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- 1 reply
I saw in the video that in resources is uranium. I don't think that income from uranium or oil in 1440 was posibble. Correct me if I'm wrong
Last reply by WATER, -
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Last reply by Sikobik, -
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I think it's more of an request, and not really a suggestion, please I hope there'll be technology blockade that stops countries from researching certain technologies before certain years, it'd be kinda crazy to see bot with tanks in let's say 1780s while first modern type of tank was built in late 1915 (of course if there'll be cheats and cheat console it wouldn't be bad if there'd be option to remove such blockade)
Last reply by Edmilson Gomes, -
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First, hello everyone. Secondly, I would like to see a system of Interest Groups in the game that will have a direct connection with parties. I honestly assume that my idea is absurd and difficult to implement, but it consists of: 1. Having interest groups, such as the Church, Land Owners, Intellectual Elite, Armed Forces and others that we see in past and current societies, each with their own interests; 2. Throughout the game, these groups defended certain policies and laws, since there will be a system for this. Disagreement with a law in progress, if a certain group has too much power, can lead to civil war; 3. Interest Groups, in democratic regime…
Last reply by Silva, -
- 7 replies
Hey, since you said there will be more than 12k provinces, it is possible to add smaller provinces. I want to give you some ideas for some new provinces. 1. Borders of People's republic of Ukraine. 2.Partition of Czechoslovakia. 3. Occupation of Serbia. 4. Occupation of Yugoslavia. 5. District Bialystok. 6. Banat
Last reply by WATER, -
- 1 reply
Core provinces create a great chance to fix the problem from AOH2 (after several years in the game main provinces of the country are captured by other countries and it ends like this: Romania have provinces only in Greece, Netherlands have provinces only in Denmark e.t.c) My proposition to fix it: 1. In the window of declaring war we sholud have a choice if we want to fight for core provinces of enemy or for provines that are not core 2. an option enabling fight for core provinces of the enemy should be paid extra (player need to pay 10 000 gold for declaring war for enemys core provinces) 3. when you declare war for non core provinces you can only ann…
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 1 reply
Hello, as a person who is interested in creating modifications, I want to ask a question - will the game provide the opportunity to create World Events similar to super events in The New Order: Last Days of The Europe? What it will look like: A display with a large image, a place for a quote related to the event, the name of the author of the quote, and just one button. Also, when a superint appears on the player’s screen, a musical composition begins to play. Such Events do not have the role of giving the player a choice, they only show the globality or scale of an event. Also below I have attached a link to the superevent (again from The New Order), in which Valery…
Last reply by uwut, -
- 1 follower
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Inflation, currency value, supply,air forces, etc. Need add to the game. And Will updates continue to come after the game is released?
Last reply by qxz, -
- 1 reply
I have an idea for how to improve rebels to make them not suck. I think we need 2ish types of rebels: 1. Ideological rebels. They would be an opposing ideology version of the original country, and they will try and conquer the original country, and then it changes the ideology. 2. National rebels. For example, Kurds would have cores in SE Turkiye, and would revolt, and if they succeed, they become a new country. Maybe they would only try and take the land they have cores in. 2.5 National Rebels Pt. 2. National rebels that are the same country as an already existing country, and if they win, are essentially annexed into the existing country. To go back…
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 4 replies
English In the game before we only had music from Kevin, an artist who usually makes copyright-free music but he didn't have much variety. My idea is that there are more types of music in the game, including classical and hymns or popular songs from different countries. An example would be Napoleonic France, classical music or a French anthem from that time could play in the background. If there are no songs for that specific civilization, you could choose from a library from different countries or use classical music or music by Kevin. Español En el juego antes solo teníamos músicas de Kevin, un artista que suele hacer música sin copyright pero no tenía m…
Last reply by TheNickName1914, -
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ENGLISH: As we all know, to make a new goverment, you need to go into the files of the game, or to just simply copy/delete a scenario, wich is pretty dumb, that to do such a simple thing, we need to go into the games files, so, Im suggesting, that Łukasz Jakowski should add the option of making custom goverments, and copying/deleting scenarios in the editor. POLISH: Więc, jak już wszyscy wiedzą, by stworzyć swój własny rodzaj rządów, jak np. monarchia konstytucyjna albo coś, lub żeby po prostu skopiować/usunąć scenariusz, trzeba grzebać w plikach, zmieniać nazwy itp. co jest trochę głupie, przynajmniej według mnie, więc proponuję żeby Łukasz Jakowski zr…
Last reply by Kamernikosz, -
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The laws mechanics looks good, but it's worth adding at least two new categories of laws: religious and colonial. In addition, it's worth adding the mechanics of influence, thanks to which, if relations with another country improve (if they are already at a fairly high level), it will adopt similar laws with some chance (for example, the same judicial laws). Such mechanics did not exist in RTS yet, although in HoI2 it was possible to change the "policy sliders" of the country with which relations were improving, and in Victoria 3, with the help of events, the chance to pass a law like another country could increase
Last reply by Mirolit, -
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Personalized Styling: Whether you're a trendsetter or have a classic style, our personalized styling options ensure that your fashion journey is tailored to your unique taste and preferences.Effortlessly stylish and comfortable pieces perfect for everyday wear.
Last reply by Itachi026, -
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I wonder if we can add scope control in AOH3.That is, under certain technologies, each regional civilization has a certain amount of control, within which it can be ruled directly, and beyond which it can only be governed autonomously or by subfealty You can also make the Chinese area more elaborate by finding county-level zoning maps of China
Last reply by 9292solsl, -
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Having a Journal Entry system like Victoria 3 would make the game way more mod-able and way more historical and add more flavor to the game. I see your going to add a mission system which seems like what Journal Entries are. Please consider this and how much flavor and fun this would add to the game.
Last reply by Bruhfinder, -
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What if when we start new game the other nations go in the historical scenario that happened in real life , par example : if I played with the UK the Ottoman will conquering Constantinople and then the other lands they did in the history , and I wish it will work with all the other countries like "HoI4" and make the AI more intelligent than the last game
Last reply by Slay, -
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Hello. This is my first post on this forum, so forgive me if I'm making a mistake. I think that in AOH 3 we could have a video recording of all the battles and battles we have done in the past that we can play at any time, so that we can better observe where we went wrong and where we went right and improve our strategies. Also, of course, we can take the video at any time we want, like a YouTube video, and I think it would be even better if it was interactive. What do you think?
Last reply by Dai_Judai, -
Would be religions like Sunny and shia islam,chatholic ortodox and protestant christianity, judaism and many other religion into the game as a option to choose IT as a state religion
Last reply by ericul, -
Hello everyone, As you know, Lukasz mentioned that naval units will not be included in the game. However, I want this idea to change because of a very simple reason: I want to see the Pacific War between Japan and the US, the centuries-old rivalry in the Mediterranean, the great navies of Britain and Spain, the geographical discoveries, and many other legendary events related to oceans and navies. For this, I have prepared a long text and, in order: 1. The entertainment value that the navy and events in the oceans and seas will bring to the game. 2. My thoughts on how it will not cause any harm or difficulty if it is added t…
Last reply by muhoaga, -
In my opinion, in the new game there should be a new sea system which will break up sea provinces with different bonuses : coastal waters, Shallow sea, Deep ocean. Fjords and archipelagos. Now we will move on to the navy mainly why it should be added and how it should work. Why the navy should be added: For gameplay variety: warfare (Pacific War), colonization and geographic discovery. How the navy should work: it is built only a province with a shipyard. Each ship has a range that defines (in the fleet is the average) of all ships how far they can sail from the base from which they sailed. Aircraft will only be available if you have an aircraft carrier, ships…
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 5 replies
Questions to Lukasz, Will it be possible to mod in new GUIs like a family tree for example? Personally, never tried modding AOH2, and even so I do not believe you could mod in new GUIs with specific purpose or a mechanic although I could be wrong. My main question is how extensive will modding be? How limited will it be?
Last reply by Vyatka My Dearest, -
- 4 replies
So i Feel Like The Terrain In AoH3 Has So Much Potential To Become Something Extremely Fun And Powerful At The Sane Time, Effecting Many Things In The Game, Like For Example: On Flatter Terrain: - Armies Will Move Faster - No Casualties/Damage Done To The Army -Bigger Population -Easier To Settle -Very Easy To Atack Very Hard To Defend On Rougher Terrains: -Armies Move a Bit Slower -Small Numbers Of Casulaties -A Bit Of a Smaller Population -A Bit Less Population -A Bit Less Easy To Settle -A Bit Hard To Invade And a B…
Last reply by Cuponmebrickstonmate, -
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It would be cool to see the possibility of declaring war when a non-aggression pact is concluded between the countries. For example, in this case, relations with the whole world deteriorated. Also, the deterioration of relations with the whole world through events.
Last reply by vartktoto, -
The game has many functions that diversify the economy, we need such things for battles as well. My idea is as follows Each tile is connected to 1-9 other tiles. If an enemy army is standing on one tile and is attacked from another tile, the battle will be even. But if this army is attacked from two different sides(two different tiles), the attacker will have additional chances to win. If three different tails even more chances. This is the siege of the army, which we know from history how much advantage. This will make the game more strategic.
Last reply by Upposties, -
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Being able to save and back up our games so we can play them on other devices.
Last reply by Roden,