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- 1 reply
For example, will the bots in the game progress according to real time, will states like England progress according to real life history? I'm Turkish and I'm sorry if there may be a mistake in the translation
Last reply by -61Trabzonl1, -
- 6 replies
My suggestion for Age of History 3 is being able to play as rebels and trying to create your own country out of the territory of the nation you rebelled from. For example, (in Aoh2) Lithuania is very unstable in 1440 at the start of the scenario. How I would like this mechanic to work is that you would be able to play as an unassimilated population in a country and attempt rebellions at various times of instability for said nation, such as wars (specifically longer lasting wars though), after large annexations of territories (which could encourage other people groups to rebel as well). Also to still make this fair for the country you are attempting to rebel from, you shou…
Last reply by help me please, -
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Let each country have its own navy and ships so we can also build stronger navies
Last reply by XXXXplagroundXaa, -
- 1 reply
It would be cool if inside AOH3 you could change the flags for ideologies. Just going into the game files to change one flag is very long and inconvenient. It would also be cool if the portraits of rulers could be changed within the game, that is, when you press a certain button, an explorer window would open and you could go straight into the game. Oh yes, will it be possible to make flags for countries in the game not only through the editor, but also add them from the Internet (that is, from Explorer)?
Last reply by erdemS, -
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1) Let there be expats abroad like Turks in Germany. I can also bring Turks to Turkey.if I'm playing with Turkey 2) Education system can be made. Educational buildings can be built. As the number of educated people in the country increases, our technology increases, our production income increases, and the economy increases. Accordingly, the brain drain rate can also be added. If the education of the countries is bad, the brain drain rate increases [(expatriates increase in countries with high technology), the population of our country decreases] the economy decreases, production income decreases, our technology decreases. People become restless. 3) Bosphorus, canal…
Last reply by erdemS, -
- 0 replies
Population Guidance This feature allows for forced population migration from one state to another. This feature increases unhappiness. This feature allows us to exile minorities to other regions or to move members of our own population to strategically important locations!
Last reply by mysta, -
- 4 replies
Is there will be a capitulation system on aoh3? or a system like capturing most of important regions of country makes progress faster and easier i prefer capitulation but isnt a op version, capitulation on %85 is best because percents like %65 is so op and feels like bypassing battles also i think if you capitulate mainland of a country overseas territories can be resist, that can be cool
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 1 reply
Like in hoi4
Last reply by Applehead, -
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All my questions and ideas (Sorry, My English is not good enough.) 1. Successions 2. Culture change 3. Scenarios 4. Dissolution of the country 5. Map editor 6. Government in exile 7. Vassal play 1. Successions Is there a succession system in AoH3 like Crusader Kings? 2. Culture change Is there a major culture change system in AoH3 like Europa Universalis? (for example, changing the culture of the Eastern Roman Empire from Greek to Turkish) 3. Scenarios I'm curious what scenarios there will be in Age of History 3. If you haven't decided on a scenario, I have an idea. …
Last reply by Basilio Paleologo, -
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Hello! you know in HOI4 there is a focus tree like technology tree you added to your new game aohIII.Do you plan to add focus tree or something like that.I would be happy if you answer.
Last reply by DjCabbAr01007, -
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Will it be possible to create an autonomous entity in the country ?
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 2 replies
My idea is that after a player lost all of his territories, he will be able to prepare uprisings and play as the rebels this would be pretty fun
Last reply by Rodri04, -
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This suggestion will consist of 2 ideas 1.Generals this one is actually short, I'd personally like to see option to make your king a general, it wouldn't cost money just more legacy points instead and would increase chances of king dying it wouldn't really be something necessary but would be nice and help with game immersion/roleplay potential. 2.Colonization in newest video we could see something that couldn't be seen in last video portraying colonization, colonial progress. This mechanic opens doors for many things but i have few main suggestions about it -Provinces with colonial progress less than 100 would gain huge income, manpower and basi…
Last reply by POLANDjapan, -
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В Since the game will take place in the 20th/21st centuries, it is necessary to implement the front line. The front line should allow divisions to move not like in the Middle Ages or modern times, but in a coordinated manner. They should automatically besiege provinces on their way. Without the implementation of the front line mechanics, the battles of the 20th/21st centuries will be more similar to the events of the 19th/18th centuries. This will be a big flaw and will spoil the gameplay and the feeling of the game. It would be very good if the front line mechanics were opened precisely with the adoption of some relevant technologies (let’s say specific 5 …
Last reply by semka, -
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So i watched videos about new features and I don't see any button to help construct buildings easier like button to construct all buildings in one provinces and button to construct one building in all provinces
Last reply by angamo123, -
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Sr. Lukaz, sería interesante que introdujera un mecanismo de corrupción, que cuanto más desarrollemos nuestro país, más empezaremos a ver corrupción y tenemos que combatirla, ya sea con leyes, con dinero, policía, etc.
Last reply by gabo4040, -
- 2 replies
It should be like for example Dutch west Africa or something g like when u colonize a area on the map it should display with the area/region name not just colonize provinces by its own yk it should display on the map as name of ur civilization then region/area Or when Germany for example puppets British Raj it gets renamed to German Raj on the map or when the ottomans for example colonize west Africa on the map it displays as ottoman west africa
Last reply by xox, -
- 1 reply
Dates (for arabia region) & also the ones from hoi4
Last reply by xox, -
City names/province names change (istanbul should be Constantinople before 1922) also Berlin should become Germania if Germany wins ww2
Last reply by xox, -
- 5 replies
How is that realistic for when example playing as jfk or George Washington that u dont get in 1700s the president afterwards for example or if ur playing as queen Elizabeth in modern era How are random leaders realistic considering game starts in 500 and finishes in 1400s so that means Saladin, Genghis khan, Rashida caliphates and all that realistic leaders significant onces at least won't be in the game if u play a game over time???? Oh no Lukas:((
Last reply by xox, -
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An idea for colonization would be for the unexplored countries to have some population that can fight back against settlers or invasions, this way it would make colonization take much longer to do and not have it be such an easy process. I also think the fact that a succeeding leader is to be put as random is honestly not good in my opinion and I think most people will agree with me on that so why not just put an event where you can place any leader you want or on the kill leader option there's an option on what leader you want to replace them with. I also wish that armies could be able to cross through rivers since adding rivers in the game seem to be useless at the mome…
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
- 1 reply
AOH2 has the Holy Roman Empire mechanic. can AOH3 have more mechanics that are more than that? like USA, USSR, UN, and other types of federations. even being able to a new federation for alternate countries
Last reply by qxz, -
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So We All Know That AoH2 Has a Happiness System Where The Lower The Happiness Is The Lower Your Nations Stability Is, But Lets Be Real, This System Is Extremely Broken, Littetaly, Metaphorically And In All Terms, This System Is Just So Broken And Usless At The Moment And i Feel Like This Happiness System Needs To Be Completely Removed And Replaced By a Revamped Stability System, Or Be Kept Into The Game But Be Absolutely Changed From Bottom To Top.
Last reply by Cuponmebrickstonmate, -
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In short, I believe that in parliamentary democracies, the concept of "advisors" makes no sense, and it would be more effective to replace them with "ministers." These ministers could work for free and give bonuses (or debuffs!). Also introducing a coalition-building mechanic could add an interesting dynamic for democratic countries. When attempting to secure votes from smaller parties, the option to offer them a ministerial position could be chosen.
Last reply by Redguy325, -
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I though formable civilizations would be removed too, fortunately it seems they will be in AoH3 (the option appears in a Shorts video in the Map Editor). But I think at least these two things need to be added: 1) An option to disintegrate the Formable Civilization. In AoH2 if Spain annexes Portugal and forms Iberian Union, you can later release Portugal as vassal, but then Spain is still named Iberian Union. 2) Formable Civilizations can be formed via events. For example, in 1707 England gets an event to annex Scotland and form the civilization Kingdom of Great Britain.
Last reply by Iceman,