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I want to suggest several options for editing the script: 1. Rename provinces in a specific scenario. 2. Prohibit bots from declaring wars on everyone in a certain scenario. 3. Add buildings to any provinces (for example: Maginot and Mannerheim lines) 4. Rename the countries in the Specific scenario editor. Sorry for my English. I used the Google translate
Last reply by RMaRe, -
- 1 reply
I think we need interesting and creative ideas to create a new attraction that no game has ever had and not just learn from the same genre games but we need to develop more diverse and creative to create our own quality for age of history 3 below are my 3 ideas. 1. SIMULATION MODE simulation mode allows you to create your own political parties and decide the political direction they pursue and the character you play as must have some stats like Hitler’s oratory, management and many more then step by step you are elected to the council and with your oratory you attract many party members to join then to a level you will be elected president, prime minister and ha…
Last reply by RMaRe, -
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Okay, so I don’t know if this is gonna be a function in Age of History 3, but we need SHIPS, just imagine how cool would be to have different tons of ships to fight with, also, this would be important since if we want to invade a country like the UK, Japan, Australia or any island, most of the fights will be fought on the water, and this would also add importance to having islands on the middle of the sea since you can lay all your ship force there. I think the thing that will suit this better would be having their type of ship units or ship army, like having the option of making your army of only ships and this could be made in a port or something similar, we could also …
Last reply by RMaRe, -
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As far as I understand, the AoH2 was translated through Google or some other translator, and it really felt in-game. Being a russian player, I saw a bunch of problems here and there. So, if it is possible, I could probably assist in translating the game in russian without revenue, though it may take some time as I see the game is full of content. Anyway, I would be happy to work somehow on the game, especially in translating it.
Last reply by hardlysane, -
- 1 reply
Well, in my opinion the only thing that AOH need is a facilited tool to modify the game, like a steam workshop, if the game got that, scenaries, time lapses, other worlds and anything can be created. Basically, if the community got that, the game will become virtualy a on going game, never dying.
Last reply by Oryan_Saiph, -
- 2 replies
The author suggests making a launcher for a new game. In it, players will be able to set up the game in advance (an optional feature), and the most important thing is to turn on the mod! Modders have long needed a "Workshop" for the Steam version. And it would be cool to see mechanics from CK3 in our favorite game. My vision of the launcher:
Last reply by FlowrianAndrew, -
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I think a kind common market may be useful for getting resources from countries without invading them. E.g: USA have a oil shortage for its factories, so instead of invading Saudi Arabia they make cordial relations with it and eventually make them share their oil by joining USA market, now USA have access to Arabian oil and Saudi Arabia have access to USA products This can be used to simulate trade blocs like EU or the French economic domination of its former colonies.
Last reply by selenhogamer, -
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-Every country should have its own currency -There should be a ranking system called the highest value ranking of currencies. -When we click on a country, we should be able to see whether its economy is good or bad. -Seeing the climate type -Also, sometimes natural disasters may occur, take precautions -Can be added to a ranking system called most spoken languages. This much :)
Last reply by Anonim918282, -
Вот моя идея для Age of History 3: каналы Как известно, в мире существуют каналы, соединяющие моря (Суэцкое, Панамское и др.) Предлагаю добавить их в игру. Если кто-то контролирует провинцию вокруг канала, он может потребовать деньги за проход. Если вы не заплатите, вы не сможете плыть по каналу. Через канал могут проходить только гражданские суда (думаю, хорошо заниматься торговлей) Так же предлагаю возможность отключить канал в редакторе сценариев (потому что какой-то Суэц не может существовать в Средневековье) Войска могут проходить через канал, но медленнее.
Last reply by Abusha, -
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So, this is an idea I've had while responding to some comments on my youtube channel (@muzicantaoc). This is not a suggestion but a question directly addressing @Łukasz Jakowski, noob game dev (me) to pro game dev (Łukasz). Could we got more specific details on what kind of multiplayer will be available? LAN (Same network, multiple devices) where the wifi modem or a server like on OpenTTD or most paradox games, on which the technical details I'm not aware of but I believe it works somewhat similar to a star network (?). But basically anyone anywhere on any device could connect? Possibly even including a checksum or similar system for mod/version compability? Or p…
Last reply by mysta, -
- 4 replies
With multiplayer, the game can be a much more interesting and active game. If it remains like Aoh2, we will get bored of the game in a month or two. We are waiting for this game to be multiplayer.
Last reply by mysta, -
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In Age of History 3, if special structures such as the Colosseum and the Kaaba, as well as special natural structures such as the Pink Lake in Australia or Pamukkale in Turkey, are added to the game, this will further diversify the game. I think it would be great if this feature came to Age of history 3
Last reply by Murat1480, -
- 1 reply
In Age of Civilization 2, the Republic of China is a fascist regime of the Qing Dynasty. This makes very little sense, if the ROC changed his polity he would become the Qing Dynasty. So I would like to separate the two tags. I will provide their separate flags. this is the flag of Qing,I put pictures together with historical evidence. This flag can be used for the general government of the Qing Dynasty. And the flag of the monarchy type uses the already existing yellow dragon flag. This flag, on the other hand, served as the flag of the fascist government of the Qing Dynasty, which was known as the Manchurian Empire. This flag could be the flag …
Last reply by 桑榆不是鱼, -
- 3 replies
Whenever I play Aoh2, I love building and investing in every single province. The problem with that is that the more provinces you get, the more time it takes because you have to invest in each province individually. What if, instead, you could unite a bunch of provinces into one state/region, so you'd just invest into all the provinces inside that region with one click? For example, you're playing with russia and have 1000 provinces so you cant build in every single one of them. But, if you unite a bunch of provinces into their own regions, you now have 30 regions, so it would only take 30 clicks to build all the 1000 buildings in each province.
Last reply by BIGCHUNGUS, -
- 2 replies
I propose colonial expansion/expansion in case of its announcement, relations with some countries will deteriorate, as well as countries may be against expansion / colonial expansion, they can create a coalition against the state that announced expansion / colonial expansion, the purpose of which may be the neutralization of the former country that announced expansion, or to seize the occupied territories during expansion or weaken the aggressor-country.
Last reply by BIGCHUNGUS, -
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Hello Łukasz, I hope you see this idea for your game. Casus Belli: The casus belli must be created to declare war for various reasons, which may be to conquer the territory, make it a vassal or, on the contrary, liberate it from another nation. annexation system: When a neighboring country is smaller than us and we have a 75+ opinion with it, it will ask us to be annexed by us but for this to happen we will have to have at least 10 more provinces and our neighbor must …
Last reply by Sleier, -
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Last reply by gran germaniaball, -
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As the title suggests, this'll be everything we need Mod making/Scenario making wise for AoH3. I'll try to be in depth, and clear. I'll also organize it in different groups. So, lets begin! Leader Customization Leaders should, without a doubt, be far more Customizable. And, i have a few ideas. 1. More Advanced Buffs/Debuffs (Traits) - AoC2 has this, but it's pretty simplistic. In the new game, it should be far more advanced, similarly to Hoi4. So for example, there could be a 'Charismatic' trait, which improves improving relations. Or, as a negative trait, you could have 'Selfish', and have a debuff to gold earning. 2. Leader Descriptions…
Last reply by Historia, -
- 0 replies
Hi Lukas, please, create all the follow systems like victoria 2: a crisis system between great powers , a influence system from great powers that can influence minor countries that are not great power, a great economic system, infamy system and a casus bellis system.
Last reply by Ryzer, -
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Islamic expansions 1830 1700 1400 1000 900 500 40 0 -60
Last reply by DBABI DZ, -
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I propose to divide the puppet states into several parts: (for example) I. They will have many rights, despite vassalage, and may even be able to get involved in wars. II. They cannot declare wars (to them either) and they are limited by several rights. III. They transfer part of their industry and the player has the opportunity to take the province away from this country (but she will have a desire to rebel). IV. Almost a part of the country - you can ban them from having an army, change their ideology, and so on (in addition, 50% of their industry is transferred to the overlord). Also, I want to suggest making a bunch of names for these four par…
Last reply by Uksus147, -
Mr. Lukaz, I know you are busy, but can you tell us about the navy? I know it could be done with mods, but I think it needs to be in the base game, please think about it.
Last reply by gabo4040, -
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Fog of war like eu4
Last reply by useruseruser, -
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Hi Lukasz. We age of history players are eagerly waiting for news about navies and multiplayer features. Of course we know how busy you are and we don't expect detailed explanations from you right away. What we would like is a little bit of information on these topics, because navies are vital for this game, and multiplayer is an important element for the game to reach new audiences and compete with other strategy games. I know you will see this article, good work.
Last reply by mysta, -
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Is it possible for lukasz to add events that hard code themselves into the game after being added via the in-game editor?
Last reply by Shiite,