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- 0 replies
It would be cool if it was possible to control troops of AI through events, and stuff like that. I also wrote the idea a little differently in the last post, I meant: If several provinces are located nearby and they have the same name, then this name will be on top of all these provinces. Here is a picture to explain(This is just an example, the borders of Moscow are not like that):
Last reply by vartktoto, -
- 4 replies
Developer! I'm a big fan of yours here in Portugal, probably one of the biggest because unfortunately Age of History doesn't have much of an audience here. I wanted to ask if the game will be translated into Portuguese of Portugal, and for other languages What was Age of History II like. Thank you for this beautiful series of games, good luck with the development, from Portugal. 🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹
Last reply by Rodri04, -
- 0 replies
no idea if sandbox is still available in AOH3, but modders being able to disable it would be great. not every mod needs to have sandbox mode tbh
Last reply by Vyatka My Dearest, -
- 0 replies
Random Resource Spawn on the World Map In this game, countries discover resources in random places on the map! You can also enable/disable the random resources (means New Game Random Resource ON/OFF)
Last reply by GyLala, -
- 0 replies
is it possible to have armies be upgraded to be stronger in battle even if they have an equal or lower number of troops than a rival army? because numbers shouldn't always be the decisive factor in a war
Last reply by Vyatka My Dearest, -
- 2 replies
hey Lukasz, i think all images to be used in the game like flags, portraits, icons, and UI pieces, for example, should have same image format. an easy format like BMP or PNG. all images having same format will help with modding as it will make it faster, since modders won't have to spend time on converting to different formats
Last reply by Vyatka My Dearest, -
- 0 replies
will elections and coups for a new country leader be possible?
Last reply by Vyatka My Dearest, -
- 0 replies
is it possible to add peaceful unions between countries? AOH2 has it, but in AOH3 it should lead to more than just name and flag of two countries being merged. like combining the economy, army, and overall making the fusion cause a greater country to emerge from the union
Last reply by Vyatka My Dearest, -
Last reply by BalkanFatihi2107,
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
1. Assimilation in AOH3 should be a long process. The following factors should influence the progress of assimilation: a) NATIONAL MIRORITIES should fight for their rights. If their demands are met they will turn into citizens. However, some may cherish their culture and in some provinces want to liberate themselves. To assimilate national minorities you can: a) give them privileges b) if you don't want to spend time assimilating you can: a) use the army and you know what to do b) deport the national minorities to the local population or to other countries in exchange for payment c) give them money in exchange for loyalty (the local popula…
Last reply by Pandzioch, -
- 0 replies
Возможно ли все это реализовать? Пан Лукаш, я считаю, что ресурсы тоже должны иметь возможность перекрывать друг друга. Чтобы одна провинция могла иметь сразу несколько видов ресурсов. Я также считаю необходимым ввести систему рождаемости провинций с этим ресурсом по шкале от 1 до 3.
Last reply by WATER, -
Claiming and caring states.
Last reply by Vadim, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski Hey whats up I have a two questions Łukasz Jakowski 1: I think AoH3 won't have multiplayer (No problem, I don't have any friends anyway :( ). You mentioned it in Stema, will something like this happen? 2: Will Age of History 3 be developed with Java, and when Age of History 3 is released, will the source codes of AoH2 be officially released? (I am not referring to the Gradle project released by the Russians.) I hope you will answer my questions dear Łukasz
Last reply by SmearierMoon19, -
- 0 replies
In the new shorts named Scenario editor,Add civilization, there's an Easter egg about ideologies. There are : Democracy Monarchy Constitutional monarchy Communism Fascism Presidential republic Merchant republic Parliamentary republic Horde City state Theocracy Tribal Rebels And I have two questions. The first is to create a new flag and put in an ideology. The second one is to add Autocracy, Imperial monarchy, Socialism and Nationalism.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
How this would work is that you could drag a box (or have a province select system like in aoh2) to select a certain amount of provinces, be able to go to the structures menu, and the price to build all these structures will increase with the higher amount of provinces you select.
Last reply by QuiteCloth, -
- 2 replies
I request that nuclear should not be something very easy to do, let it be something that is difficult to do, so that not every country can have it, and also, for example, let's not open up nuclear technology in the 1600s and use nuclear in those old times. If we could use it, it would be very ridiculous, and there should be certain consequences of using nuclear. When a country uses nuclear, the location of where it is used. It should be quarantined for a certain period of time and damage will occur around it. Other countries should oppose it. Thank you for reading.
Last reply by Neyoto Hiro, -
- 0 replies
I suggest there be a beta or alpha of AoH3 for Android to test the on-screen controls.
Last reply by Taquito_Dictador, -
Law and Order
by qxz- 1 reply
Hello everyone, Throughout history, countries changed their laws which have been in some cases extremely significant like the abolishment of slavery (Abolition of Slavery Act of 1833) or the introduction of compulsory schooling (Education Act 1880). The point I'm making is that changes in laws directly influenced how the world is throughout history and would be beneficial to have in Age of History 3 as a brilliant feature. Laws should add new ways to play the game and enable the player to have unique playthroughs. Laws should both benefit the player and also apply negative effects directly onto the player, adding extra challenge to face against. Laws …
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 1 reply
Personally, I think that by having more functions and forms, it would be more comfortable to edit each civilization through an interface when it is selected from the map, basically when you click on a civilization an interface will appear to adjust or modify certain things. Like this:
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
Łukasz, make it so that if several provinces have the same name next to each other, then the name on the map is on top of all these provinces, and not the same text on top of all these provinces.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
Hello i see Aoc3 is nice and very developed, Just need to add battleships moderns and ww2 and columb periods (creisers, fregats, submarines and.... And need to add moderns and ww2 planes launvh types like HOI 4 Fenks
Last reply by David773, -
- 1 reply
Can you make it that countries can not annex area that have more that 50% of their own citizens. I mean that for example if Portugal have 10 milions citizens than they can annex an area with a maximum of 5 milions citizens. Also if AI attack other country they shold not try to have 100% warscore. 75% is enough (in AOH2 sometimes wars last 300 years bacause country have 1 un occupied province on the other side of globe so AI didnt finished this war). Do you have any ideas to prevent the map from looking like a mosaic after a few years of playing?
Last reply by mr.qzit, -
- 0 replies
I propose to improve the ports by adding 2 things: a trade card and “trade”, but how will this work: the country produces/extracts a resource such as timber, coal, diamonds, etc. they can be sold to another country, in which way we explore the port, then ships, and then we can go to the port window and load the resource into the ship, then send it to another country under an agreement and earn the amount that we agreed on in advance (TRADE ONLY RESOURCES AND NOTHING ELSE) the port can develop at several levels; The number of spaces for ships and cargo depends on the level. As for the trading card, there will be a map on which the ports are marked and a request for the pur…
Last reply by mr.qzit, -
- 1 reply
Por lo visto, solo existe el Imperio Azteca y el Imperio Inca, pero ¿habrá más civilizaciones como en EU4? ¿O lo dejarás como tierra colonizable?
Last reply by Magnum, -
- 1 reply
Öncelikle kolonizasyon sisteminin tamamen yenilenmesi gerektiğine inanıyorum. Öncelikle oyunda 12.000'in üzerinde ilin olacağı söylendi ve her vilayete ayrı ayrı yerleşimci atamanın çok zor ve zaman alıcı olacağını düşünüyorum. Ek olarak, bunun dünya haritası üzerinde oynarken sorunlu bir durum yaratacağına inanıyorum çünkü ülkeler sömürgeleştirme için yarışırken garip ve doğal olmayan sınırlara yol açacaktır. Dolayısıyla bu mekanizmanın değişmesi gerekiyor. Ayrıca oyunda sisli bölgelerin olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Kaşiflerin bu alanları belirli keşiflerle ortaya çıkarması gerekiyor (Age of History 2'nin daha gelişmiş bir versiyonu olmalı). Bir ülkenin tek …
Last reply by muhoaga,