold winter that NAZI army had then.
Last reply by Troika, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
There must be trade routes in the game and economic dynamics that change depending on these routes. For example, with the geographical discoveries and the establishment of colonies between Mexico and Spain, a trade route in the Atlantic Ocean should have been established. On this route, the resources of that region can be transported from Mexico to Europe and additional income can be generated. In addition, the trade potential on this route may vary depending on the population between the routes, the stability of the countries, their relations, wars and technologies. In this way, owners of places such as the Cape of Hope, Egypt, Istanbul or the Cape of India can gain adva…
Last reply by KANUNİ SÜLEYMAN, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hey hey I just thought it would be nice to have a toggleable map mode, similiar to how we have the "diplomacy" or "alliances" map modes in AoH2, for cultures/ethnicities. Basically, the way this could work would be through the populations of certain provinces. By toggling the culture mode, the player would be able to see what cultures/cores hold a majority in each province. For example, imagining we have the Austrian Empire in a scenario, and make all Hungarian provinces to have 80% Hungarian population. When toggling the culture map on, we would see Hungary's color in the provinces rather than Austria's. Imagining we had a more equal difference, like 55% or so, we c…
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 3 replies
I recently started playing civilization 6 and I really liked the trading system there (not in the sense of a deal, but when you send a merchant there). I would really like aoh 3 to have such a trade (at least similar).I also really want the game to become not only a military but also an economic strategy. And I would really like money to solve a lot of things, but it was also difficult to get money (which is logical actually).And I'm sorry for my English.
Last reply by Renibuff, -
- 5 replies
I have seen lots of suggestions here for 1440 scenario etc, and the ideas are great, but there doesn't seem to be much thought for the late game experience when you approach the modern period, so here are my takes, I will keep it short and sweet 1 UN: an entity that would appear in the age of information, it would interfere in wars and attempt to make peace negotiations for both sides, the UN Council would consist of countries, if you have high relations it might affect their decision and get you what you want, the UN would have a set of rules and every now and then they would vote on important laws, for example genocide is much harder late game because the UN…
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 1 reply
since the AOH3 map editor needs Java, does that mean PC AOH3 itself will need Java too? and is Java and also LUA gonna be needed to changing the source code?
Last reply by WATER, -
- 0 replies
the core problem that i saw is to give more freedom to the players,such as flag edit,and any other things like that.
Last reply by 3264383641CN,