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When making events will there be an option to make every civilization a recipient of the event?
Last reply by Yankewithnonrim, -
- 0 replies
Feudal Rights and the Manorial System could be combined into one since the basis of Feudalism is that the peasant serfs are provided with land (and are tied to that land) and fulfill various duties for the feudal lord
Last reply by groggogotdoxxed, -
- 0 replies
This is necessary because can happen that someone makes a scenario and wants to share it but he can't because he is in mobile, In Age of History 2 this NEVER was added. Please consider my idea @Łukasz Jakowski A scenario that i did in my mobile.
Last reply by Apolo, -
- 17 replies
It might be too late for this ,but @Łukasz Jakowski do you think it would be possible to add army maneuvers to the game? What I mean by this is the player has an option to assign different army Maneuvers to generals which they'd use during battle, this would have some sort of bonuses and disadvantages. Some examples of this are 1.Flanking (gives -2 defense and +3 attack) 2.Encirclement (gives -2 defence and +2 attack) 3. Straight Charge ( gives -4 defense and +5 attack) (As long as the bonuses are taking effect it doesn't really need to be visible in battle) You can also change the bonuses too I don't know if this makes sense but since the game ha…
Last reply by Mirolit, -
- 3 replies
By early Feb I'm happy to pay extra however much it costs for android please if ok with u as I want to pass the time on sosmtjign coming up by destressing and playing aoh3 if that's OK with u
Last reply by realkard, -
- 1 reply
In my opinion, if a country lose provinces, and in the next war it will occupy these provinces during war, it should be able to recruit units from them, because it is still its core province and its compatriots live there. My idea is this: You can recruit units in occupied provinces during war if these provinces were once your property and they are still your core provinces Core provinces should stop be your core provinces after 100 years when you lose them (imagine that Mongol empire still have core provinces in Baghdad after 700 years after the lose of Bagdad. It is unrealistic that Mongolia would have territorial claims to Baghdad after 700 years) c…
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have a suggestion about generals and advisors, the new feature in Age of History 3, generals and advisors, just like leaders, could have a possibility to be added for specific civilizations and years, for example when playing WW2 germany you can choose and have Erwin Rommel as a general, bonuses could either be random or set in a text file. Personally It would be very useful for modding and making custom scenarios or historically accurate scenarios. Since advisors and generals can die of old age, there should be the event outcome that can kill generals / advisors just like we can do with leaders. What do you think about this idea?
Last reply by Redguy325, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
1. About the mod interface, whether it is compatible with other mods. (2) Economic system, pure pile of numbers is not fun, can add simple business cycle laws, strategic resources, and some other aspects (such as happiness, agricultural age and economic aggregate, modern times and national economic growth rate and per capita). 3. Can modern times add an airport, and can use the airport to transport troops, but it will cost extra money (or other). 4. Immigration system, spending money and so on to carry out population migration, which can balance the regional population, but also enrich the colonies and so on.
Last reply by 9292solsl, -
Here are a few suggestions about terrain, economy, growth rate, and political system: 1. Make each country's science and technology more logical, like increasing the technology level of the five permanent members of the Security Council, rather than having the technology of major powers be lower, like in Age of History 2. 2. The economy should not just depend on technology and growth rate, because population and technology don't solely determine the economy. 3. Seek accurate population data to create the growth rate map, it's suggested to raise the upper limit of growth rate to 1%-1000%. 4. For population, you can also set multiple growth rate maps…
Last reply by 9292solsl, -
- 2 replies
We need to be able to edit population province by province. We need unions and need to be able to buy provinces. You can make it harder to do it than in AoH3 also We need God mode. It's where we control every civilization. We need in game province editor Here are the things we NEED
Last reply by Fireboy, -
- 2 replies
In the previous game Age Of History II the mobile version was unable to make custom flags very well, rather relying on the in-game flag maker. I'd like an option to insert images for a nations flag and for leaders and maybe even for the new Generals feature from the phones files when the mobile version comes out. Thank you for developing this great game franchise, stay safe, and please consider this feature.
Last reply by German_and_christian, -
- 0 replies
Something really simple and absolutely OP at the same time - Mechanic creator. It would be simple: in editor there would be "Mechanic creator" or "Mechanic editor" option, where you could manage blank plane, adding clickable buttons, descriptions and graphics, all of which with position determined by setting their x and y cord. Buttons would behave like missions (It could be even in mission panel!) But to click them you would have to meet some prerequisites, otherwise these would be unclickable. Again, results and triggers would be the same as in the events and decisions. Maybe even mechanics could be programmed so graphics would changed by different outcomes? …
Last reply by Redguy325, -
by Harun Aladağ- 0 replies
Ordumuz için silah satın alabilmeliyiz,bombalar satın alıp extra güç oluşturabilmeliyiz askerlerimiz için,ucuz silah ve pahalı silah modelleri ile ordumuzun gücünü değiştiren etkenler olabilir silah modelleri ile ordumuzun gücünü değiştiren etkenler olabilir
Last reply by Harun Aladağ, -
- 2 replies
Maybe it is possible to add in "interactions" in diplomacy option to enter into personal union. Something like "budziński układ 1355" Enter into alliance - 50 years, possible when relations are +80 Enter into personal union - until the ruler's death, possible when relations are +99 Enter the personal union will not be immediate. Players need to wait until one of the rulers dies. When he dies, bouth countries countries are uniting, ruler become the man of the country whose ruler is still alive and the union lasts throughout the ruler's life. When he dies the union falls apart into the two states that formed this union. Any territorial gains in this peri…
Last reply by aa30388, -
- 4 replies
What do you think about idea that AI before starting war will conclude non agressive pact with neighbors who agree to it (just like some players do to avoid being attacked from behind during war). Also starting a war with coutry you have non agressive pact with sholud be impossible or should be pusnished by demaging relations with every coutry exsisting country Countries should also enter into defense pacts more often and alliances should not be eternal like in AoH2
Last reply by mrx, -
- 1 reply
is it possible to have different music for different countries? like for example, when playing as Britain only British music plays
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 4 replies
Laws and Reforms, the feature we have seen in Aoh3 video, could be improved instead of being just some buffs that increase the latter technology you unlock, here are my ideas to improve laws and reforms: Additional cost/ upkeep: Laws that give op bonuses to the civilization should have upkeep costs: the latter technology/ higher bonuses the law grants, the more expensive its upkeep cost should be. For example, it will be more expensive to upkeep digitalized education than to upkeep universal education or lower. This should prevent the civilizations to have a surplus of money + bonuses, but the ai should also prioritize laws that give good bonuses to the c…
Last reply by Outlawexperience, -
Please add multiplayer to the game, this will increase the level of popularity of the future project
Last reply by karacevvitalij, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Dear @Łukasz Jakowski in aoh2 civilian casualty count mechanic is very bad, when a battle happend in a occupied province, the civilian casualty will be counted to who is occupying that province instead of owner of that province. Exp usa and mexico have war between them and mexico occupied California then usa attack California to retake, all civilian casualty in that retake battle will be counted to mexico instead of the usa the owner of that province. Can you fix it in Aoh3?
Last reply by angamo123, -
- 0 replies
Will the ticking warscore allow us as Poland to take over the Kaliningrad Oblast and, thanks to the ticking warscore, without other battles, gain 100% warscore (if Russia did not get military access from Belarus or Ukraine)? So, by occupying only 5 provinces, would it be possible to defeat a country with 1,000 provinces and conquer half of Russia in a peace treaty? I do not think that is good. That it's why i suggest: 1. Countries can annex fewer provinces than in AoH 2 2. Countries should not annex an area with a larger population than their country's population even when they occupy 100% of the loser provinces (It is unrealistic when Luxembourg annex half…
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 2 replies
I saw a similar idea in another post so I'm going to improve it: it would be cool if there was a section for creating "improved" maps where you make your maps in the editor (separate application) and then leave the files (provinces and background) in a folder, then the game generates the connections and then you add other things, such as: terrain, water provinces, continents, regions, etc. and after doing all this, create the scenarios and fill in the map information, after finishing all this, publish the map in the library, with description and a test gameplay vid!!
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 70 replies
LUKASZ FOR FUCK'S SAKE IF YOU DONT ADD MULTIPLAYER TO AOH3 /////// jk jk ofc, but please LUKASZ FOR THE SAKE OF GOD AND YOUR FANS ADD MULTIPLAYER. MULTIPLAYER CAN GIVE YOUR GAME A LOT OF POTENTIAL!!!!!! (idk english lol) Anwser this simple question lukasz my beloved favourite game dev MULTIPLAYER FOR AOH3? 1: YES 2: NO
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
Dear Lukasz, if I didn't see a multiplayer option in the menu when the game came out, I would put the option up your hole. Best regards. 😻
Last reply by Yequass, -
- 3 replies
In AoH2 sea was unused. In fact it was better to have no access to the see than to have it (access to the sea was only troublemaker because it make possible for enemy to make devastating landing troops in our country). I suggest to add prestige bonus for every province bordering the sea or prestige bonus for each port built. I know that will not be trade in the AoH3 (and i think its a good idea) but i suggest something: we already have option for "improve relations" but maybe you shold also add option "signa a trade contract". And there are condition to signe the contract: 1. You need to have good relations with the country you want to sign contract with (r…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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Each units can have multiple resources, just like in Civilization VI. Resources can even overlap, like a units with two of the same resources. The display is also similar to Civilization VI.
Last reply by 9292solsl,